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Joined: 3 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 192 / In This Archive: 54
From: heavenly UK
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: ludzie, ludzie i ludziska/ human species

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3 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

but finishing these vermin is not enough as they will still clog up the health care/ housing system.

first of all, I hate the word vermin; second of all, Poles do not tend to clog housing system as much as you suggest (or shall I say - read in DM or other not-very-bright-Suns?). Most of them rent privately; it allows them to 'live in houses with lots in them' and, of course, 'bring the price down'.

Those who happen to live in council properties - work; on the contrary to many 'natives' on estates.

As for health care...There was a report about number of sickness taken in public sector only last year, and how much it cost. And I bet you, majority of them weren't Polish.

but if we not only get a vote on the lisbon treaty but also to stay in europe and the people vote right, we could get rid.

You won't. Mighty Cameron backed out of the idea. And to get Britain out of so called 'social chapter', he would need agreement of all 27 EU states.

so if that happens ALL economic immigrants will have to leave. GOOD RIDDANCE

It won't happen. And I'm staying, lol. No riddance, I'm afraid.

A French writer pitied once times when nincompoop tried to think. I can share his pain hundred years later.

And -hello to all.
I'm new. I read this forum from time to time. After reading laddy I suddenly felt an urge to register.
3 Nov 2009
Language / Pan or Pani? Do we have to be formal in the UK? [22]


If you speak Polish when meeting your frends' parents for the first time or any older person, or if you are in any Polish office (in Poland, or Polish embassy/consulate here, for example), use it the way you'd use English. Nice to meet you sir/madam (milo Pania poznac). Excuse me sir/madam, where can I find this/do that etc (Przepraszam Pana/Pania, gdzie moge znalezc to/zrobic tamto etc).

I don't go to Polish shops over here, but if I happen to be there and a girl behind the counter is half my age and I speak Polish to her, I tend to use the formal one also - excuse me Miss, do you have X/can I have Y (Przepraszam Pania, czy macie X/czy moge prosic o Y).

In any other situation just don't stress, really. And when you meet other people, socially, for the first time, go for 'jak sie masz' instead of 'jak sie pan ma'.

We will appreciate you make an effort of speaking in our language :)
5 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Fact: Polish people can claim CHB as soon as they come here. It's the only benefit you can get straight away.
Child tax credit - Im not sure if it's so simple as it depends on your income.

However, last year or begining of this year I read soemwhere that CHB will be given only to children who live here. I think that is very fair and reasonable approach. IF it happens.

Other benefits
I also thought that one of the conditions to be able to claim other benefits (housing, council tax tec) was to be 'in a continous employment for 12 months' however, I've been proved wrong recently.

Apparently one can claim any sort of benefits as soon as they take up an employment and stay in it, without the requirement of 12 mth continous employment. If that's the case, the whole Work Registration Scheme doesn't make sense.

Original statement 2004 re: EU nationals and benefits:

How it evolved and what is happening now:

There is a common myth that A8 nationals on the WRS do not have housing or benefit rights until they have worked for 12 months. This is simply untrue.

Fact - all benefits in Poland have been, and I believe they still are, means tested. It's not the case in the UK.

Fact - NHS is free in the UK
Fact - a friend of mine, who happens to be working in Poland on and off since 1997, had a problem with accessing Polish health care system. I went to a local doctor with him once. He was refused to be treated under the 'national healthcare system' and adviced to see a doctor privately. It was way back in late 1990 - and I know that back then Poland had an agreement with UK re: accessing the national healthcare system which allowed Polish people to access NHS for free (before 2004) and the same supposed to be happening in Poland - any UK national should be treated without problem for free. It wasn't the case.

I also visited Poland last year and required a medical attention. Ended up in a hospital's A&E in the middle of the night and was flatly refused help because...I don't pay Polish ZUS. Thank God for a cousin-doctor. It wouldn't happen to a Polish person here, in the UK.

So if you ask me, yes, UK is very lenient - and way too leninet and easy. That's why Polish people (and not only) come here.
5 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

to explain - although I've been living in the UK for way over 10 years, I still hold Polish passport and I'm Polish citizen. It was laziness on my part not to sort out British passport earlier, but to be honest it didn't really matter that much.

So the refusal to treat me was even more ridiculous.

I know about the EHIC and other health forms but my most serious sickness is a heavy cold. It was an exception what happened last year and the attitude of the senior nurse and the doctor I saw really seriously pi$$ed me off.

