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To all of you who are Polish - where did you learn English?

zoogle  6 | 44  
26 Mar 2008 /  #31
Do you speak Polish with an accent though? I know many people who stopped speaking Polish at a young age - even at home - and now they either cannot speak Polish any more or they speak it with a terrible accent. I'm not suggesting you have an accent, just wondering.

I stopped speaking polish regularly as a child also and do not have an accent. I do however structure my sentences backwards as I think in english.
Svenski  1 | 159  
27 Mar 2008 /  #32
Is it possible to take English as a course in school / high school?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
27 Mar 2008 /  #33
It's almost impossible not to.

Or do you mean as an adult learner ?
Svenski  1 | 159  
27 Mar 2008 /  #34
do you mean as an adult learner ?

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
27 Mar 2008 /  #35
Most pupils/students learn English at school.

Most adults go private companies/schools.

Both... adults and children might take private lessons [in someones home]
Svenski  1 | 159  
27 Mar 2008 /  #36
oh ok.. thanks Wroclaw. I know that English was taught in (what used to be west germany) for years but not in what used to be East Germany until after reunification there. I was curious about how it was in Poland :-)
SouthOfDaThames  - | 87  
27 Mar 2008 /  #37
Where did you learn your perfect English?

At school, and on road :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
27 Mar 2008 /  #38
i learned English in middle school. i was immersed in it as nobody spoke my language there. everybody in the class was from a different place in this world so we all had to swim.

i think reading and looking up every single word i didn't know expanded my understanding and vocabulary. i've always took pride in trying to pronounce words in the natives' way. most people think i am from canada or one of the northern states. nobody ever guesses PL. lol.. untill the hear my name, that is. :D
El Gato  4 | 351  
27 Mar 2008 /  #39
To all of you who are Polish - where did you learn English?

This crazy place called America...
David_18  65 | 966  
1 Apr 2008 /  #40
Where did you learn your perfect English?

in tha school menz.......Where did you learn english if i may ask?
Crow  154 | 9561  
3 Apr 2008 /  #41
in Serbia
dziadek  3 | 64  
14 Apr 2008 /  #42
Started learning english in kindergarden, then in the begining of the elementary school from cartoon network, a bit in the last classes of elementary, and currently in high school and by visiting english-only websites... i think that's all...
Hiro  - | 33  
14 Apr 2008 /  #43
Me speak no english
WayOutWest  - | 6  
16 Apr 2008 /  #44
Where did you learn your perfect English?

- Rambo movies!
Eurola  4 | 1898  
16 Apr 2008 /  #45
Mar 27, 08, 17:36 Report #38

i learned English in middle school. i was immersed in it as nobody spoke my language there. everybody in the class was from a different place in this world so we all had to swim.

I can identify myself with this one. Totally. It was a lot of fun.
17 Apr 2008 /  #46
I'm still learning and I have had no teacher. Maybe my English isn't perfect at all but I had to work on it on my own which was hell a lot of effort.

oh now I do have my English boyfriend as a teacher :D
gjene  15 | 203  
14 May 2008 /  #47
Strangely enough, I learned this crazy language while being raised in this mixed up country known as Canada. Much rather learn and use either German or Polish over French.
ChingisKhaan  - | 3  
18 May 2008 /  #48
I picked up English at around age 2 or so from a couple of my dad's graduate students in Vienna. (he was a visiting scholar teaching some seminar in linguistics at the time) In addition to that, my dad had a decent grasp of English, so we ended up speaking it on occasion when not speaking Polish or German.
Crnogorac  3 | 111  
20 May 2008 /  #49
oh now I do have my English boyfriend as a teacher :D

The best way of learning a "foreign tongue" is over the pillows :P
nataliabisous  - | 7  
26 May 2008 /  #50
the best way to learn the language is to throw yourself into a country where it is spoken....that way you will be forced to learn it....and learn it well, especially if you are younger. It took me about 2 months to master English (for a 4th grade level) when I was ten, not having been exposed to it previously....now 12 years later the problem is remaining fluent in Polish.
darek112  1 | 2  
26 May 2008 /  #51
i'm trying to learn polish lol any helpers
Firestorm  6 | 399  
26 May 2008 /  #52
I would be more than happy to help you practice. Or expand your english.
If any of you want..
Im not a teacher. But im a native englishman.(Not from london)
Overclocked  - | 3  
26 May 2008 /  #53
I honestly think English is the easiest language to learn.
janekb  - | 57  
27 May 2008 /  #54
the best way to learn the language is to throw yourself into a country where it is spoken....that way you will be forced to learn it....and learn it well, especially if you are younger. It took me about 2 months to master English (for a 4th grade level) when I was ten, not having been exposed to it previously....now 12 years later the problem is remaining fluent in Polish.

It is most likely the best way for children.
Another is to limit your language requirements, hands, grunts, and cussing help a lot. There is always ubiquitous f**k which is always very helpful.

Failing that check yourself to prison (pick the country you want to learn the language of). Admission is not easy, but not impossible. Make sure to commit crime giving you sentence suffiniently long to master your skills. Do not let people to fool you, you will need at least 3 years (I will recommend 5). Also choose the place where prisons are bearable. See the world and make new friends. Good luck on the new way of life and keep in touch.
Ziober  - | 5  
28 May 2008 /  #55
I'm learning at school but it's still not perfect.
Puzzy  1 | 150  
28 May 2008 /  #56
To all of you who are Polish - where did you learn English?

- In a myriad of places, undoubtedly.
c_a_r_o_l_i_n_e  - | 1  
7 Jun 2008 /  #57
I have studied English for 9 years now. I started at high school and then I subscribed to an intermediate course and studied quite a lot on my own. Currently I'm studying English Phylology and hopefully am going to be an english teacher. I love this language and learning it gives me so much pleasure. My dream is to be fluent.
esek  2 | 228  
7 Jun 2008 /  #58
I've been learning English for 3 or 4 years and still I do many mistakes... I hope that I will improve my English here - at least written :D well, i have to... I want to move to the UK for a year next year - lol does it make any sense? :)
Tamara  9 | 202  
7 Jun 2008 /  #59
I helped my husband learn and in the beginning we found that one of the easiest ways to learn was t watch cartoons on TV. I still correct him after 16 years but only when he gets lazy.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
7 Jun 2008 /  #60
one of the easiest ways to learn was t watch cartoons on TV.

lol. I've done that too! Viva Tom and Jerry! :)

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