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Etiquette at Polish weddings

15 Jul 2007 /  #1
I will be attending the wedding of a friend of mine in Poland later this year. What is the general etiquette for Polish weddings? I'm specifically looking for advice on dress code, gifts, wining and dining, etc.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
15 Jul 2007 /  #2
Much the same as any other country. Wear your best bib 'n' tucker. Find out if they want a gift or cash. [some couples would rather have cash] They will provide the booze.

Main point: Polish weddings can last two days and sometimes more.
Michael_31 - | 8  
15 Jul 2007 /  #3
They will provide the booze

Best piece of info I have read all day ;)
Lonman 4 | 109  
13 Sep 2007 /  #4
I have the same question about wedding etiquette. I am attending a wedding of a girl I met in 2002. She is marrying a German guy.

I have a suit and will look great. The wedding invitaion specified donation to charity instead of flowers.

What about a gift? I am from the USA, but traveling in the Near East right now. What can I pick up in Poland or should I just give cash? If so how much?

I have also been asked to say a prayer. Is a Protestant wedding service.
plk123 8 | 4120  
13 Sep 2007 /  #5
Best piece of info I have read all day ;)

and you better not dare to turn any down. lol.. i'd say prictice quite a bit before the wedding.. poles are fish when it comes to wodka. ;)
davidpeake 14 | 451  
13 Sep 2007 /  #6
I think by no flowers, that is a common tradition to give flowers at the church after the service, so i think they want a donation to a charity instead of that, so i think a cash gift for an actual present is ok, if you understand all that.
Lonman 4 | 109  
14 Sep 2007 /  #7
Thanks for the tip about the flower comment. My friend wrote me a note in English, though of course the hand made invitation is all in Polish. :)

Ill just role with it on game day. I have read more on weddings and sounds like the dinner afterwards is fun! Some suggested mixing in some water shots so can hang later into the night... thought was good idea.
island1 - | 16  
18 Sep 2007 /  #8
I have read more on weddings and sounds like the dinner afterwards is fun!

I attended a traditional Polish wedding a couple of weeks back - a few pointers:

1. Everyone lines up after the ceremony to congratulate the couple individually, this is the time to give gifts/flowers etc. and to roll out your best pre-rehearsed Polish phrase.

2. When they say 'the wedding lasts two days' what they actually mean is that you go back to the same place on the second evening and essentially repeat the meal - it doesn't actually last 48 hours (may seem obvious, but you can't be too careful).

3. When they say 'dancing' they mean proper old-school dancing with lots of couples twirling about and doing fancy steps - not the random leaping around in a darkened room that passes for dancing in my neck of the woods.

4. When they say 'drink' they mean vodka - but there are rules. Don't drink unless invited to by others or unless you can pull of inviting others to join you in a drink. Read my blog post 'Drinking in Poland - the Truth.'

5. When they say 'food' they mean heaps and heaps of delicious meaty grub that just keeps coming and coming until you lay on the floor and beg for mercy.

plk123 8 | 4120  
18 Sep 2007 /  #9
'Drinking in Poland - the Truth.'

lol.. too funny. :D
island1 - | 16  
18 Sep 2007 /  #10
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it!
Lonman 4 | 109  
20 Sep 2007 /  #11
'Drinking in Poland - the Truth.'

A excellent blog.... Interesting comments on many levels and did leave me smiling. Also I will be in London next week and plan to hit a pub or two so will no doubt be able to validate your comments, which I am pretty sure are near right on.

Now I am not sure if I should be scared by the idea of going to the wedding... As an honerd guest (from USA) Im sure I will be a focus and offered many toasts. My friend who is the bride and marrying a German talked about a lot of drinking with friends when they got there license in Germany in August. So who know if we have a room full of Pols and Germans what will happen!

Also I will be in Krakow on the 29th solo until I meet my Polish friend on the 30th and get taken south for the week. Let me know if you are game for a pint with an American who is thinking about staying in Poland for awhile. Currently in Lebanon where being a politcian is a ticket to a car bomb. So Poland and its quirks sound nice. I'll drop you a PM but not sure if that is working right.

Once again great post Island1 and look forward to reading some more.
island1 - | 16  
21 Sep 2007 /  #12
Glad you enjoyed it Lonman. Ah, how I envy you the opportunity to pop into a London pub *sigh*

See you in Krak

Perhaps you will enjoy batorego.wordpress.com/2007/09/20/ten-things-i-love-about-poland
Lonman 4 | 109  
21 Sep 2007 /  #13
Perhaps you will enjoy 10 Things I Love About Poland

I really like #9.... though I hope there wasn't any order to this list. ALL is a must read list. Yup looking forward to London... and with my USD will be a very expense beer and jacket potato...

See you in Krak(ow).


Any insights Polish Weddings?

Hey, Anyone got any insights to polish weddings?
Me (Scottish) and my finacée (Polish) are looking to get married next year. We're just wondering how to deal with the language barrier for my family and friends. For instance we don't want them left out when people start polish singing or what not. Also any ideas for the band?

I'm sure you'll all get along ok (especially with a little help from vodka :D). I've seen weddings between foreigners and once the liquor flows good times follow. Everyone will dance because it's fun. I wouldn't sweat the minor things. Gratulacje!!
cube 2 | 39  
17 Oct 2007 /  #14
'Drinking in Poland - the Truth.'

Haha...very good...made me laugh :D
sylvia001 3 | 5  
9 May 2009 /  #15
I attended a traditional Polish wedding a couple of weeks back – a few pointers

so that's it huh? thank you - i am so relieved!

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