^^ yes, seems a lynch mob is forming.
Doda - Blasphemy?
time means 5 | 1309
14 Aug 2009 / #32
If she needs sanctuary to flee her persecutors she can stop at my house :-)
What are going to do now? Kill her? lol
for all we know, she may be getting stoned at this very moment
14 Aug 2009 / #34
There was someone else on these forums who earlier said something among the lines of "see, Poland has these things called laws, and those who do not follow these laws are in no position to later complain", which I find quite agreeable and applicable to this current situation.
Perhaps you could point to the factual errors in the statement "The bible was written by someone who drank hot wine and herbs”?
i guess telling the truth or having an opinion in poland, is now illegal..
well, no worse than other countries... where is real freedom of speech allowed?
Pan Kazimierz 1 | 195
14 Aug 2009 / #37
I would have thought secularity was a precondition to get in to the EU?
Irrelevant; freedom of speech is not.
what was illegal about it. link or stfu.
The fact that it broke the law? I'm not entirely sure what kind of link you want, but here's one in English relating a similar incident:
In predominantly Catholic Poland, offending religious feelings is punishable by up to two years in prison.
Perhaps you could point to the factual errors in the statement "The bible was written by someone who drank hot wine and herbs"?
I'm not sure why I should, but: neither I nor anyone else can prove that the Bible was written by any one person, since that would require that it was written by God, which would by extension make it not at all hard to believe. Thus factual error must exist in the statement somewhere; take your pick of just where.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11926
14 Aug 2009 / #38
In predominantly Catholic Poland, offending religious feelings is punishable by up to two years in prison.
Reminds me about the muslim reactions about the danish cartoons...makes me feel uncomfortable to say at least!
I hope Poles get over it soon...
14 Aug 2009 / #39
Reminds me about the muslim reactions about the danish cartoons...makes me feel uncomfortable to say at least!
Comparing Catholics to Muslims? That's hugely insulting to Catholics everywherre! Stone him!
14 Aug 2009 / #40
i guess telling the truth or having an opinion in poland, is now illegal..
second that... and they're claiming to be a free country lol, hilarious.
Pan Kazimierz 1 | 195
14 Aug 2009 / #41
Comparing Catholics to Muslims? That's hugely insulting to Catholics everywherre! Stone him!
Why does your sarcasm not surprise me, despite your support of the decision to fine a woman for calling someone the derogatory word for a homosexual, or indignation at lack of legal action against Rydzyk? Probably because most people are only fans of free speech so long as it aligns with their own views, I suppose.
I can look it up for you:
thanks, only just seen it...
In predominantly Catholic Poland, offending religious feelings is punishable by up to two years in prison.
close enough. thanks
I hope Poles get over it soon...
agreed. this is just weird but i can see it while Rydzyk spews his BS.
So, do you think she has gone too far this time... or are the Poles over-reacting?
She is just spewing here religious tolerance.
While public TV also compete in the market and their management have the right to decide about personal policy. Politicians which always control this company claim that public TV realizing some kind of cultural mission. That is how they force taxpayers to pay for it. Of course this is a joke, how could they employ such people like Doda at the first place?
Never thought Poland was a religious-taliban state...what's next?
Said a self-proclaimed Germanic pagan! :)
She likes pushing the boundaries, but that is about all she really does, well besides showing off her body and speaking rubbish most of the time. I don't want to generalize but if she is so intelligent (high IQ ) why is she making a fool of herself? I guess she has nothing else to offer.
It appears that she is one of the stupidest pop-stars around. Notice that such people very rarely talk about such issues, because they want to gather the biggest publicity possible.
The article about religious tolerance is stupid but this is funny how brainless doll who try to stir controversy by all means is defended by so many. While the fact that Polish public TV never invite representatives of non-parliamentary parties to political debates remains widely unnoticed and nobody loudly cry about lack of freedom of speech in publicly financed company. What is the reason of such double standards? It is because majority of people is mentally on the level of tabloids?
as long as she does not offend others...
She's a crap singer/entertaner so she goes out of her way to offend people!!!...to get noticed!
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11926
14 Aug 2009 / #46
It is because majority of people is mentally on the level of tabloids?
For that I would had gotten a nekkid photo of her by now at least...
szkotja2007 27 | 1497
14 Aug 2009 / #47
Doda drinks Irn Bru - she's cool.