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Joined: 13 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 2 - AA
Last Post: 9 Oct 2021
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 3,667 / In This Archive: 354

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29 Oct 2009
News / Should Poland acquire the atomic bomb? [28]

As for Poland, if they want a bargaining tool and some leverage then by all means

It's not about conquering but about meaning business. It's all about deterrence.

And you believe that the Russians and the EU watch quietly as the Poles acquire nukes? Good luck with that... ;)
28 Oct 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

I find a trifle condescending

C'mon, being treated in a friendly way never hurts. Especially when you are abroad. :)

Where I'm from is actually irrelevant

Actually, it's not. Why? Because most native speakers of English automatically assume that everybody speaks their language and that it is therefore not necessary to learn a foreign language themselves. Very generalizing point of view, I know, but it's pretty much spot on I think.
28 Oct 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

that Germans usually address foreigners in English rather than assuming, i.e. allowing the foreigner to respond in German. To that, I interjected that this was usually a mistake.

Germans do not automatically address foreigners in English, you misunderstood. They only do that if someone struggles with German, and I guarantee you they only try to be helpful. It has nothing to do with arrogance. You should ask our native English speakers here how convenient it is for them to communicate in their own language instead of learning another one. I'd bet, they all appreciate it. You are the first one I've ever seen who complains about it. Where are you from, by the way?
28 Oct 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

Does somehow badly-spoken English sound 'cooler' or more acceptable, than badly-spoken German, French Polish etc.???

Of course not. But why are you so "obsessed" with the Germans in this context? I still think that's wrong and that you just had bad luck. BTW: go to Paris and try to address the locals in English... :)
28 Oct 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

leaves much to be desired

There's always a difference between a native speaker and someone who learned a second language. What do you expect? I kind of doubt that you have met more than one or two Germans who pretended to be perfect in English and thus were arrogant. Maybe you just had bad luck and came across the wrong person. I lived in Germany for quite a few years and I've never seen such behaviour.

one must admit, the bar has been severely lowered

I agree, but hey ... I'm Aussie ... ;)
28 Oct 2009
News / Satire: Poland on Uncyclopedia [5]

Really funny web site! I love the entries for Poland, Australia and the USA.

27 Oct 2009


You're ignoring all examples I gave you regarding the USA. Is that for a reason? What about those people who wore anti-Bush T-shirts and got arrested? Is there no freedom of speech in the USA? You see how silly this is?

US Department of State

Have a link?

I have a healthy scepticism when governments ban/incarcerate/fine people from questioning/denying/belitteling whatever they write or speak about.

I agree with you up to a certain extent. Of course we need to watch out that our governments are not cutting away on our rights, but on the other hand there have to be certain restrictions. If the KKK is burning a cross in front of the house of a black family and is threatening the people, is that freedom of speech that must be protected under all circumstances or has this to be considered a punishable hate-crime? For me it's the latter.
27 Oct 2009

So those jailed in Germany and Austria were not really jailed?

They broke a law and were punished accordingly. What's so difficult to understand? Travel to Cuba is severely restricted for American citizens for example. Does this mean that there is no personal freedom in the USA? Of course not.

and it's not just my opinion

Who else has this opinion? Some Holocaust deniers perhaps? :)

More times than I can count.

And? Have you ever been oppressed or felt that you were restricted in your freedom of speech?
27 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / US real estate crisis, how does it affect Polish-Americans [26]

We moved from a house

Congrats! Must be a good feeling.

you can find some dirt cheap prices, too good to pass

Yeah, I know. The main reason that holds us back is that we live in a really nice and safe neighborhood already. Great school district, great neighbors, and our house is 1900sqft - what more can you ask for? When you move to a different place you never know where you end up, that's the problem.

I want to wait and see what happens in a couple of years

Prices might bounce back, but I don't expect them to reach 2007 levels within the next 5 to 8 years.
27 Oct 2009


The USA is not Germany, the USA is not Europe, and don't tell me that you are free to voice your opinion about everything in the US. The German law that prohibits the use of Nazi emblems, the printing of "Mein Kampf" or the denial of the Holocaust is there for a (historical) reason. If someone decides to break a law, then he/she has to face the consequences. Be it in Germany or the USA.

The fact remains - there is no freedom of speech in Germany

That's not a fact, that's pure fiction and nonsense. Have you ever been to Germany?
27 Oct 2009
Language / How does Polish sound to you? How to make Polish sound more pleasurable? [100]

After all, stereotypes are merely exaggerations of perceived truths

Perceived truth? I would call it a personal impression that someone has. If you have met one German that doesn't mean you know them all.

Germans often DO think their English is better

How do you know?
27 Oct 2009

In Germany he would rot in jail for what he can freely say in the US.

You didn't get it... :)
That idiot was well aware of the fact that he was breaking German law (and BTW, similar laws can be found in Austria, Poland and other European countries). He did it anyway and had to face the consequences. This has nothing to do with free speech as you imply. If the First Amendment allows an American Nazi Party, the NSDAP/AO or KKK, then that's the problem and shame of the USA - not Germanys'.
27 Oct 2009

How's that for freedom of speech?

Are you serious? You base your assumption on the convinction of an ultra right wing Holocaust denier? He broke German law and got sentenced, so what? Germar Rudolf is a neo-nazi nutter who is whinging on his homepage how bad the world has treated him.
27 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / US real estate crisis, how does it affect Polish-Americans [26]

The property values in many parts of Southern California, have been sinking with a heavy anchor

Property values went down all along the west coast from Seattle to San Diego. Worst hit were the folks in metro Seattle, Portland and San Francisco, AFAIK - losing between 20% and 50% over the last two years. I'm not astonished that (given the current unemployment on the west coast) there are so many bankrupcies, foreclosures and short sales.

I don't plan on selling my house in the near future

Yup, I'll do the same. Well, unless I come across an opportunity (= a bigger and newer home) that is too good to pass, that is... :)
27 Oct 2009
News / Poland is the most friendly neighbor of Ukraine and Russia - Ukrainian poll ... [132]

and by the way do you actually believe that Soviets paid for anything

Of course not. I know that they heavily exploited all countries under their control.

How is Austrailia doing?

They expect the recession to end in 2009, although our Treasurer is still justifiably concerned that Australia's mining and tourist industry might be harmed, and that this will wipe out billions of national income in the near future.
27 Oct 2009
News / Poland is the most friendly neighbor of Ukraine and Russia - Ukrainian poll ... [132]

What do you care?

I don't, but I find it amusing how you and some others have a discussion about bringing the Ukraine "heim ins Reich" (= Poland).

they'll pay us for rebuilding of those lands

Hasn't this been discussed in another thread? I thought that the Soviets already paid for the rebuilding... ;)
27 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / US real estate crisis, how does it affect Polish-Americans [26]

how does it effect traditional Polish neighborhoods, Polish Banks and other businesses

Well, the same as everybody else, of course. If the property value of your home has gone down significantly then you obviously wouldn't sell if you don't need to. If you have lost your job, that's a different story. The number of foreclosures, short sales and bankrupcies are still on the rise, and the job market in many states doesn't look too good either.

The recession in bouncing back up

You mean the recession is almost over? Dream on! Next market to crash will be the real estate market for commercial properties. Let's see how the greedy banks will shoulder that.
26 Oct 2009
History / Did Ukraine really "steal" Polish land? [302]


One possible answer straight from the Simon Wiesenthal Center: