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Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade?

1st generation  
12 Apr 2007 /  #91
Good point Matyasz. That is why we have so many 3rd generation children participating.
daffy  22 | 1153  
12 Apr 2007 /  #92
I think that in order to appreciate polish culture many will have to lose it for some time. Sad but true.

applicable to irish culture too. Its a new irish culture today, i dont hate it at all but its defo not the old irish culture.

in fact, i like many of the new culture, the lower drinking habits for one
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
13 Apr 2007 /  #93
Wow, this miranda, what a grand expert on Polish subjects she is! :)
Frank  23 | 1183  
13 Apr 2007 /  #94
I agree with hullo. Thay come here, steal our land saying to us :"You will get better". Thats the highest hypority Ive ever seen, GO HOME ENGLISH we dont want you here.

Is there and echo in this forum.........

echo in this forum........


Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Apr 2007 /  #95
Good point Matyasz. That is why we have so many 3rd generation children participating.

I think that it's sad that a lot of people don't teach their children their mother tongue. I think that later on those kids and their kids really miss out because of that. But than again it's great that those people later do some research about their roots.

Poland, just like almost the whole world, is now under the influence of globalization, so a lot of youngsters value higher 50 cent and American rap/hip hop culture over Warsaw Village Band and polish culture. It's a pity. Still, people don't like to be just like the rest of the world, so sooner or later there’s going to be a major come back to polish culture.
1st generation  
14 Apr 2007 /  #96
Too bad that the worst American music is being exported. Middle class blacks even don't like the messages that it sends toward women. My children like the beat and I try to choose music without the objectionable lyrics. Some rock is good like Chris Daughtry. There is good Christian hip-hop by Toby Mac with excellent and positive words. Christian rock is very popular because people are just tired of all the negative music. Try Third Day , Lifehouse or Jars of Clay. Most of the rap is bought by white kids in the suburbs who just like acting like thugs.
GrandTour 2007  
28 Apr 2007 /  #97
e smart people in Poland are becoming very rich

the lazy and dumb are becoming poorer

This so very true witek - In my experience many of the "smart" ones are those who have lived abroad, have seen how the *system" works in other places and understand how this can be applied to Poland today.

Good on them. They are the ones who will take Poland forward to where it rightly deserves to be. The others will hold it back and the past they claim to hate but are too frightened to leave behind.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Apr 2007 /  #98
Re: 'The others will hold it back and the past they claim to hate but are too frightened to leave behind.'

- Who, and what specific facts do you mean in the above sentence? Who claims to hate the past but is too frightened 'to leave behind' (sic)? What specific past? Any concrete facts here?

GrandTour 2007  
28 Apr 2007 /  #99
I am not able to provide concrete proof for you here Puzzler and am only expressing my own personal opinion and interpretation of what I have witnessed.

A significant number of the young, and not so young Poles I have met in Poland display similar attitudes as those that ola123 and hullo seem to be expressing, which I interpret in the way you have quoted me.

Although, that said, that posters here are expressing these view could be taken as 'concrete facts' :)
28 Apr 2007 /  #100
Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade?

Back to the topic. Wake up, you lunatic.
GrandTour 2007  
28 Apr 2007 /  #101
Are you yet another Pole, displaying your national traits, or just a bit of a pillock?
Great Leader  
28 Apr 2007 /  #102
if they like 50 cent and other gangster rap crap thy are just stupid idiots who should be sent to the bronx to work there
espana  17 | 951  
28 Apr 2007 /  #103
this one is better? sure it is

  • jo.jpg
28 Apr 2007 /  #104
Are you yet another Pole, displaying your national traits, or just a bit of a pillock?

You know nothing about modern Poland. As an American living in this country I can say something about it. You all are totaly wrong.
OP miranda  
28 Apr 2007 /  #105
28 Apr 2007 /  #106
I got inspired by some of the forum memebers who, for some reason, due to many factors express a lot of denial when it comes to Polish reality.

Why denoial?
29 Apr 2007 /  #107
This reminds me of an incident when I was out visiting my girlfriend (she is polish, I am english)... She lives in Poznan, which was once the stage of the Olympic watersports, held at the artificial lake 'Malta'...

