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Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade?

RazZ 1 | 180  
25 Mar 2007 /  #61
Ok lets face it the government is bad, why blame the foreigner, isn’t he/she there to make a living for him self and help boost the economy. It’s the same everywhere. People go abroad for better future for them self and we can’t blame them if there government is not providing them anything. And there are some who just thinks that there is no life in there respective countries (lazy ass people). I do agree with Lonestranger, that [b]everyone - be it English, Arab, African or Asian should be given same respect as any other polish person LIVING AND WORKING in Poland or any other country AND HAVING FAMILY here.[/b] And give a helping hand to develop that particular country. So they have every right to be there and be called a citizen of that particular country
daffy 23 | 1,500  
25 Mar 2007 /  #62
GO HOME ENGLISH we dont want you here

that IS a racist comment. An example of what we talked about ola

LS, if you feel there is something not racist about this i would have to question your ability ti be impartial

I would say the same if someone was saying GO HOME POLISH. its still racist.

Go fix your gov't ola if you dont like it - but you dont need to be xenophobic to effect the change you wish
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
25 Mar 2007 /  #63
ola123 & hullo

LoneStranger 3 | 382  
25 Mar 2007 /  #64
if you feel there is something not racist

I said that she need more control over herself! Probably she is abit frustrated.

My friend, I am impartial. But I was refering to her remaining post. The parts which were like as you quoted were avoided by me. I avoided them due to a simple reason, which is the realisation of her frustration.

I have seen more youths (who will come ahead and help anyone regardless of their race and nationality any day) say like that at a certain period of time and not mean it. Ola, in her later posts, does say that she dont have any problem for people on any nationality living and working in Poland - and calling it their home. She only doesnt want the commercial buying of properties, and thus manpulation the real state market (or the reaction which makes the prices go high). For this she blames the British who live in England, work there, and only come Poland to buy off the properties (booking it early, and paying any price) and then selling it or using it for commercial benefits. All this while housing is the biggest problem in Poland currently.

Yes, he post only shows the problem, and not the right solution. But for that reason if you go after her, then you are actually going after a huge number of Polish youths (maybe surprising, but a very strong fact).

As I have said before... This problem is no caused by the British only, but also other wealthy nations. The wealthy Polish is building the property for the foreighn market these days... you will be surprised on how much interested they are on the ordinary Polish.

The wealthy is getting more wealthy (a very small number in Poland), and the lower earning society (with all its levels) are soon realising that having a home is becoming an illusive dream (which might even never be fulfilled)!

Again, I have mentioned that our Govt. must take steps in reforms and taxations. To bring forward limitations and better laws. Our policies are supposed to be according to our needs and requirements. If the current Govt. fails in this, then I see a very painful situation in Poland soon - which will eventually bring Poland back to its citizens.

Nothing here is about violence. Just sometimes we come infront of misdirected anger/emotions. Let us not take them as hatred, but I suggest we try to find the reason and solution to our problems.

For Ola... I would say...she needs time. She is not a bad person at all. I hope she will be able to gather herself soon :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
25 Mar 2007 /  #65
the very rights that allow a small number of overseas investors buy a small amount of polish real estate are the self same rights that allow hoards of poles to overwhelm other european countries in search of labour - you take away one, you take away the other - one side starts issueing warnings about consequences then this will be followed by the other

at the moment, the overwhelming number of poles that have descended on the uk in just a couple of short years are largely welcome - i would hate to think how attitudes might change if the limited number of uk visitors and investors to poland started to experience the negativity that we are being warned is coming our way...

property investors, i imagine, would just sit back and let values accumulate, with annual rent rises, tourists would find some other local economy to support with their hard currency, english teachers providing younger generations with the communication skills they need to survive in the outside world would pack bags and leave for more profitable climes... and the hundreds of thousands of poles that would be forced back to their home land... what of them...?

oh well
OP miranda  
25 Mar 2007 /  #66

you are fortunately dealing with the minory here when it comes to being anti-foreign. Ola and other people are not the policy makers when it comes to investments in Poland be it real-estate or other bussiness.

