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Posts by Castanea  

Joined: 22 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 May 2009
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Posts: Total: 75 / In This Archive: 61
From: USA,upstate NY
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: science,medicine

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22 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

Alright this is what I know about black people and the world so far.

Blacks in general always cry racism from white people. Yet they on average covet white females or males. They say life is multicultural and you can love who you want. But their preferences demonstrate the self hatred they feel for their own race and their bias for caucasian phenotypes. Or they simply don't find members of their race attractive.

Who ever made this post demonstrated his view of white women and people in general. He thinks that polish women are just a sexual curiosity. Thats it. I have no sympathy in telling any non-white that they are jerks for wanting to date a european because of this.

We are only about 9% of the world's population now. We were once 25% at our height. I'm talking about native Europeans. We should stick to our own. Call me racist, I don't care. This is how I feel, I am not ashamed.

Dishing out immature insults like redneck,nazi, retard, pretty much says more about you than me. Multiculturalism is this peculiar phenomenon that occurs in white countries. For some funny reason whites have to let non-whites breed in their countries in order to be "progressive" and "tolerant". Africa will always be mostly African, Asia, and the rest of the world the same. But not Europe.

Race is not a social construct, Society is a racial construct.
22 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

I'm just sick of this liberal race mixing crap. We all know it is a result of white guilt on our part and self hate on their part. To put it simply of course. Alright fine I'll try to cool it.
23 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Definition of post equals= let third world immigrants into your country because it is right and western europe has done the same.

What a load of garbage. Every nation has a right to preserve national identity, culture, and blood.

Whites have nothing to gain from this but everything to lose. Thats a fact. You have people of varying opinions,viewpoints, without this immigration.
24 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

I only know that lot of Black men do loves white women because they complained about Black women are too harsh with them. I don't know how harsh women treat Black men? I know Black women are very good women and very reglious and caring and do take care of problems well better than white people. It is the truth. Black women can deal it all.

I only know lot of Black people do loves Polish Food. It is truth.

Black men love white women because they find members of their own race unattractive. They covet white women because they see it as a status symbol. They feel better about themselves because of this. This is the truth. Listen to any group of blacks talk, and they will say stuff like this.

If you find members of another race more attractive, that is your business. But it shows you have fetish and reflects on how you view your people in a negative way. You ever heard of ther term white washing? It is something non-whites do when they select a white spouse. They purposely choose white partners to dilute their native features. So that they can closer to closer to looking white ever subsequent generation.

Black people in general are uncultured, vulgar, and savage. In the U.S. they make up a fraction of the general population. Yet they commit a large percentage of the crime "rape", "theft", "murder" etc. Sure a minority may be educated. But most are not. Just listen to them deface the english language and european culture in general.
24 Mar 2009
Love / Pick up lines - the Polish style [110]

Is that a mirror in your pocket? I can see me in your pants.

Are you DNA helicase? Because I'd like you to unzip my genes.

hehe a biology pick up line.
24 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

Europeans produced the world's most coveted, imitated culture on the planet. And your little quip about American english is irrelevant. You can't argue against anything in my post, so you insult American english. LOL,LOL,LOL at yourself.
24 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

Of course. All of you know so much about me. Immature. Apparently my ideas are so profound I couldn't have come up with them.

Miranda why do you say this? Are all 20 year olds so sheepish where you are from? Do they bend backwards for multiculturalism? If they do, they I can guess I can see why you think I can't think for myself.

I have an identity. I never said I was more American than anyone else. Immigration, invasion, two sides of the same coin. If you can't see the pattern, you are a blind. Every heard of a place called Lebanon? Lebanon was a christian nation formed from the Ottoman empire. Muslim immigration cause it to become a muslim country under Arab majority rule. There was a massacre of over 300000 christians.

Just because my views differ from you, does not mean I'm immature. If anyone is immature it is you. You swallow the crap the media shoves down your throat. That is the sign of someone who can't think for themselves.
24 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

I am against media promoting multiculturalism. But facts about news, that cannot be disbuted are fine. This Lebanon issue is a matter of history. Advertisements and education promoting this false ideal of diversity are wrong. And I have met many non-whites. This hasn't changed anything. I used to live in a big city for 11 years. I know diversity and I hate it.
24 Mar 2009
Love / Pick up lines - the Polish style [110]

Hahaha... as a medical student i must say that one was really fun!

Glad you liked it. Seriously you remind me of the govenor of California when he was younger of course.
24 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

I guess if I said jew I would get in trouble too. Who knew? This world was so askew.. over the word jew. Achu!, I sneezed. Do you have a tissue? I do :-)
25 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

I don't consider myself aggresive at all. Racist? Maybe. But I prefer the term ethnocentric. I try to make other whites aware of the inner workings of the anti-white society being reinforced every day in the west. I don't don a hood and burn crosses. This behavior is counter productive to the cause. I deal amicably with non-whites every day as well.