When I was there with a friend, we were reading about the history of the region and it turns out that the Lake was dug by the Germans during the war... This seemed strange to me that the Germans would take some time out from invading the country to construct an artificial lake that is about half a kilometre long and only about 5 metres deep...

I have since asked many Poznan citizens if they thought this was a strange thing for them to be doing, and I raised concern that it might have had a more sinister purpose...

Whenever I have mentioned it, everyone has just shrugged it off, almost as a taboo subject... Perhaps if there is any modern 'denial' in Polish culture that might be where it springs from...?

Coincidentally Hitler spent a lot of the war living in Poznan... Another thing that most Poznan citizens readily deny...
GrandTour 2007  
29 Apr 2007 /  #108
As an American

You probably know very little at all. Are you sure you are in Poland, did you check the map?


You all are totaly wrong.

As an American, and therefore an expert at being totally wrong, I feel obliged to accept your opinion
Poker face  
29 Apr 2007 /  #109
As an American, and therefore an expert at being totally wrong, I feel obliged to accept your opinion

You can laugh and make jokes, but nothing justifies american ingorance.
Ignorance - american national trade.
Yoshi  - | 60  
14 Apr 2009 /  #110
I generally like living here, but there are certain things way too much for me.

I've lived in a few different countries, and every country has some bureaucratic troubles. Indeed, Japanese bureaucracy is quite awful. But, I've never experiensed anything like what I've found in Poland.

I've taken a simple amateur radio equipment with me from the UK, for which I have a British/EU licence. I thought about applying for a Polish one, although not quite necessary, and realised that I need a written letter of permission from my landlord. I've never experienced anything like this anywhere. It's almost like from another planet. What has Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej got to do with my landlord's f-cking business?

I went to a local whatever office to have my meldunek sorted when I came to Krakow. I went there with a very helpful Polish lady from the HR department and also with loads of stupid pieces of paper, only to see some really rude, stupid and incompetent retards. This means that the general public really tolerate such behaviour. Had it been in tokyo, local governments would've been flooded by phone calls from outraged local residents.

Another thing is a really high concentration of low-life hillbillies.

Some grown-up adults immitate the Chinese next to me. Are they f-cking morons or what? What the hell a bunch of adult men thinking while behaving like that is really beyond me. Is an Oriental man so f-cking rare in Poland because nobody wants to live here or what? Is it commendable to be moronic in this country?

Some retards "tried" to hit me while shouting "white power". So, it somewhat turned my swich on. After some short and very loud bursts of Mancunian verbal abuse, they said, "Sorry" and walked away. Don't they have balls? Aren't they ashamed of being rightwings and having no balls at all? White power? What the hell? If you are so damn great, why did you flood my neighbourhood in stinking Levenshulme, where people usually try to run away from?

Thankfully, my colleagues are really nice and educated (Polish) people.
14 Apr 2009 /  #111
some of the forum memebers who (...) due to many factors express a lot of denial

It's not denial... we're just very selective about the reality we accept lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2009 /  #112
The good old flip side, LOL
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Apr 2009 /  #113
lot of denial when it comes to Polish reality.

How do you know that your polish reality perception is the right one?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
14 Apr 2009 /  #114
Some retards "tried" to hit me while shouting "white power". So, it somewhat turned my swich on. After some short and very loud bursts of Mancunian verbal abuse, they said, "Sorry" and walked away. Don't they have balls? Aren't they ashamed of being rightwings and having no balls at all? White power? What the hell? If you are so damn great, why did you flood my neighbourhood in stinking Levenshulme, where people usually try to run away from?

They thought you were Vietnamese or Chinese, but of course it does not change the fact that they haven't sorted a few things in their minds
14 Apr 2009 /  #115
Those of us who live in Poland and experience Polish reality have two choices either deny what is going on or drink vodka. During the week I live in denial and at the weekend I get really f@cking drunk.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
14 Apr 2009 /  #116
During the week I live in denial and at the weekend I get really f@cking drunk.

Sounds like a plan. Maybe over time the denial phase can be wound down ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2009 /  #117
If it's a trade, I'm in. If it's a trait, I'm out ;)

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