To my knowlgde there are lot of Polish people who are doing bussiness with foreigners and they are busy working.

Why worry about a small number, who screams the loudest?
LoneStranger 3 | 382  
25 Mar 2007 /  #67
To my knowlgde there are lot of Polish people who are doing bussiness with foreigners and they are busy working.


But house/home is not the same issue as working abroad or just working. It is a difference issue.

One needs to see the reality of Poland closely.

People are not anti-foreign. It is about an internal change that people are looking towards.

However, if you want to think that this is just a minority who is thinking like this. Then you are free to think that way, but it is not important that you are correct thinking like that.

the very rights that allow a small number of overseas investors buy a small amount of polish real estate are the self same rights that allow hoards of poles to overwhelm other european countries in search of labour - you take away one, you take away the other

Working abroad, buying shares in the market, buying industries/factories etc is certainly different than buying real states. A flat/house is supposed to be home for someone. This makes a real state different than other categories of business and work. A flat/house is very (too much) closely linked to a persons emotions.

Why worry about a small number, who screams the loudest?

I also think the same way. But only when it is a small number. It the number is big, then we should think (instead of worrying). Thinking and discussing freely is a human virtue. If the reality is not what we want it to be, even then it is still a reality.

How can I turn my face away from it when I can see clearly that this thought DOES exist in the Polish Youth and it is growing everyday?

I again say, there is no uncomfortable feeling that I share for anyone here... I would like to say: All of you (and I mean all) are dear people, FRIENDS! ... but if there is a certain issue breeding in Poland (specially the Polish youth in universities), then it just is!...

However... I do resent all words and sentences which have went to far as to hurt feelings.

Kind Regards,

OP miranda  
25 Mar 2007 /  #68

I never said that the world is fair:)
Bartolome 2 | 1,085  
25 Mar 2007 /  #69
The estate merchants can't rise their prices limitlessly, for there won't be any market for their 'wares' eventually. Poland is going through the 'boom' of economic emmigration (many people go abroad to earn as much as possible and then return and buy a house or a flat), but it may end some day. Then all those estate agents may end up with loads of properties with no clients for them.
OP miranda  
25 Mar 2007 /  #70
Good point Bartolome,
that happen in Canada 2 years ago. Everybody was in a frenzy (including me) of buying. My banker told me to calm down and think really hard. I did. It was the best advise ever:). Smart guy:).
daffy 23 | 1,500  
25 Mar 2007 /  #71
, does say that she dont have any problem for people on any nationality living and working in Poland - and calling it their home. She only doesnt want the commercial buying of properties, and thus manpulation the real state market (or the reaction which makes the prices go high). For this she blames the British who live in England, work there, and only come Poland to buy off the properties (booking it early, and paying any price) and then selling it or using it for commercial benefits. All this while housing is the biggest problem in Poland currently.

Ola is a part of the problem if she cannot communicate her rational, linear, logical objection an idea/situation. her comments are inciteful to hatred against people going about their everydays.

Yes, he post only shows the problem, and not the right solution. But for that reason if you go after her, then you are actually going after a huge number of Polish youths (maybe surprising, but a very strong fact).

I know a huge number of Polish youths from my home city, Wroclaw and at others besides. It is only the 2 here that ive ever met have such sentiments worded with hatred.

we all hate the fact we cannot afford homes in our countries (and the rich get rich no matter there are ireland or poland (and ive seen many mercs and flashy cars in poland -with Polish registrations - too many for them to be all blow ins or foreign investors)

I have no objections or 'beef' against frustration. I can appreciate it as i am frustrated to about my own housing market for eg. but i will not lower myself to racism and 'warnings' to foreigners.
LoneStranger 3 | 382  
25 Mar 2007 /  #72
i will not lower myself to racism and 'warnings' to foreigners.

This is good.

