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Celebrate Polish success; Poland best to invest

31 Oct 2007 /  #1
the secoond best place to invest... and foreign direct investment to estimate around 15 bill euros... the futures bright... thanks to no more communists and the kaczinskis building strong international relationships.. now the job gets harder... the tusk crew needs to maintain this success.. less corruption,.. more skilled labour, less unemployment ... well done everyone
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #2
the kaczinskis building strong international relationships..

damn... just choked on my coffee...
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
31 Oct 2007 /  #3
chip propaganda
OP jareck8  
31 Oct 2007 /  #4
damn... just choked on my coffee...

oh what a shame.. go to the nhs maybe they can help you... probably short of staff and put you on a waiting list
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #5
wouldnt it just be better for you to accept that the twins didnt really do a great deal for poland internationally...?
z_darius 14 | 3960  
31 Oct 2007 /  #6
I couldn't wait for those two venomous snakes to be removed from power.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #7
they did seem to be a laughing stock
OP jareck8  
31 Oct 2007 /  #8
you could be right but look at the biger picture, everyone has their good and bad points.. the economy is better... we slumped so hard down becasue of the cummunists.. hellooooooooooooooo thats why so many poles are out, but they will return..
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #9
can the twins really take all credit for poland's improved economy...?
OP jareck8  
31 Oct 2007 /  #10
so how come other countries weren,t chosen,

the twins especially lech has been workign hard to make poland an indepenent state, no more pressure from the germans no more pressure from the russians... is there anythign wrong with that... education is improving, jobs are bad but stock market has been going up, real estatte, new factories why so much complain... just because half of the nation is misreabale doesnt mean that everyone should be
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #11
i find it really difficult to follow your train of thought jareck... let alone your point
szarlotka 8 | 2205  
31 Oct 2007 /  #12
can the twins really take all credit for poland's improved economy...?

No. No economy in the world can radically improve in such a short space of time BW (which I know you know and that he doesn't know). The changes in the Polish economy have been coming over the last 10 years or more.
ogorek - | 165  
31 Oct 2007 /  #13
I think most people fear/are influenced by what other people/counties think of the twins - rather than actually consider what the twins have done.

Poland speaks for all ex-commi counties becuase it's bigger and more noticeable. Poland popped up from nowhere and demanded respect. She needed a firm hand and guts - otherwise she would have got a crap deal. The other western countires and Russia were irritated by this and preferred to keep Poland in touch. Their new europe had to make way for more voices. The twins had a very hard job. They were not perfect but a lot of Poles liked their firm and fair approach - within reason. It commands respect.

Once Poland has re-established her deserved equal place in Europe - THEN can she deal with the rest in the usual wet diplomatic way.

Take a look a Churchill - he was hated and mistrusted - until he saved England during time of need. When he saved England people cheered stability returned and then they booted him out for a less adventurous leader.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
31 Oct 2007 /  #14
Once Poland has re-established her deserved equal place in Europe

i think poland needs to earn her place in europe.

it is wrong that after so many years of communist rule, outside and apart from the rest of europe, seperate from the development and growth that has been experienced and earnt other european countries, many of which have gone thru considerable hardship in order to achieve this, to expect to be able to now compete on the same field. its a little bit on the presumptious side

the twins may well have had a hard job but their approach has not commanded respect where it matters, far from it. poland will most likely become one of the big european players but this is not a given right and it will not be handed to them on a plate. once she has earnt herself a place on the playing field poland will be able to demand the respect she has earnt but until this time has come, batting above her league will not win her friends or respect
ogorek - | 165  
21 Nov 2007 /  #15
i think poland needs to earn her place in europe.

Poland has been a member of Europe for over 1000 years - and has contributed to it's development many times - led by example. She does not need to earn anything. It's not her fault she has been held back by hostile oppression.

to expect to be able to now compete on the same field. its a little bit on the presumptious side

Give me one reason why Poland should not be able to TRY to compete on the same field? You make it sound like Poland has been disqualified for a wrong doing and has to kiss-ass her way back up. It's so arrogant. If she does not try, she will not learn/rehabilitate.

many of which have gone thru considerable hardship in order to achieve this

Any country usually must go through hardship in order to progress. That's normal. It's nothing special and does not help your argument. At least they were free to do so and they were not sandwiched inbetween Ruissia and Germany. Surviving that for 1000 years - now that's hardship - that deserves respect. For the other countries - opportunity falls in their favour - and they take it. They develop. It's normal. Hard work sure - but nothing special.

will not be handed to them on a plate

You see - there it is. I did not say that. It is not consistant to my point. Poland will always fight for her place - her respect - just like she has always done. It's the attitudes that exist which bug me. Just because Poland was destroyed and kidnapped by the communists - it does not take away her dignity, pride, intelligence, capability, wisdom, inspiration, potential and her respect. You think it does? You said - all is fair in love and war. It's not. That's why the Geneva Convention was born. People are not always animals.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
21 Nov 2007 /  #16
It's not her fault she has been held back by hostile oppression.

but it happened none the less

Give me one reason why Poland should not be able to TRY to compete on the same field?

try by all means - te quicker you can the better for everyone

It's so arrogant

no - the arrogance is to think that poland is currently able to compete effectively

Surviving that for 1000 years - now that's hardship - that deserves respect

get over it already

Just because Poland was destroyed and kidnapped by the communists - it does not take away her dignity, pride, intelligence, capability, wisdom, inspiration, potential and her respect.

not what i said

accept the facts as they are, stop moaning and work towards your future
El Gato 4 | 351  
21 Nov 2007 /  #17
the kaczinskis

Puzzler 9 | 1088  
25 Nov 2007 /  #18
I couldn't wait for those two venomous snakes to be removed from power

- Well, somebody's venom here seems to suggest it's not any of the Kaczynskis who is a snake.

