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Polish-American dating success stories [41]
Not to change the subject, but I just thought it was interesting since I will be looking for a job in Rotterdam (if I cannot get one in Vienna). Seems like you enjoy it there.
The Netherlands reminds me of living in the US in the 60s & 70s, before Reagan, before the dog-eat-dog lifestyle they have now. (Of course I was a teensy kid then, so I'm remembering through rose-colored glasses) I live in the middle of the country, between Amsterdam and Utrecht, 30 minutes from a city - I need to have forest and lakes surrounding me. You're from Vienna, so you know what it's like to have real nature surrounding you..
All that said, I never liked Rotterdam...too jarringly modern, it doesn't reflect the rest of the country. Amsterdam is a mess - great old architecture but too touristy and snobby, and it sprawls. Utrecht is a college town, so maybe MDN would like it but I just wanna yell "Get off my lawn" to those damn kids. ;)
Seriously though - Den Haag's got it. THAT's a great city here to live in...great combo of multiculturalism, traditional and modern design mixed together well, and it's near the beach. Maybe when I make my next million...
Which would be my first million, but I digress. ;)
Quoting me about smokers having a selfish streak: Im not sure about all being selfish, but they definitely have a stubborn streak.
I'm reminded of Pee Wee's Big Adventure: "Shhh! I'm trying to listen to reason!"
Yep - can't say anything, can't enjoy your life passively with the smoke. And everything (...*everything*) tastes of nicotine. What was the old B&H ad? "I'd rather fight than switch"?
I'd rather dump than fight.
having lived and dated Dutch women in my 4 years in Holland i can sort of agree with that. They can be a tad mad.. but mad is good too..
I think what gets me about Dutch women is that they baby their men here -- seriously, it's a matriarchal, the men are coddled and the women take responsibility. Personally, I'd prefer to share responsibility and have a balanced relationship than the "my way of the highway"-attitude.
And I thought dating 6' blondes would be a good thing. (*sigh*)
Hey - Enjoy living in Canada! Be careful not to spend too much time at le Chalet Swiss and be sure to find anything but Molson to drink...the Vancouver Island Brewing had some great ales, if I remember (it's been 10 years)...