It is only the 2 here that ive ever met have such sentiments worded with hatred.

That is the point. Hatred nd inciteful wording come out of mouths which are no more in control by the brain, or inspired by the heart. Such instances occur with people who have given up with the situation...and people who are momentarily frustrated. She seemed frustrated to me...

Wroclow is one of our better cities. I am happy to hear that they are very satisfied. Although as far as I know, not many people are satisfied.

flashy cars in poland -with Polish registrations - too many for them to be all blow ins or foreign investors

Ofcourse we have rich people...too rich! There is economic imbalance. The lions share of Poles are not anywhere near them. I wonder if you will agree to this...

Have a nice time. Good luck.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
25 Mar 2007 /  #73
I got inspired by some of the forum memebers who, for some reason, due to many factors express a lot of denial when it comes to Polish reality.

What posters do you have in mind Miranda? Polak? LS? Ola123? Could you give some examples, because I can't find those posters and those posts that you are talking about? On contrary, I see a lot of posts that try to show Poland as a third world country. I think that a more interesting topic would be "Why people (notice I didn't limit it only to poles) like to put every view in to extreme?"

I just wanted to open a disscussion and not to show Poland as a b&w country for that matter. My intention was to bring attention to issues people in Poland are struggling with, especially during the transition times. If the country has a large group of young people living for EU in order to seek a different life, or to simply make some money and return, there will be some consequences - good, bad and somewhere in between.

I don't see what one has to do with the other. :(

PS: I know that your not trying to bash Poland so please don't take it as a personal attack on your person.
OP miranda  
25 Mar 2007 /  #74

Just a short comment, since I really don't have the time (no, I am not trying to avoid anything here).

I would love to see you create a new thread, with an interesting topic. I deliver what I can:) in a given situation.

I am aware that I don't make myself clear at times, so I will definately take more time in the future before creating a new topic:). Do I need to e-mail you the draft?

Now I am going to ponder of the meaning of" don't take it personally, but.....":)
daffy 23 | 1,500  
25 Mar 2007 /  #75
try to show Poland as a third world country

i see poland as a country where it seems only the polish cannot see the strength and oppurtunity it has! everytime im over there its better each time!

and poland WAS classified as a second world status in the 1990's but thats all changed and Poland is on course to become one of the LARGEST and STRONGEST economies in the EU

which i look forward too :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
25 Mar 2007 /  #76
if you cant go to the kitchen, turn on the tap and run yourself a glass of clean drinking water then you are not in a first world country
OP miranda  
25 Mar 2007 /  #77

just a simple statistics here: I have created 24 new threads, you: 1:)
daffy 23 | 1,500  
25 Mar 2007 /  #78
if you cant go to the kitchen, turn on the tap and run yourself a glass of clean drinking water then you are not in a first world country

erm, france, spain, italy. All recommend you dont drink there tap water..... maybe we could use a different standard :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
25 Mar 2007 /  #79
maybe we could use a different standard


youve just reinforced my point :)
daffy 23 | 1,500  
25 Mar 2007 /  #80
HAHA!! oooooo i can see frenchforums, italianforums and spanishforums converge on BWoo's house!

cheeky chap!

on a serious note. Poland's infrastructure has undeniably benefited from EU funding and will continue to do until it is of a standard the same across the EU.

This is so cool!!!! Ireland loved it and benefitted!!! we could use a little more cheer and optimism!!! this is great for poland and the EU!!
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
25 Mar 2007 /  #81

just a simple statistics here: I have created 24 new threads, you: 1

Maybe just one, but a damn good one! :)

Just a short comment, since I really don't have the time (no, I am not trying to avoid anything here).

I didn’t doubt it for a second. Looking forward for your proper answer.

if you cant go to the kitchen, turn on the tap and run yourself a glass of clean drinking water then you are not in a first world country

I don't care if Poland is a first or second world country. What I know is that it definitely isn't a third world one.

