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How much it cost to open new small kebab shop in poznan, total investment

22 Jul 2009 /  #1
an any one please tell me that how much it will cost to open a small kebab shop in poznan, total investment, and how muh profit of margin will be in to iit.
terri 1 | 1661  
22 Jul 2009 /  #2
First of all you have to have permission from the Town Hall to open the shop as a kebab shop. You have to have plans drawn up and become a company to operate. Try sorting this out first before you start thinking about profit.

One thing is always important - location - you need to buy/rent a shop - try doing that without hassle and remember you need to have people who will buy your kebabs.

There are so many things wrong with your idea that you simply have no idea.
Go to the Town Hall, Tax Office, and don't forget VAT, ZUS etc.....sort all this out first.
OP pkesaria  
22 Jul 2009 /  #3
i have my own small ompany here, before i was running an indian restaurant in poznan so i know everything abt zus and sanapit, but i want to find out out total investment, i m also having my own place in centrum.
terri 1 | 1661  
22 Jul 2009 /  #4
Find me one person in the Universe who can tell you that. How does anyone know how big the place is?, do you have staff?, what hours will you be open? will you be selling anything else? What type of place and where?"

No one can tell you these things. Its like saying "How much does a house cost in Warsaw?"
Answers please.
noski 1 | 27  
22 Jul 2009 /  #5
how much it will cost to open a small kebab shop in poznan,

abit less than a big one
22 Jul 2009 /  #6
depends on whether you do mixed kebabs or not, they always cost more than a plain old doner, lol
dnz 17 | 710  
22 Jul 2009 /  #7
What went wrong with the indian restaurant? I would assume that would do really well, Regarding a kebab shop you will be up against a lot of already established businesses which could make things more difficult.

Are you looking for a business partner/investor? I would be interested in opening a restaurant but not too sure about the kebab shop. Drop me an email if you fancy mulling over some ideas, figures etc.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
23 Jul 2009 /  #8
Regarding a kebab shop you will be up against a lot of already established businesses which could make things more difficult.

I'd be willing to bet that unless you got a prime place, you'll find it next to impossible to make it pay in the centre. Off the top of my head, you'll be running straight up against the place on Wielka that always has big queues, then there's Ali Baba on Gwarna and Roti on Sw. Marcin - not to mention the ones near Szkolna which always have big queues late at night.

There *is* a need for a decent kebab shop near Kaponiera - the one nearest to the night bus stop is overpriced rubbish. Apart from that, the market is saturated.
23 Jul 2009 /  #9
i really doubt the OP's validity on having an Indian restaurant based on the fact that they come here asking such a vague question about how much profit can be made on a kebab shop.

the OP said "running" which is diff from "owning".

the investment- as much/little as u want
the profit- as much/little as u want
the cost of doing business- as much/little as u want

it's "Sanepid" btw.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823  
24 Jul 2009 /  #10
i really doubt the OP's validity on having an Indian restaurant based on the fact that they come here asking such a vague question about how much profit can be made on a kebab shop.

The fact that they're going from an Indian restaurant to a kebab shop says that something went wrong with their management of the restaurant to be honest. But I'll bite - which restaurant?

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