Life /
Warnings about Life in Poland [71]
OK, in my opinion these are the things to be careful about:
If you are in a city, very very drunk guys on the streets sometimes. Avoid them.
Don't walk around in dark unlit streets alone.
DON'T go on late night trams alone.
Don't get so drunk on vodka that you don't know what you're doing.
Don't suddenly strike up friendships with total strangers and go and sleep in their house.
Be vaguely wary of some taxi drivers. If they are driving really badly, ask to get out earlier because you've seen a shop you want to go to, or something.
Polish police - scary, carry guns and aren't renowned for their total straightness ... although they are usually nice to women.
Also, carry some ID all the time. You can get stopped and asked for it.
Basically Poland is a cool, generally friendly, civilised place. If in doubt, don't go out after dark!