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Is there anything worse than Polish rap?

Laurel  1 | 18  
6 Jul 2007 /  #31
A bad joke :) but I'm not mad here. It's difficult to show emotion on a screen and smilies don't always help. What music do you enjoy. I'm a lover of all from Billie Holiday to Slayer.

Hehe sorry, I am known for my bad jokes. Well i grew up listening to my dad's music, so stuff like Pink Floyd and Colin Hay, Zepplin...eh its all good. I havent heard of Billie Holiday or Slayer though, you might have to educate me on that one :p
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #32
Billie Holiday was an American Jazz singer and Slayer is Metal :) I appreciate most music. What is your choice of tunes L from OZ ;)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
6 Jul 2007 /  #33
LOL. Eclectic tastes indeed. Billie Holiday and Slayer are definitely not in the same ballpark. Im off to Live Earth tomorrow..way-hay.
Laurel  1 | 18  
6 Jul 2007 /  #34
Billie Holiday was an American Jazz singer and Slayer is Metal :) I appreciate most music. What is your choice of tunes L from OZ ;)

Choice of tunes? Well Floydy obviously, and a few others I posted in that other thread. I dont mind metal much but Symphonic metal is my kind, I might get rocks thrown at me for saying this but I think Nightwish is a great band in that category.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #35
Symphonic metal? Interesting...never heard of it. Is that like an orchestra doing Metallica or sth?

Laurel  1 | 18  
6 Jul 2007 /  #36
Not quite, think vocalising and opera *throws self behind wall*, well not quite opera but ....a less shrill version of opera?......ughh I dont know how to explain it.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #37
Duck again!! :P
Laurel  1 | 18  
6 Jul 2007 /  #38
I'm already behind the damn wall! :p
rachvt  - | 25  
6 Jul 2007 /  #39
I've never heard of Polish rap but I have heard Spanish, Italian and French rap and I find it nice, LOL! They are sexy languages!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #40
French rap

I like hip hop in different languages. There's one track I heard in EU that's English, French and Polish. It's nice :) For French hip hop I appreciate Mc Solaar
rachvt  - | 25  
6 Jul 2007 /  #41
My first forage into French hip hop is the soundtrack to TAXI (the French movie Taxi, not the American Jodie Foster one). Then I bought Pit Bacardi which was recommended to me by some French black guy at HMV standing next to me who saw I was looking through the French hip hop section for a CD. Can't say I've listened to much French hip hop. MC Solaar is probably the most famous French hip hop artist worldwide.

BTW I used to like Japanese hip hop too... its cool. I listened to Dragon Ash (kind of a punk rock-hip-hop fusion group), and M-Flo (more like RNB + hip hop)... I also liked listening to DJ Krush in my college days (which sounds so far away, like 10 years ago), DJ Krush is like trip-hop/hip-hop Japanese DJ.
dannyboy  18 | 248  
6 Jul 2007 /  #42
US Rap of 1987 to 1997 is the golden era.
Modern American rap music can't even be used for torture in AbuGharaib, its just pathetic.

As someone who used to be an avid fan of all rap music, its obvious and fair to say French and Polish rap have been carrying the torch for quite a while now.The American stuff has degenerated into utter shite.

The rap worse than the US stuff is the English rap. Thats so bad its not even funny.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Jul 2007 /  #43
In my opinion only russian rap sounds good among slavic language artists.Maybe because russian language is more harsh and primitive.Czech rap is the most ridiculous.(maybe because czech is rather soft and has elegant intonation).
rachvt  - | 25  
6 Jul 2007 /  #44
English rap isn't always so bad, is it? I don't think so.
Danny you from Ireland, are there any Irish rap groups you'd like to recommend?
(Hope its not that "Spiral" guy from Big Brother LOL! )
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #45
I also like some Russina rap. Nice beats thaey use too. German Rap is a bit more harsh though and I don't really like the sound.

