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American beer business opportunities in Poland

regionpolski  33 | 153  
16 Mar 2007 /  #1
As an introduction, I work for a beer distributor in the states. Anheuser Busch ( Budweiser ) in particular. Does anyone know if there are opportunities in Poland in the beer business?
16 Mar 2007 /  #2
As far as I know Polish beer (or European) is much better than American [and stronger] one so I don't see a lot of opportunities.
larry casula  2 | 69  
16 Mar 2007 /  #3
I agree, my friend Dawid brings Polish Piwo from NY and I think it is much better than any American Piwo I have had, and it is stronger, I can not remember the names, but i love it when he brings it down.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
16 Mar 2007 /  #4
As an introduction, I work for a beer distributor in the states.

How about introducing 1 or 2 Polish traditional beers. Can be good for business. Go on a "World Beer Search" and pick the best beer of the major European countries. I think if someone should do it, it should be the Anheuser Busch Company. :) Bring it up at a meeting, might get you a promotion. If it does I expect a "Thank You" :) Na Zdrowie

* Hint- Poland, Ireland, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, etc. They the best drinkers :) *
OP regionpolski  33 | 153  
16 Mar 2007 /  #5
I really don't care to debate which piwo is better. Taste is very subjective. I do enjoy Okocim Baltic Porter. Anheuser Busch will market itself wherever there are beer lovers. Is there a lot of beer marketing in Poland?
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
16 Mar 2007 /  #6
Is there a lot of beer marketing in Poland?

You have no idea. Vodka is probably just as popular, if not more, but the Polish are very under-rated drinkers. Not that we are all drunks, its just that we can outdrink a good couple of guys if we're in the right mood. :) It's a national past-time for us beer lovers.
Tlum  12 | 286  
16 Mar 2007 /  #7
There's a lot beer marketing and the competion is fierce in Poland. The biggest ones are major sponsors of some popular sports club (for example Lech Poznan or Wisla Krakow - Tyskie beer) and more. So I say working as the the beer expert or marketer in Poland could be both demanding and rewarding.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
16 Mar 2007 /  #8
I'd set up a company there Regionpolski, not a big one, just one to get recognized and see how it goes. Worth a try, no? :)

A Budweiser company of course, not your own, that would take a lot of hard work. :)
sledz  23 | 2247  
17 Mar 2007 /  #9
Anheuser Busch ( Budweiser ) in particular.

Budweiser...hahahhaa I wont even drink that swill ......

Polish beer is so much better, thell laugh in your face...

shewolf  5 | 1077  
17 Mar 2007 /  #10
Budweiser...hahahhaa I wont even drink that swill ......

What the heck are you still doing awake? :) I have several friends from Chicago and they all send me emails at midnight. Does that place ever sleep?

p.s. I'm not going to hijack this thread.
sledz  23 | 2247  
17 Mar 2007 /  #11
I'm not going to hijack this thread

I will!!!! watch well be on late nite talk..:)

Back to piwo Budweiser is the worst beer ever created!!
I have personally suffered the side effects......

have several friends from Chicago and they all send me emails at midnight. Does that place ever sleep?

No not really
I just returned from a pre St. Paddy day party
wait till tommorrow!!!!

Nie on the Bud ..blaaaaaaaa
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
17 Mar 2007 /  #12
Budwieser??? Here in Poland??? Ha ha ha ha No way my friend , Fosters 9which tastes abouy as week as bud) is sold in my small local shop, in my 5 months of being here not one has been sold. The dust is really beggining to build up. One of the few continental beers that sells here is Corona which tastes great with a little bit of lime in the bottle. If bud were to offering something different then maybe it would work. The average Polish beer is about 5.6 percent and has a full flavour, so you wont get many people drinking your bud. Maybe the ladies would like to drink something a bit weeker, but i doubt it. Sorry mate
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Mar 2007 /  #13

only americans who dont know any better drink that pisz
spiritus  69 | 643  
25 Mar 2007 /  #14
Budwieser? Here in Poland?

Go for it RegionPolska.

