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Wage Rate for Call Center or BPO Work in Poland

nierozumiem 9 | 118  
5 Mar 2009 /  #1
I have a client who is exploring the option of placing a call center in Poland to handle inbound pan-European customer service calls. Languages supported will be primarily Polish, German, French, and Turkish, with the possibility of a few others.

I’m having some difficulty in approximating the wage rate on this type of work. Does anyone know the going rate (net or gross) for a multi-lingual call center agent in Poland in a city such as £ódź, Poznań, Szczecin, Wrocław, Kraków, or Gdańsk? Alternatively can you point me to a resource on the Internet that might have this information, or perhaps a recruiting agency willing to divulge this information?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
5 Mar 2009 /  #2
I would say 2500-4000 PLN gross, depends on the city (more in Kraków or Wrocław, less in Szczecin or £ódź...) languages spoken etc. But what kind of call center is that going to be ? Which sector ?
OP nierozumiem 9 | 118  
5 Mar 2009 /  #3
Grzegorz, thanks for the info. Gross of 2500 -4000 should net about 1800-2850, right?

I saw a recent thread on this forum where it was decided that 2000 net was the going rate for an IT Help Desk job in Warsaw, so your range sounds a bit higher than I had anticipated.

what kind of call center is that going to be ? Which sector ?

It will be supporting a pharmacutical company. Basic product support.

Can you really gross 4000/month in a call center?
zion 16 | 168  
5 Mar 2009 /  #4
I was making 4500 HR related and that was too little so I drop it
Juche 9 | 292  
5 Mar 2009 /  #5
I’m having some difficulty in approximating the wage rate on this type of work.

make care not to exloit working class of Poland lest they valiantly rise up with clenched fist and run capitalist puppetmaster out of town, with his running dogs and lackeys fastly in tow. make so they actually own the means of production..
OP nierozumiem 9 | 118  
6 Mar 2009 /  #6
Comrade Juche, Any info on the going wage rate for those clenched-fist workers will be appreciated.

“In a higher phase of communist society... only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” – MARX (Karl)

“I fell off stage and bruised some ribs. The worst part was that the audience didn't realize I was gone.” – MARX (Richard)
Juche 9 | 292  
6 Mar 2009 /  #7
Any info on the going wage rate for those clenched-fist workers will be appreciated.

because corrupt usurous capitalist banking system and all currency with it will fail i recomend barter in kind for your workers - they will find useful hammers, screwdriver, pickaxe, that is for working elite but for peasants sacks of rice and so on.
16 Mar 2009 /  #8
Can you really gross 4000/month in a call center?

The issue is not about how much you will pay the staff it is what status they will be employed. You can easily start them off at 2,500 but your employee tax and Zus will take you up to 4,000 per employee. Don't waste your time on forums for this type of information contact a company (s) that specialize in payroll and contracts in the city where you are planning to set a call center and ask them to provide you with payroll costs,suggested salaries for the type of sector and contract examples. Word of advice short term self employed contracts. This is not England you cannot fire someone on a whim.

Good Luck you will need it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
z_darius 14 | 3960  
16 Mar 2009 /  #9
It will be supporting a pharmacutical company. Basic product support.

Can you really gross 4000/month in a call center?

Why not?
Pushing dope is a good business.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Law / Wage Rate for Call Center or BPO Work in PolandArchived