Only English rap I ever heard is the Streets. Blahhhh
rachvt  - | 25  
6 Jul 2007 /  #46
I've no interest in German rap however... or anything German. Have not met many nice or interesting German people in my life which will spur me onto discovering anything German, LOL :-)

Streets are okay I think, but back in those days maybe not so much Brit rap which is why Streets got a lot of attention?? Nowadays there's more and more black British rap acts out there doing it in very colloquial black British and more sort of "hard core rap style" like ghetto style or whatever they call it - "grime" or whatever (I'm not a rap expert). I find I can hardly understand what Dizzee Rascal's saying unless there's lyrics provided...
curlyspy007  - | 93  
6 Jul 2007 /  #47
i can agree, i DJ at the noting hill carnival and i have heard some russian hip hop and its kinda cool....
Reichpapers  1 | 10  
6 Jul 2007 /  #48
Personally, I view rap negatively. Whether US, Polish, German, etc...The image portrayed by those who rap is counter to anything productive. They come off as punks. What impression do you get when someone is singing about killing cops, dissing rival gangs and bangin their ho's. I hope rap goes the way of break dancing.

I am also against the belief that expressing yourself is always good. Freedom of speech is a given right. But...don't expect people not to react to what you say and do. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions and who they are trying to portray.
rachvt  - | 25  
6 Jul 2007 /  #49
Rap is grim, it is dirty, it is meant to sound like the words of people who grew up in rough neighbourhoods, ghettos full of prossies, drugs, robbers, thieves... and being denied a lot of privileges in society... many of them not able to find a way out of that predicament even if they worked an honest living in factory production lines, sweeping the city streets, check-out lines, etc. Rap will never go the way of break dancing because one of the uses of rap is to address a real social problem and let the sheltered people who live "normal" lives realise that somewhere out there, there's people actually living like this - if that problem goes away, rap will go away. Even if these social problems are addressed in future, rap may be here to stay - if its been around long enough to get ingrained into culture. Kinda like the way classical music got ingrained into culture... I mean people today are still composing and playing classical music even though it first appeared hundreds of years ago. This might happen to rap.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Jul 2007 /  #50
I am also against the belief that expressing yourself is always good. Freedom of speech is a given right. But...don't expect people not to react to what you say and do. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions and who they are trying to portray.


I hope rap goes the way of break dancing.

the break dancing massive are securely lodged at the bottom of Monte Cassino provings its still going strong...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Jul 2007 /  #51
Rap is crap!
No really....I heartily destet it...
(But then I also don't like R'nB, Jazz, Blues and such....)

Music needs rythm, drums, feelings, a melody....must make my legs jittery or my blood hot! (or both)

Aren't these little boys grown up with mommy and daddy in suburbia using ghetto slang, wearing pants below the ass, acting like dealers and murderers....everything just to look "cool"....just ridiculous???

Rap became a fashion...now rapper are super rich idols!

Rap is here to stay? Maybe...
But don't forget Rap is promoted and supported heavily by the music industry - the death of every honest movement.
Rap is now just another music style..
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jul 2007 /  #52
It is strange politicaians have not started to make speeches in hip-hop background.If they danced a bit as well,they would seem more lively.(I guess some black politicians already rap).
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Jul 2007 /  #53
(But then I also don't like R'nB, Jazz, Blues and such....)

Music needs rythm, drums, feelings, a melody....

germans are not known for their musical competencies... perhaps the above helps us understand why...
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jul 2007 /  #54
germans are not known for their musical competencies

True Beethoven and Brahms never rapped.
7 Jul 2007 /  #55
rythm, drums, feelings, a melody

are you saying, blues and jazz doesn't have it?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Jul 2007 /  #56
True Beethoven and Brahms never rapped.

yeah... they are also lond dead... but i guess some people like to live in the past...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Jul 2007 /  #57
germans are not known for their musical competencies... perhaps the above helps us understand why...


German music and composers are a brand name!
What are you talking about?

are you saying, blues and jazz doesn't have it?

Maybe they have it....but I just didn't found it? :)

Music is a matter of taste....often these tastes are aquired through upbringing.
But me I can't get a feet in the door with all that hiphop, rap, blues, jazz, R'n B...it's leaving me cold and bored...can't help it!

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Jul 2007 /  #58
German music and composers are a brand name!
What are you talking about?

i guess some people like to live in the past...

get over it already
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
7 Jul 2007 /  #59
Over it?

It was Beethovens "Ode to Joy" which was chosen to be Europe's anthem and it was his music put into a time capsule as a symbol of our civilization the US send in a probe into the deep space...not some Gangsta rap! :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Jul 2007 /  #60
sorry... bit worse for wear this morning... could you explain in words of not more than 2 syllables why you are comparing germany's past composers to contempory music...

and then, again in words of not more than 2 syllables, explain germany's contribution to music within the same time frame... other than 99 luft ballons which is obviously an epic...

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