I do have to admit that American beer is considered to be inferior to European beer only due to it being so light/lite. However Budweiser has done well in the UK marketplace and regardless of what others may see there is always an opportunity for global brands to gain a foothold in emerging economies.............if only for the kudos factor amonst consumers.
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
26 Mar 2007 /  #15
I know its nice to encourage him and all, but this is a business venture we are talking about and it involves peoples money. Every Polish person I have met laughs when we talk about beer in UK with stella being the strongest sold in most pubs at only 5.1%

I dont think it would be fair to advise this guy to bring Bud here. If it works then fair enough, but I think you can see from the comments that a minority think its a good idea. When considering a plan like this he should think about what the majority thinks as that is where the most cash will be. Whatever they decide good luck.
daffy  22 | 1153  
26 Mar 2007 /  #16
bud? YUCK!!!

Polish beers like WARKA should be more available here! sure we've zywiec, Tysk (something) and in some places piast but i just happen to love warka
daffy  22 | 1153  
26 Mar 2007 /  #18
ill drink it, but something tells me im sooner to bless the porcelian god than god above :)

tis tasty stuff
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Mar 2007 /  #19
Is there a lot of beer marketing in Poland?

Yes. Tons. The big importer is SABMiller.

You have no idea. Vodka is probably just as popular

I saw some statistics in the Lech brewery showing that beer consumption went up and Vodka down.

better than any American Piwo I have had, and it is stronger

We also have lot's of stong beer in the US. Most beer that you can really appreciate is a micro brew. My personal fav American beer is 9% and 21%.

SAB Miller

Bavaria Brewery
Castle Lager
Castle Lite
Castle Milk Stout
Carling Black Label
Henry Weinhard's
Industrias La Constancia
Miller Genuine Draft
Miller High Life
Miller Lite
Pilsner Urquell (via brewer Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.)
Birra Peroni
Nastro Azzurro (Blue Ribbon in Italian)
Tyskie, Żubr and Lech - top 3 brands in Poland
Steel Reserve
spiritus  69 | 643  
26 Mar 2007 /  #20
I know its nice to encourage him and all, but this is a business venture we are talking about and it involves peoples money. Every Polish person I have met laughs when we talk about beer in UK with stella being the strongest sold in most pubs at only 5.1%

I share your sentiment UKinPoland and I wouldn't want someone to risk their money based on my advice alone but I'm sure RegionPolski isn't going to make a move simply by canvassing opinion from an internet forum board.

I actually disagree with your comments about listening to the majority etc etc. Business is about finding an opportunity that nobody else sees and then exploiting it.

The majority of people in the UK had never heard of Tyskie or Zywiec but these brands are growing quickly in bars and supermarkets across the country.

Also, Budweiser is a massive global brand and I'm actually surprised it isn't already in Poland.
James Bond  
26 Mar 2007 /  #21
Also, Budweiser is a massive global brand and I'm actually surprised it isn't already in Poland.

It is, along with Newcastle Brown and other beers.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Mar 2007 /  #22
Think it's "Bud" Only the original Czech Budweiser, not the American version, is permitted to use the Budweiser name in Poland and across Europe.

....found that above

True in Europe?
James Bond  
26 Mar 2007 /  #23
Think it's "Bud"

You could be right. Whatever it is it is in small bottles and too expensive.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Mar 2007 /  #24
The store poiter and Pawel has a ton of beer. Not sure if these stores are all over PL though.
26 Mar 2007 /  #25
Actually the chance an American beer could do well especially in the urban centers in up scale bars, hotles, restaurants and clubs, becasue it may carry a certain 'import kudos', especially if it is priced a little above the average. Just because it tastes awful has little to do with it. caviar tastes ******* horrible and thats sold for a mint.

Also look at Absolut vodka and or Jack daniels both of which sell in Poland, brand power is very powerful.
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
26 Mar 2007 /  #26
The majority of people in the UK had never heard of Tyskie or Zywiec but these brands are growing quickly in bars and supermarkets across the country

Do you think that might have something to do with the Polish people living in UK?
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Mar 2007 /  #27
Absolutely. In the US they usually only sell these in areas where there's a large PL population.
ukinpoland  5 | 338  
26 Mar 2007 /  #28
I know I was being a little sarcastic :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Mar 2007 /  #29
Thank god for that too... I love the fact that they bring awesome beer to the states.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
26 Mar 2007 /  #30
Hmm. My dad gets some, it comes in a brown beer bottle, has a white covering with a dancing woman on it. It's definitely Polish, almost coffee dark. :)

Can't remember what its called, but I love it :)

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