My God, I always wonder why there are people who hate the country they were born in and the country's best sons? Where do such haters all come from? Some of them live abroad and vilify their native country from there. At the same time, they dress their foreign-born children in the national costume of their despised native country and post the pics of the children on the Internet, and brag about it. Why indeed?

they did seem to be a laughing stock

- The media propagandists throughout Europe have made them look so. Have you ever questioned what the media folks say?
ogorek - | 165  
5 Jan 2008 /  #19
Give me one reason why Poland should not be able to TRY to compete on the same field?

try by all means - te quicker you can the better for everyone

Take any country in Europe (on it's own) and tell me - what can they do that Poland can't.

Now, in this case quantity is not an issue - or is it just purely down to money and riches? Are you saying - when Poland is rich enough to gain "respect" ???

accept the facts as they are, stop moaning and work towards your future

You have given me no facts - just your opinion...

get over it already

Historians have repededly quoted
For most parts of Europe, WWII was very real but their suffering cannot be compared to that of Poland and east of

stop moaning and work towards your future

Poland is one of the most forward looking countries in Europe mainly because of her past. She only looks back when provoked. And here you are...

I'm not entirely sure you know all the facts.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
5 Jan 2008 /  #20
Take any country in Europe (on it's own)


and tell me - what can they do that Poland can't.

provide hundreds of thousands of poles with jobs

I'm not entirely sure you know all the facts.

the polish are quickly replacing the english as europes most arrogant people - if you cant see the obvious then theres not a lot that can be said

infact hang on a cotton pickin moment you cheeky little pole - perhaps we should give you the opportunity to justify your arrogance and explain to us how poland has managed to come out of decades of communism and in just a few years have caught up with the rest of europe

the cheek of it

stop fukin moaning and work towards your future
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
5 Jan 2008 /  #21
provide hundreds of thousands of poles with jobs

currently we need Poles back home but if they are not going to comeback we will take lauborers form China.
ogorek - | 165  
5 Jan 2008 /  #22
provide hundreds of thousands of poles with jobs

Yeah - slavery got england rich in the first place!

the polish are quickly replacing the english as europes most arrogant people - if you cant see the obvious then theres not a lot that can be said

Define arrogant!!! Defending honour?? Being proud??? Being cheeky??? cleaning someones shitter and smilling at the end???

infact hang on a cotton pickin moment you cheeky little pole - perhaps we should give you the opportunity to justify your arrogance and explain to us how poland has managed to come out of decades of communism and in just a few years have caught up with the rest of europe

Poland should not have been communist in the first freekin place.

What do you mean by "caught up"? What does Poland need to "catch up"?? Poland has free human beings in a democracy, who work, have industry, play, sing & dance, pay taxes, play music, sport, defend, create, cultivate.

Poland is not as rich as western Europe. Is that what you mean. Money. Is that all that it takes to be in the club?? Well in that case yes, sometime in the future they will catch up and be respected - and silly them for being distroyed and taken over by communists while the rest stood by and watched.

I'm not a Pole. I'm English.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
5 Jan 2008 /  #23
slavery got england rich in the first place!

whats that got to do with the price of eggs...?

Define arrogant

insolently proud

Poland should not have been communist in the first freekin place.

so what...?

I'm not a Pole

you moan like one
Eurola 4 | 1898  
5 Jan 2008 /  #24
explain to us how poland has managed to come out of decades of communism and in just a few years have caught up with the rest of europe

not quite so yet, but is surely getting there.

sometime in the future they will catch up and be respected

Yep, they will. They just need to:

stop fukin moaning and work towards your future

Michal - | 1865  
6 Jan 2008 /  #25
My God, I always wonder why there are people who hate the country they were born in and the country's best sons? Where do such haters all come from? Some of them live abroad and vilify their native country from there. At the same time, they dress their foreign-born children in the national costume of their despised native country and post the pics of the children on the Internet, and brag about it. Why indeed?

To be honest, I must agree and have said from time to time, pretty much the same thing myself. Its human nature, I guess.
Express12 - | 5  
6 Jan 2008 /  #26
Poland is one of the best place in Europe to invest;-)
Michal - | 1865  
7 Jan 2008 /  #27
Its a fairly politically stable country but there is so much false accounting going on. We have a friend, a Pole who was a builder in Wrocław and now prefers to be a cleaner in our local hospital! He says that you can buy a house or land and you think its yours until you are told differently. I could never invest or live in such a funny country.
ogorek - | 165  
3 Feb 2008 /  #28
ogorek wrote:
slavery got england rich in the first place!

whats that got to do with the price of eggs...?

The price of eggs would be cheaper due to cheaper labour

ogorek wrote:
Define arrogant

insolently proud

Insolently is just another word for arrogant.

ogorek wrote:
Poland should not have been communist in the first freekin place.

so what...?

A man in a wheelchair temporarily disabled, "Ha! You are in a wheel chair and therefore you cannot enter my club - you are not equal to me - I can run and jump! All you can do is sit there... DOH!! A wheelchair ramp.

ogorek wrote:
I'm not a Pole

you moan like one

Define moan.
When you do - you will find I am not moaning - but simply broadening the narrow mind.

AND now back to my original question : what can another EU country do that Poland can't?

I beleive your first answer has been nutralised.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
3 Feb 2008 /  #29
keep up mate - that was ages ago

we've moved on mate - you should too
ogorek - | 165  
3 Feb 2008 /  #30
Unfortunately - I have a life 'on the otherside'...

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