I have been living in Poland for a few years now and would like advice as to where I can learn the language properly? I have only learned the basics from watching cartoons with my son and listening to people talk. I know enough to get around in Poland but I can not have a conversation with someone unless I am of course drunk!! lol Any advice would be nice!
Been living in Poland for a few years, but only know the basic Polish
7 Nov 2008 / #2
Keep drinking ;)))) or start watching news instead of Bolek i Lolek :)))
Totasl immersion! Arrange breaks to get away from, it all for several days, a week, month, whatever, where nary an English wrod can ge heard. During such breaks plunge into the hinterlands and stay clear of Anglophone tourist traps.
As Polonius said, total immersion. Go to a village area where only Polish is spoken. Oh, and say a fervent prayer that they don't tell u to get lost in no uncertain terms, LOL. Villagers can be ferocious nationalists.