Did it sound rude? I hope not as it wasn't mine intention. Just to set the record straight. :)
1 Apr 2007 /  #82
Bartolome wrote,

"The estate merchants can't rise their prices limitlessly, for there won't be any market for their 'wares' eventually. Poland is going through the 'boom' of economic emmigration (many people go abroad to earn as much as possible and then return and buy a house or a flat), but it may end some day. Then all those estate agents may end up with loads of properties with no clients for them."

Bartek, as Poland's economy improves so will wages, living standards and real estate prices. In 10-15 years time wages in Poland will be comparible to wages in Canada, USA and England. If you think prices are high now in Krakow, Sopot or Warszawa then wait and see in 15 years time. Live and learn buddy.

Witek z Kanady
David_18 66 | 969  
1 Apr 2007 /  #83
Common people Poland rule, stop talk about Poland as it was in serious **** like ow my god people are leaving Poland so bad bad, In "reality" The ones who leave Poland often Send most of the money back to Poland, anyway.
1st generation  
11 Apr 2007 /  #84
Poland has a beautiful culture and family cohesiveness. Here in American, we try to keep the Polish tradition going. We have Polish dance groups, have a Polish Easter buffet(Swiecone), have a great Polish Fest and numerous Chopin competitions and concerts.

When young Poles come to the US to visit, they mock our attempts at preserving Polish culture. We understand that you want to appear current and reject the old fashioned Polish culture. But this is what other Americans see first. Then we show them other, newer parts of Polish culture.

The children who dance in our dance group are three generations removed from Poland. They sing Plynie Wisla and are happy to have an appreciation of Polish culture. So, please be proud of this beautiful culture. You might not have much money, but you have wonderful family values which have sustained you for so many centuries. It makes me proud that the Polish calvary defended the country on horseback. This is bravery and you should be proud. Niech zyje Polska!!
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
11 Apr 2007 /  #85
Poland has a beautiful culture and family cohesiveness. Here in American, we try to keep the Polish tradition going. We have Polish dance groups, have a Polish Easter buffet(Swiecone), have a great Polish Fest and numerous Chopin competitions and concerts.

Do you live in NY??? Lots of Polish culture there :)

It makes me proud that the Polish calvary defended the country on horseback. This is bravery and you should be proud

They weaved through the tanks throwing grenades down the barrels, then they fired at the infantry with handguns or rifles. Sometimes they ignored the tanks completely.

The thing is, 9 out of 10 times they won the fight. Without infantry support the tanks were easily picked off. We never charged tanks with swords and spears, for anyone who believes the old Nazi propaganda :)
11 Apr 2007 /  #86
I was on a visit in my homeland last summer and i didn't like what i saw, the difference between the poorest people and the richest is developing in the wrong direction. Same goes with the media controll, there like 3 guys from israel controlling 99% of polish media.
witek 1 | 587  
11 Apr 2007 /  #87
the smart people in Poland are becoming very rich :)

the lazy and dumb are becoming poorer:)
11 Apr 2007 /  #88
Witek, and even smarter are the zionist criminals, they first invented communism, and then used their own Lech Walesa (Lejba Kohne) to "fight" it in order to transfer 100% of the profitable biz totaly free of charge, and then resell it back to polish businessmen (smart people in Witeks terms).

Btw. I currently live in norway and i have absolutely no plans investing in poland, the economical situation is too unstable, mostly due to the very low Purchasing Power Parity.
1st generation  
11 Apr 2007 /  #89
No, the Midwest. But Chicago and surrrounding states have similar events.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
12 Apr 2007 /  #90
When young Poles come to the US to visit, they mock our attempts at preserving Polish culture. We understand that you want to appear current and reject the old fashioned Polish culture. But this is what other Americans see first. Then we show them other, newer parts of Polish culture.

Yeah, that really must hurt. Unfortunately Poles want to be western. Want to be Americanized. And I think that in order to appreciate polish culture many will have to lose it for some time. Sad but true.

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