This is a decent article. Randal I'm sure you might enjoy it.
25 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

Thanks and you as well. You are British? Hopefully more Native Britons will be aware soon enough. Austria has started to wake up as well as Italy. Needless to say I am quite proud of them.
25 Mar 2009
Love / What are the best pick up spots in Warsaw? [24]

Americanpole don't be a man whore. Be a man and embrace the pain then let it go. You can't bury something in sex or alcohol. Just go out with some friends and have fun. Move on.

Do you all think I'm a jerk for saying what I want?
Here is another question... Do women want guys to lie to them? What I mean is do girls ever just want to have sex but feel guilty about doing it outside the realm of a possible relationship?

Some women want casual sex. There is a possibility of guilt with both parties honestly, even if they both want this. This is partially why I don't hook up. That and the prospect that I may never have a healthy serious relationship if I do. Instant gratification is what can lead to many types of unhealthy habits and addictions.

However women who do have casual sex do so knowingly whether intoxicated or not. They don't need a guy to say I love you. Saying I love you is something jerks do to get laid by non sluts or non sexually liberated, w/e you want to call it.

You have two types of girls-"in this situation"

1. Is a hedonist for casual. Easy but picky, or just plain easy.
2. Nice girl, may be sexually experienced or not, responsible, only has had sex in serious relationships or perhaps has never even had a serious boyfriend. May fall head over heels for a douchebag and get dupped into sex, "if naive or if the guy is a good liar".

If you want to whore around please go for 1. Stay away from 2. If you want to fool around don't destoy someones heart in the process. Personally I stay away from both. I have no time for a wonderful 2. No time to date :-(.
25 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

HAHA, you guys are funny. Hopefully I will find more racially aware whites on this site.

This poem is for you guys. I did not write it, but I do like it.

Fallen Daughter

Your once pure blood
You have sullied with mud
To your noble race
You are a disgrace

O fallen daughter
You are corrupt and you betray
O fallen daughter
You have lost your way

These abominations you create
Your race cries at this fate
You are cast out for all time
For your abhorrent crime

O fallen daughter
You are lost and benighted
O fallen daughter
Your children are blighted
26 Mar 2009
Love / How can a black man get a Polish women [248]

I vow to raise at least three children. Hopefully. But I don't believe it will be in the U.S. We are too far gone here
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

how boring...

Really that is boring? Because the last time I checked the reason why everyone is here is because they enjoy polish culture,language,people, and food. Yes those Poles sure are boring with their colorful unique culture.

Quick someone take millions of blacks and indians, take them to Poland. They need to spice things up.... Lets not forget the race mixing. Polish people are beautiful as is...they need to be browned up a bit. :-(

Homogeny has produced every great culture in Europe. Granted that there was mixing of blood between european groups. But we are all in the same family anyway. WPWW white pride world wide.

You don't care that we are declining in population? And on top of that our lands are being encroached on by people who have no tie to our history, culture, and blood???

You need to take yourself off that koolaid IV drip and get of that diversity coma.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

You are right, we are all white by blood. As long as we assimilate blood lines will stay pure and culture will remain intact.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]


Really? alright, all hail diversity. I bet that would give me the thumbs up. Black history month, black pride, it is all fine. White people however, need to feel guilty.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Exclusionaist policies indeed, such policies spread cohesion and trust between those included. Inclusionist policies breed confusion and a false sense of security. Look at what multiculturalism and diversity has brought to the modern world?

cute quip about the KKK, I am not a member of any such organization.

You would rather see your race dissappear? I don't think so.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

That is pathetically sad. Yours is a brainwashed mind.

You are pathetically naive.Whatever you say to affirm your beliefs. However immigration ultimately leads to dilution of blood and culture. It is that simple. Non-whites on average tend to have more children. If these people are in Poland and multiply. Do you honestly think poland with be the same place 50 years from now, if it follows the path of Western Europe? I don't think so.

Do the math, it is more logic than mathematics. Are you logical? I guess not.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Why do "men" always say this to women who have an opinion?

I did not know CoolMoon was woman. And why are you turning this into a sexist thing?

Listen, I'm going to bed. It seems that if my statements can't be refuted, I get attacked personally for something completely random and offtopic.

Goodnight miss.
26 Mar 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I appreciate your comment. But I'm majoring in Biology. I know all this already. Your analogy at the end is over simplified. A food fight is your idea of one race...?

I know about migration,halpotypes, natural selection, bottle neck, founder effect, genetic variation etc. These are all arguments I can use to prove that race does exist. Anyway goodnight.