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Joined: 25 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Nov 2009
Threads: Total: 55 / In This Archive: 49
Posts: Total: 3,921 / In This Archive: 3,065

Interests: Not being on this website when I'm asleep

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25 Jul 2007
Language / difficult English words for Polish speakers? [119]

A workmate I'm helping to learn English picked up on Antidisestablishmentarianism amazingly quickly - in about an hour or so, and remembered it the next day. He said it was because I 'learned' him.
28 Jul 2007
Language / Should I learn both Polish and German [147]

Native English speakers hear English being spoken by so many different people in so many different ways. The British Isles have so many different native accents and dialects, then there are the Americas - including all the Caribbean forms, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia... Then there are all the non-native speakers, some very good, some who mangle the language beyond reasonable understanding.

But we are used to it, so it is normal. It is my opinion that Poles are not used to either such a wide range of dialects or more importantly, a large number of foreigners having a go at their language.

The results are that bad English is often not corrected, and Polish spoken by a foreign amateur tends to get over-corrected.
29 Jul 2007
Travel / The best city/town in Poland for: A) holidays B) living [18]

Listen to the donkey. Tesco is the evil empire. Beware. Use markets, local shops, anything but Tesco.

Unless, of course you are on a world tour of every Tesco's store. Then you will have no choice than to go to Poland on the way.

Enjoy it while you can. I believe there is a Tesco in hell where the devil himself buys overpackaged vegetables and looks for the special offers.
29 Jul 2007
News / How Poles truly feel about their situation in Poland and being in EU? [76]

I'm not here to judge you Kanazuki, but we're (Ireland) supposed to be a rich country, but I can't afford to have kids yet nor can many of my friends, so its not so different from Poland.

I agree. The Polish workers in my company cost more money than employees on contract, but are paid less. It's all about your spending power. I am paid a very good wage compared to a Pole in Poland doing the same job, but I can just about afford to live. I pay my mortgage, pay the bills. Then I can afford some reasonable food, but there's still too much month left at the end of the money.

You don't have to get rid of the zloty. We still have the pound (all that really means is real coins that don't feel like their toy ones made of plastic). Most importantly, you don't have to get rid of the grosz.
1 Aug 2007
Law / Importing Alcohol Into Poland - any limits? [15]

I hate to think how much alcohol I took to Poland on my last visit. I may have exceeded the limits, but they might search your vehicle and your bags, but do they know how much vodka you have in your belly and bloodstream?

I'm not irresponsible - it's just that you need to be pissed to cope with how long it takes to get through Germany.

1 Aug 2007
Language / Kasia and Zosia pronounce [17]

Maybe it's just the American media and politicians that invent words like 'correctionized'. They devize bizarre new words and ways of using words and 'leverage' them into the language. I just wanted to use the American -ize instead of the British -ise. Hope no offense was taken or I might need to be instituationalised in a facetious correctionality.
3 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Foreigners: Please don't buy the English Land! [83]

I know this subject is here to turn another argument on its head, but in parts of rural Britain, there are people who invest in holiday homes leaving villages with properties empty for 50 weeks a year, house prices go up and working people can't afford to stay. The shops close, infrasctructure falls apart.

I'm not doing this to someone else's country, but if I wanted to live in someone else's country, I wouldn't be buying properties to get money out of them at the expense of those who come from the place to start with.

Anyway, modern Britain is rubbish. I just love it despite all its faults.
4 Aug 2007
News / Black Immigrant living in Poland infects dozens of women with HIV [174]

the same general prejudice that most Europeans feel toward blacks

Rubbish. Not most Europeans. Some Europeans.

I do not want to go on holiday to a place and be harassed or intimidated because of my skin colour

I hope that you will be able to. Some people just need more positive experience of meeting people different to themselves, and ignore the ignorant stereotypes or overblown scare-stories.
4 Aug 2007
News / How does Poland imagine other countries see her? [84]

More people probably know that Poland is a country and roughly where it is, than know the difference between Great Britain and the UK, what are England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Island, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man...
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

I bought a pair of jeans in Poland. Black ones. Quite nice. There was a wide range available in this particular shop. I even wore them into a cathedral, with no complaints. But it can be difficult to differenciate between prayer and muttering under the breath about bloody foreigners in jeans!
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

they turned out a kind of marbled effect

How bizarre! Mine looked black when I first got them, but very quickly developed a faint vertical stripey pattern. I now wear them to work. I do not work in an office.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Caution: Monty Python moment now follows...

On a shrubbery!

Well, it's actually a nursery. It has much more than just some shrubs, a path down the middle and a sort of two-level effect.

May I bring up the subject of corduroy?
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Afraid so. I've not used them for wealth redistributiuon yet.

My job has also helped to teach me to recognise the larch from quite a long way away.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Tight ones...

... on a lady...

The problem I find is skinny girls in huge, baggy clothes and big girls testing fabrics to their absolute maximum ability to stretch.
9 Aug 2007
Feedback / Do you think this forum makes your life completed? [16]

I'm still quite new to all this, but I already spend far too much time here. It distracts me from all those things I'm supposed to be doing...

... which are actually just different ways of wasting the same time. I don't think I was about to do anything particularly useful.
9 Aug 2007
Travel / Upside Down House in Kaszuby, Poland [8]

You can achieve a similar effect indoors for slightly less money. Bolt all the furniture to a carpeted wall, paint a window on the ceiling and lie on the floor when you invite people in.
10 Aug 2007
Language / Things Polish people who speak English language say [180]

OMG how should I pronounce:

can't and ****

A mate of mine finds some of these a bit tricky. He often says very bad things
"I wanted some p!ss, so I went to the b!tch and I was lying on a sh!t. Oh! I c--t say it right!"

English / Polish people, try saying it like this:

beach / bicz
***** / bycz

peace / pis
p!ss / pys

sheet / szit
sh!t / szyt

Does this work or am I getting my Polish vowels wrong? (That wouldn't suprise me).
11 Aug 2007
Travel / 2-week vacation in Poland - it was awesome! Culture shock interesting. [29]

I know the feeling. I've been to Poland twice, and dreaded returning to the UK afterwards. The UK is getting more and more repressive with CCTV all over the place and people telling you not to smoke within 15 metres of the building. Obese people walking past my house. Obese dogs. Obese cats.

In Poland, of course it's not perfect, but the food, the beer, the people (the ones I met, anyway), the buildings, the food (worth mentioning more than once). I can't wait for another opportunity to go back.
11 Aug 2007
USA, Canada / Gay Poles in Chicago, New York [30]

They are not dangerous

Oh yes they are.

They claim NOT to be racist, partly so they can appeal to groups of people outside of their usual sphere. They do this to create and/or widen divisions in society. However much they try to do this, it is blatant that they are a straight-down-the-line racist party.