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Posts by lexi  

Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Aug 2009
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Posts: Total: 176 / In This Archive: 133
From: Kent
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18 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / How many paddies in Poland? [38]

There are other illegal occupations around the world.

Perhaps a word exchange would be better here. "By force" I think is a much better word and cuts all political legislation.
18 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / How many paddies in Poland? [38]

Oh come on everyone has to work together, otherwise is just festers hatred which is good for noone. Life is moving on, times are changing dramatically, you have to keep up with the times. Life is short and there is really no time for racial hatred. Towards lazy parasites and radicals yes. However people who want to find a "niche" in life then let it be whatever nationality.
18 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / How many paddies in Poland? [38]

Reno, my luv, I'm in North Yorkshire now! It 's the governments fault, they should have monitored carefully what the quotas should have been. If you feel so strongly go to you local MP and start protests in the street, and boycott Tesco of course!

Why do you have this pre-conception towards the polish and not the various other nationalities that occupy your beautiful country,including the english
18 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / How many paddies in Poland? [38]

Reno everyone is proud of their country. There are great english, irish and polish people. You get "bums" in every country. At least with polish people you know how you stand from a religious point of view. It is those of muslim faith that you should fear most, because nonone understands their religion
19 Jul 2009
News / I am so proud of Poland [16]

I am a young Proud Polish American that moved to USA at the age of Poland

Gosh tell us the secret of " longevity", were you a good friend of Jesus, tell us all about him, and any scandalous behaviour, especially with those drunken desciples.
19 Jul 2009
Love / My Perfect Love Story so I thought [73]

[quote=kasqures]I am grateful to God for everything he provided[/quote
The article you wrote was all about yourself, this is a debating site not "Marjory proops".

I hate this kind of attention seeking stuff.
19 Jul 2009
Love / My Perfect Love Story so I thought [73]

My uncle is happily married to one of the nicest ladies I have know.

Well then chat to him about your "cyberspace lover", see what he thinks, and , follow his advice, and spare us all the tedious posts which are irrelevant and unentertaining.
19 Jul 2009
Love / My Perfect Love Story so I thought [73]

Who forced you to read it ? You are not doing some favor to him by reading the post. Don't think yourself so important. LOL! Just don't read it! problem solved!
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Who forced you to read it ? You are not doing some favor to him by reading the post. Don't think yourself so important. LOL! Just don't read it! problem solved!

|Oh grow up and get a life, the man is just me me me!

Who forced you to read it ? You are not doing some favor to him by reading the post. Don't think yourself so important. LOL! Just don't read it! problem solved!
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Joined: Mar 5, 09

Who forced you to read it ? You are not doing some favor to him by reading the post. Don't think yourself so important. LOL! Just don't read it! problem solved!
Threads: 1
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Joined: Mar 5, 09

I was not forced to read it luv. although it was a piece of s....!
24 Jul 2009
Feedback / Why do people post on polish forums [27]

I have come to the conclusion that people who post here are either mad, sad or lonely. Okay I put myself forward. I am a little mad and lonely how about everyone else?
25 Jul 2009
Feedback / Why do people post on polish forums [27]

I first came here to look for friends because I was lonely.

I came here first to try and find out what was acceptable for a first communion present, for a communion I was attending of my polish friends child. Didn't get the present, and have been addicted ever since. Strange in a way.
25 Jul 2009
Love / Do Polish guys think getting physically violent with a woman is OK? [40]

In communities of well educated people chances of a deviation are much much smaller.
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In communities of well educated people chances of a deviation are much much smaller.

Domestic violence has no boundaries, it crosses every strata of life.
3 Aug 2009
Life / How to obtain EHIC (European Health Insurance Card,) in Poland? [41]

think the doctor also told me about an eclipse healthcard or something like that he called it, I do not remember the exact name. I did not think I may be eligible so he suggested this alternative route but I have found no information on this card.

To be honest they are not worth the card they are written on, thats why they are readily available. Try having an accident and using them in a private clinic, the answer is no sorry we do not accept. These cards can be only used in state hospitals whichever country you may be in. It is not adviseable to take them on a skiing holiday, unless you are based in a hugh city with a state hospital nearby. It is much better to take out private insurance which is not really that expensive.
3 Aug 2009
Life / How to obtain EHIC (European Health Insurance Card,) in Poland? [41]

The E11 card is absolute crap. People go on holiday with these cards believing they are fully covered for every eventuality. The minute there is any cost involved, the card goes down the drain and the credit card take presidence over everything.

If you have to use the E11 card out of necessity you will be shipped off to the shitiest hospital imaginable, equivalent to the national health in the uk!
3 Aug 2009
Life / How to obtain EHIC (European Health Insurance Card,) in Poland? [41]

And the EHIC website is pretty clear:

Pierogi, nobody looks at the website, once they have these cards in their hands they believe they are invincible. It is almost like a passport to them. Why these cards were introduced is a mystery, maybe to make the government look good. The majority of people in the uk believe that they do not need insurance once they have one of these E11 cards.

