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Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade?

daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #31
Which posts ?

the other topic in relation to 'warning foreigners about buying in poland' that there will be a revolution. (im summing it up here and being rather nice about it)
24 Mar 2007 /  #32
I never said that sweeteie, never. So dont put words in my throat. Thank you :).
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
24 Mar 2007 /  #33
well what were you warning me about ola?
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #34
So dont put words in my throat. Thank you .

your kidding? - you started a WHOLE thread about it!!!

warning about 'violance' and that you 'can't be held responsible for what happens to the poles who return from abroad and the foreigners who go to poland!!

do you want me to call over and walk you through your own posts?
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
24 Mar 2007 /  #35

So how's the day Ola? ... You are into university of finished it? ... you also gonna move out for jobs?

Why not try and do something into Poland my friend? ... although... it you think abroad is a good option...I can understand :).... by good lucks with you :)
24 Mar 2007 /  #36
Im very careful words I say so you cant accuse me of anything :). Never said anything about violence or reoulution :).

"warning about 'violance' and that you 'can't be held responsible for what happens to the poles who return from abroad and the foreigners who go to poland!!"

lol never said that
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #37
We dont want foreigners in Poland buying out our homes, go home english GO HOME and leave us alone. And dont tell me I didnt want you, Poles dont want you here bloody capitalists.

Dont be suprised with hostility towards foreigners buying our land . Beware .

Me, Grzegorz and there is all Poland hostile towards bloody foreign capitalists that steal our land.
Better dont buy land in Poland, just friendly warning.

We were sold by english to Russia and now they are buying our homes, lets stop them! GO HOME ENGLISH!

Ppl will get pissed. In fact ppl are pissed already now........ dont ask me what happens next because pissed crowd is unpredictable , not to mention pissed nation .

You are pathetic polish living outside country thinking that you can make good business buying properties in Poland..... I have less respect for people like you than for these foreigners because they are loyal to their homelands.

Pole is the worst enemy of a Pole. Thats old saying but too true.

Quoting: HULLO
Ola123 response:
I agree.

West sold us 50 years ago and destroyed our land so they should pay for it now. They havent done it yet and stealing our land is not making any good for them.

bub dont tell me I didnt warn you.

eh ola, did i misquote you? (all copied and pasted from your VARIOUS comments in the other thread! All very clear to what i said and NOT me putting words in your mouth - you said it.
24 Mar 2007 /  #38
So where did I use words revolutuion( used just a quote) or violence? hahahaha
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
24 Mar 2007 /  #39
but you told me not to tell you you didnt warn me ola... what are you warning me about...?
24 Mar 2007 /  #40
scared? good :) Stop buying my home and everything is ok.
OP miranda  
24 Mar 2007 /  #41
I want to know what you are warning Bubba about ?
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #42
So where did I use words revolutuion( used just a quote) or violence? hahahaha

oh i see, your crazy - you refuse to accept that your views are racist (go home english) - (im irish so i guess i can stay :))

you dont have to say 'revolution' to say 'i agree' (which you did :))

and correct me if im wrong - revolutions, are violent?

mmmm direct quotes not needed ola123. your actions and implications speak volumes for you.
And your pretty stupid to try hiding behind 'LITERAL' quotes (thinking your so smart for it too but its only yourself your fooling)
24 Mar 2007 /  #43
Im just saying that Poles may be not friendly when you arrive to see your 10 new apartments that you bought and rent them. Thats all and the rest is just your imagination. Im againt war and any violence so Id rather you didnt put words in my mouth.
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #44
you 'agreed' it was time for a revoltution

how is this supporting your declared opposition to violence?

is there some other kind if revolutionary style im not aware of?

id rather you were for peace and against violence, but the only pole i see advocating it is you and hullo, even LS and Greg are not so strong fisted in this pursuit you have.
24 Mar 2007 /  #45
I was thinking more about revolution in thinking and politics as I suggested restrictions in property market.
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #46
well we know it wasn't what hullo was advocating and you knew it too. You agreed to HULLO's defintion of revolution.

If you wish a thinking and political revolution, thats much better. However. Go home english, we dont want you here. Is still a racist view and not a politic i subscribe to and i would always stand up against this kind of statement as small minded xenophobia!

I do however, encourage you to learn economics and poltics as it may unveil to you, the reasons behind what is happening RE property markets. its a SMALL % is foreign investors. (smaller still the amount of that that are english specifically)

Your method's of 'warning' bubba and other foreigners are juvenile and a veil for your own, ill be polite and call it 'mistrust' of any one but poles who stay at home 9as you've object to those that go away and come back). Warning them against a thinking and political revolution is not needed (and dare i say, NOT what you were warning them about! be honest, at least with youtself)

The EU has helped, will continue to help, Poland will grow, will continue to grow.

proof? I need only point out my own country as exhibit A
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
24 Mar 2007 /  #47
Im just saying that Poles may be not friendly when you arrive to see your 10 new apartments that you bought and rent them

you have absolutely no idea about the way i work ola

so Id rather you didnt put words in my mouth.

you talk a lot of poo ola but at least youre consistent in your inconsistency...
24 Mar 2007 /  #48
You are completely wrong about me duff, I repeat Im against violence and if you read my posts that way its your business :).
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #49
if you read my posts that way its your business

its up to me to convay the message i intend to the reader. If i am misunderstood I must try to help understanding in my original message.