I don't know a single Polish person who came to the UK and was once asked for the EHIC or anything like that when going to the A&E here. Stating that you are Polish national is sufficient for them.

That's why the system is crazy - works one way.

and slawek - the guys here are right. There's no 'English citizenship' only 'British' and British passport you will get, not English. English is a nationality/etnic group.

the only correct source of information is not workpermit website, but the former Home Office immigration section - currently UK Border Agency
5 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]


As I said before in the law meaning it doesn't change anything you're British or English except you were born in England or not. You have the same rights, passports ect.

In the light of you obtaining Brit-passport it doesn't matter, of course. But in the light of nationality and ethnic groups I think it does make a difference to indigenous people. :)
6 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Polish Education Grading and Uk Edu. Grading? [73]

this lack of language is highly dangerous.

how i agree with you on this one!

because of the lack of language you get plenty of charities and other organisations set up to support various communities solving their problems and trying to educate about the country.

And it was Labour's idea to create 'cohesive communities' which simply doesn't work if someone has got attitude: "im EU citizen now - deal with it!
6 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

It's not only British Passport it's either British citizenship

you've lost me now
I've always thought British passort equals British citizenship...?
8 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

no more better and worse class of citizens, no more and never again.

There have been always, there are and there will be 'better and worse class of citizens'.
UK or Poland - doesn't matter. It's everywhere.
And quite funny actually, the above statement coming from you. I thought that we got rid of marxism in 1989 beacuse it didnt work.

laddy -whatever you say.
The only angry about immigration people with arguments like yours are the working class masses and readers of the Sun and Daily Mail. You are probably at the end of the food chain in the royal Britain and taking out frustration on someone who's even lower than you.

Good on you mate. I admire people who know how to make themselves feel better.
8 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

dare to say my 'lingo' is much better than your uneducated and hateful slurr.
8 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Judging by what you are saying on these forums, you'd be first to go. UK doesn't need any more simpletons.
As for the excuse of 'overcrowded classess and children speaking different languages'-blimey!
You've had a chance to learn something else and you blew it. As some of your compatriots tend to do. But the best is to blame the system, isn't it? Too lazy to do anything yourself, aren't we?

There should be another Australia. For idiots like you.
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

About lazy people please read over, darling' :) You should first read how many junkies in your population and alcoholic loosers you've got here. After that we can talk.

Seems you can't multitask. Meaning - read and understand.

and you will find the answer that in Poland is 3 times more people whom graduated at University and Technical higher education to master's level. Not some shi...y GCSE which many of you don't have.

Im sure it's probably more. With degrees from unis and 'wyzsza szkola zarzadzania' in Pcim Dolny or other Wagrawiec. Don't make me laugh.
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

if i remember correctly your child is here in the UK ,and will be attending this apparently 's.h***y' system? commiseration

having a tattoo or piercing is no indication to anything, but if you like to judge a book by its cover it says a lot about you
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

its the little things that help :)

meaning - setting them up and snitching? :)

and laddy, please...THEIR - THEIR faces, not 'there faces'!

I can stand plenty but an Englishman making such a stupid mistake again and again- it's really painful to read
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

i own a fabrication company. in the north of england.

i don't get it....if you 'own' any company why are you crying on here that you have so many Poles at work?

Not the only fabrication, I suspect.

9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

That's why many of them is so well educated to their super GCSE.

don't push it slawek

I know plenty of Polish people who make mistakes; horrible stupid mistakes and it's painful to read also. Seems like half of Poland suffers from 'dysortografia' and various other 'dys-'

Don't call the kettle black
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Unfortunately, your lovely brothers don't give them any chance to work especially in hard times when always brits get well paid job. Polish are only good to clean all this mess around some of you has done. Of course for twice less.

what a lot of...b-s

If you are a Pole with a good experience, good English etc, you are not earning less or doing some cr@ppy jobs.
But when you come here with your phony masters, no experience, bad English and equally bad attitude, do not expect too much.
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

I said speak to the indigenous people of the New World countries, and ask them their views on mass immigration. If you can find them.

Irish people fled famine 150 years ago.

And of course you see no connection here?

RevokeNice, are you Irish-Irish, or by any chance someone like Graham Norton who discovered that his family roots are actually in Yorkshire? :)
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Show me the invite.

come on RN...are you really one of those who can't process complex information?