People , before these cards were introduced were perfectly happy to take out insurance with the tour operators, it was part and parcel of the holiday. Now they wave the card around, like it is their passport to europe.
3 Aug 2009
Life / How to obtain EHIC (European Health Insurance Card,) in Poland? [41]

Well you just telephone and one is issued, usually within a few days. They do not tell you anything about not being accepted in private clinics abroad, so naturally people think that it covers them for everything at anytime.
19 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

I have a question for misingfromheaven. I have been told by a few mediums that I have psychic powers. For example when I walk into houses I can feel the atmosphere in the house, almost straight away. Sometimes before something has happened, I have felt the stress, it is a feeling hard to explain, only to someone who understands, its like taking on the stress before it happens,the build up if you like. I pick up on atmospheres almost immediately, even if it is the first time I have met these people. Even if the person appears to be extremely nice on the outside, something seems to warn me and a dreadful feeling comes over me, I become quite nervous inside unable to relax.

I would be grateful if you could explain this from a mediums point of view, or any one else who could provide imput. I have also had many premonitions, sometimes hours before they happen, or sometimes minutes before they happen.
19 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

I have studied various books in this issue. However... are you an introvert?

No I am neither an introvert nor an extrovert. I am however a very open person, meaning that I can strike up conversations with almost everyone, whether I know them or not.
19 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

I think that you have been studying the wrong psychic books, maybe you should change your material because I don't think the ones you are reading are working that well.
19 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

winds blow things around; people

Yes but surely it would have to take one hell of a strong wind to blow a heavy chair infront of the tv set, indoors at that. Infact unless it was a tornedo I can't see how this would happen.
19 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

people do things and don't admit to them" (or forget they did them)

Well maybe so if they were sleepwalking, I have heard of this. and of people doing strange things, like opening and locking doors, and walking down the street in pyjamas.
20 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

Something else a few days after i met my wife she told me about a fortune teller she met years before hand, so far everything has come true right up to the birth of our baby girl

A spiritualist, not the ones that read from the tarrat cards, the ones that actually get the messages from the dead, even said the name of my son. She did not know myself or my family from adam, so I believe that there are people who can really contact and mediate with he dead.
20 Aug 2009
Love / Is Polish girls' beauty a myth? [78]

In Poland the looks of most girls are in the middle. This becomes deceptive of course, and make some needy foreign guys spread the word that all Polish girls are hot, when in fact all (most) are average, and the average slightly above the average of other countries

I think that many polish girls dress extremely smart, and the majority have lovely figures. They always seem to take the time to present themselves well and look after themselves.

I am not sure about being beautiful, many do not have the natural facial features, otherwise they would be snapped up by well-known model agencies straight away. Yes before anyone says beauty is made up of many things and not just natural good looks, I agree and that develops with time, however, for someone to be stunning it is the impression one gets from an immediate glance. I don't think they are naturally stunning.

I also think that girls in England are far too overweight, far too overweight to look extremely attractive, and therefore they wear clothes to compensate for this, which appear ridiculous, if of course they wear any. Coupled with that the drink culture in the uk is out of control. It appears to be a total reverse situation ,where it was the men who drank everyone under the table it is the men who dance around the handbags and the women who swear and drink pints at the bar, is it any wonder that when they go off on a trip abroad to somewhere like Poland they are in heaven, because many of the younger generation have not seen this time of class in their lives. They see women behaving as women and they go into total shock.

I have to share a little story, sorry for the long post. On a flight back from Krakow I overheard one stag-nighter saying to his friend, he had obviously got the girls name and mobile number. "It took me a whole day to try and pronounce her surname", understandable.
20 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

No apparent effects from seeing it... yet. My buddy said there was no way he was going to see it

Are you sure it was the picture or the actual price per night of the hotel?
20 Aug 2009
Life / Haunted Homes in Poland [173]

The pub itself is pretty old (15th C wooden framework outside) and serves some pretty decent ale

Oh I just had a passing thought whilst trying to visualise this building and Wild cop, World Cup Wyle cap just sprung to mind, with a mixture of black and white wood. a slight incline. I don't know if this means anything
20 Aug 2009
Life / More Polish supermarket griping...this time about customers [29]

Let's not forget the "Jubilat experience". It's like a game of chinese checkers. First the cashier scans all the items, and then, and not until then, when the bill comes to 100zl or more are you allowed a free white plastic bag, normally used for putting inside

foot bins.

You may then proceed to pack your things at a rate of 150 per minute, as the rest of the people are waiting to pack their things. It is only at the end of the transaction that you are 100% sure that you are entitled to a free bag, and only one.

No free bags are given out prior to the transaction taking place.
20 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Looking for an old friend, Krzysztof Koziołkiewicz [6]

There was a time many years ago that I lived in Germany and had the greatest of fortunes to have made some fantastic friends from Poland while I was there

Oh what a beautiful story, I really hope that you can find him. It is awful when you have lost contact with someone that you still think about. Best of luck.