This is the same for all people. gov'ts. etc.

This is the same onus on you

the 'say what you mean, not what i said' is nonsense
pingwin  2 | 117  
24 Mar 2007 /  #50
Think of it this way!

If you live in a good home, have plenty to eat and can read, you are a member of a very select group.

And if you have a good house, food, can read and have a computer, you are among the very elite.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness...you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation...you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassement, arrest, torture, or death...you are fortune, more than three billion people in the world can't.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep...you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace...you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If your parents are still alive and still married...you are very rare, even in the US.

If you hold up your head with a smile on you face and are truly thankful...you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

"Change comes OVERTIME, not OVERNIGHT."

"SUCCESS in Never Final. FAILURE is Never Permanent."

Have a good day, and let's just count our blessings. :)
24 Mar 2007 /  #51
you talk a lot of poo ola but at least youre consistent in your inconsistency...

It takes one to know one, hey.BubbaWoo,!, You are no friend of Polish people, you are only in Poland to make money at the expense of the suffering Polish people, GO HOME to where you belong.

Poland should have a law which tax non poles who invest in real estate, this will make them leave poland quick smart.

People say Poland will get better as part of the EU...what rubbish, who is going to pay off the huge debt?.....it is like telling somebody dying of cancer that he will get better.

I agree with Ola, who speaks for the most Polish people living in Poland.
24 Mar 2007 /  #52
this is to Rio . oi mano where in poland are you located at ??? I am also an brazilian that just move to poland maybe you can tell me more about life here with a latin american prospect . ciao
espana  17 | 951  
24 Mar 2007 /  #53
You are no friend of Polish people, you are only in Poland to make money at the expense of the suffering Polish people, GO HOME to where you belong.

i dont think so and obviously you dont know bubba
FISZ  24 | 2116  
24 Mar 2007 /  #54
I agree with Ola, who speaks for the most Polish people living in Poland.

Maybe you are Ola :)
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 Mar 2007 /  #55
Maybe you are Ola

oh that would make perfect sense! who else would agree with her but herself!!!!!
24 Mar 2007 /  #56
Maybe you are Ola

LOL, maybe you are the pope. When people make sensible observations, why is it it that you have to insult them.

Its so easy when you have money and your stomach is full to cheer up somebody who is on the outer, it doesn't work... that why Polish people will kick foreign investors and speculators out of its country, thats if others don't take do it for them, no guessing which way.

Am I ola, no not another smear campaign!
24 Mar 2007 /  #57
I agree with hullo. Thay come here, steal our land saying to us :"You will get better". Thats the highest hypority Ive ever seen, GO HOME ENGLISH we dont want you here.
Ranj  21 | 947  
25 Mar 2007 /  #58

Ola, I'm curious....have you personally been cheated or prevented from moving forward in your own life due to an English person? You speak with such bitterness. It's been my experience when someone is as angry as you seem, it is usually a direct result of something personal being affected. I guess what I'm asking is if your prejudice is a direct result of someone wronging you or is it just something you learned from someone else? I honestly want to know.:(
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
25 Mar 2007 /  #59
Poland should have a law which tax non poles who invest in real estate, this will make them leave poland quick smart

I can understand your frustration, but at the same time, things are changin
rapidly and no one likes change , especially when it comes in quanity rather then

by that I mean, buying up the land and using it for a dump site for instance.
knowing that poland if full of natural resources is probably what drives most
and the purpose might not always be what was stated on paper.

but one thing I can say is, Polish citizens should take initiative to seek answers
of why, who, where, and what because you dont want beauty to turn to burdens.

buying homes and or real estate building homes is harmless, I think the bigger
companies which come in to build is who you might want to place these extra tax
on because of course there is issues of pollution etc that come along with it.

I wouldbt be telling people whom want to become you neighbor to go home just
because of their nationality, in any case they are willing to do what it takes to be
a part of that country, so labels are being cast on people and you dont want to
put poland back 10 spaces when she could move forward 10 in the next 5 years!

LoneStranger  3 | 382  
25 Mar 2007 /  #60
wouldbt be telling people whom want to become you neighbor to go home just
because of their nationality, in any case they are willing to do what it takes to be
a part of that country,

I agree... People who are going to live in Poland and Work here should be treated one of us!

I think that Ola cannot make herself clear here. But as strange as it may seem to you, she sounds much like many young Poles these days...only that is the reason that I am not surprised.

Yes...as I mentioned before... her emotions are beyond come control now, and it is not well directed. The british should not be blamed for everything also. Our govt. lacks in proper handling of the property issue.

The real problem is that the foreighn property buyers who use it for commercial reasons. Buying up property (8/10 flats...12/20 houses!!!) for selling later when market goes higher... or give as rent. They will buy at any cost these days... so the real agent dont have to bother much about bringing cost even a penny down for locals....some of them are not even interested in locals!

I have posted few replies here... if you read it you will get a picture of the Polish view.

Personally...I again want to make clear that its not about race of nationality. Everyone - be it english, arab, african or asian should be given same respect as any other polish person LIVING AND WORKING in poland AND HAVING FAMILY here. OUR BASIC neccessities must be met.

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