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Posts by Tlum  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 2 - AQ
Last Post: 25 Jul 2024
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 38
From: Polands
Speaks Polish?: tak jest
Interests: vary

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25 Aug 2009
Feedback / Why do you keep coming back to PolishForums? [13]

What is that thing in the PolishForums that keep making you come back...or log into the site, if not daily, than atleast once in a week, no matter how busy you are!

I think the main reason why people keep coming back regularly (even after they posted their "Goodbye, I'll never come back here!" message ;) is that this site is real and 'not censored.' People can freely speak their minds. They come back after having been fed with 'politically-corrected' messages which don't represent the truth.

On other sites if you say something controvertial or your views are not among the 'acceptable norms' or your opinions are not likable to the site's sponsors then your posts can be removed or you as a member will be scrutinized by the moderating team. Here, only those who really go over the board get suspended (and usually temporarily).

That's why we should pray that this site remains ad-free; otherwise sponsors (not admin or moderators) will be the 'stock holders' who determine what is acceptable or not. If that happens, true free speech as we know it will be over.
21 Aug 2009
Travel / The most overrated or disappointing places to visit in Poland? [13]

What are the most overrated or disappointing places you have visited while traveling to Poland?

Today I read an article in Polish and they said that Zakopane, Krakowski Kazimierz, Władysławowo, Ojców, Pustynia Błędowska, and Wisła are the most overrated places in Poland.

Any other opinions and comments?
17 Sep 2007
Language / Conjugate TO BE in polish for me? [37]

ja jestem - I am
ty jestes - you are
on/ona/ono jest - he/she/it is
my jestesmy - we are
wy jestescie - you are
oni sa - they are
19 Apr 2007
Travel / Visiting Krakow 4 a Week & want to get the most from it....!! [6]

Krakow is not a big city - you should be able to see big and small attractions in and out within 3-4 days. I imagine there's always something going on in the city so you won't have problems finding a good place to eat or party.
20 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / Have you heard of Sheffield United Football Club? [11]

I'm a soccer fan (not fanatic though), but I don't really have much to say about Sheffield United. I haven't checked, but I think they don't play in the Premiership. I cannot recall any player from this team either. I would have more to say bout MU for sure though :).