If a country declares free movement it has to forsee outcome of such decisions.

And just in case someone is reading this and is not sure what I am talking about, look here Plantations of Ireland the real facts from Wiki to see how this old man manipulates facts.

that's why I'm interested how far back RN can trace his Irish roots

To me scalp.

not very deep then

and quote carefully in future; my blood pressure is in perfect order

Dont worry, I dont think he will be awarded the Noble prize for literature on your behalf.

if anything then SHE..and SHE POLISH on the top of it
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

But it wasnt an "invite" - Britain were just stupid and completely under estimated the numbers that would come, hence the reason they put in place restrictions when the likes of Bulgaria joined (lessons learnt)

It wasn't an invite like Ausitralia or New Zealand does when they organise open days and invite people to go and live there.
But whatever you call it the bottom line is that the UK government made it possible for A8 to come and work here pretty straight away. No questions asked and I think it's not disputable.

And one more thing about this 'non-existing' invite.
The first people to jump through this open door were employment agencies and employers who organised hundreds and hundreds of meetings IN Poland to recruit people for various, mainly labour, jobs.

The fact that the government was inept enough to predict what will happen is another matter. Long term thinking and proper risk assessment arent't the strongets point in of the current administration.
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

but the fact still remains, it was not an "invite" as some people keep calling it. There were questions asked, we have the WRS, other members of the Union dont have this.

ok. wasn't aware you dispute the actual word 'invite'. From my perspective it was just job market opened. As for the WRS system it is poorly executed.

As for NZ and Aus - yes, they do have point based system but as long as you tick all the right boxes you are fine.

They did not underestimate.[...] What British did not expect in my opinion was the slavic civilization

Frankly, they did. As for your slavic comment, and not only on this thread - have you got a problem with Slavs? From what I can see, you display rather unfounded superiority to Slavs and women specifically. Male chauvinisim and belittling women is so past by date...but maybe not in Greece.

Poles often come to England for money. Scotland too of course.

Majority - yes.
Some young people come to study, live for a bit and move on to another countries before finally settling down in Poland. It's not a huge prcentage thou.

Im talking after 2004
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

I like sucking on 'teets' too ;)

southern may be up for the job.he seems to like experimenting and probably not only with slavic women
9 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

no way it was 7:1...was it?
sadly, it was just checked,18909,828,5,1110,0,profile-statystyka?date=30.04.2004

...and since then it's been going down and down and down...
9 Nov 2009
Life / More Polish supermarket griping...this time about customers [29]

historic fact from Poland

back in the 'dark age' of communism we've had notices in shops that pregnant and women with small children will be served first.
Can't remember if elderly were included, but they were indeed served first always and everywhere.
10 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

It still is, there are a lot of people that come here as "self-employed" who are not required to register, IMO they should.

they are not required to register under the WRS because they are required to register with HMRC/CIS
All the rules have changed over the years. Some people who come here now are confused about the WRS and they don't register because they think they don't have to.

As for the 'invitation'...I've never said it and got a bit mixed up in your discussion with slawek i think.
10 Nov 2009
Life / Polish birthday party? (video) [22]

could be her birthday
when I was a scout (harcerka; our scouts were co-ed) it was kind od scouts' tradition to celebrate one's birthday

we used to do it 'na motylka' (butterfly).
I had this 'pleasure' when I was 18 and away during some oboz (a camp)
I had to face the floor, was lifted by my friends who were holding my legs and arms and basically were throwing me up in the air and when 'flying down' I was being hit by each of my firends - up to 18 times (or whatever your b-day number was)

Of course I was being held all the time/supported so no chance to hit the floor or anything like that.

The clip shows this but it's not the same. I thought only scouts had wierd ideas?
10 Nov 2009
UK, Ireland / Polish Education Grading and Uk Edu. Grading? [73]

What a bull shi.? If you have made Cambrige or Oxford regulated certificates you will be able to speak, read and even better than some of you write even if you made this certificate on planet x.

what a bull.s...t

- if i can quote you Slawek

I have NO certificates in English - Cambridge or otherwise; I haven't attended ANY English language school in the UK nor Poland
I 'studied' it in Poland the way English study any other foreign language, i.e French or German
And I am not pariculary hardworking - language wise; wouldn't consider myself language talented also
you have completely different rules re: electricity that Poland has and many of really good electricians had to go through courses here to be able to do these kind of jobs