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Black Immigrant living in Poland infects dozens of women with HIV [174]
life, and I tell them the same things that I say here...they mostly agree.
You know, just hearing that fact annoys me. I wonder how many Jewish organizations were founded by *******. The Jews weren't too terribly innocent, my friend. My wife's grandmother told us stories about how if you were starving, and you wanted to eat, you could get a loan of a loaf of bread from your local Jew. But, payment at a later date had to be a whole chicken. Mind you, this is decades after the fact, and the Jews had already been thrown out of Poland. But people remember these things.
The most important step towards strong Europe - in fact, towards Europe that isn''t a corpse - is closing the immigration flood-gates for the Thirld World and spending on Europe's needs the billions pumped wastefully into the Thirld World.
What would be the point in "closing the door?" This may be a disturbing analogy, but the *******, Turks, Indians, etc. in Europe may be considered a cancer. A doctor would remove the cancer, as that would prevent it from taking over the entire body. They have elevated reproductive rates, similar to a bacteria, so the only choice is to remove the rotten tissue and prevent any further bacteria from entering. I hope I don't sound racist. I have many black friends.