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Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Aug 2009
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From: Kent
Speaks Polish?: no

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25 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

There are pros and cons of emigrating and something like this is on the 'con' side.

No on the contrary Mr H this is a pro side. Children, unlike adults can become fluent in 6 months, without any accent. This is the best time for a child to learn a language when they are young, there is such a hugh incentive to learn, this is really the best time,

In england unfortunately, we do not expose our children to any serious language at an early age, and then expect them to learn it all in a couple of years, unless one pays for private tuition of course.

Children need to start a foreign language in nursery school, that is why the british are so crap at languages.
25 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

I do agree with you on that point and don't think that this kid shouldn't be learning Polish, just that the emphasis should be on English as that will, ultimately, be his first language.

Mr H the emphasis should not be on english, he will pick this up naturally. Maybe the parents are expecting too much of the child. The school does not sound good when they are saying the things that they say. Maybe the school is in some inner-city somewhere.

Children pick up languages naturally, and they don't carry the stress that adult do.
25 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

inner city schools would not be saying stuff like this to polish parents, that is for sure.

I know that they should not, but sometimes they are staffed by unqualified teachers because noone wants to work there. Sad but true.
26 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

You seem to be getting the impression that I'm saying he shoudn't be taught Polish at all and I'm not saying that.

Mr H if you cannot offer anything else other than this pre-adolescent reply, refrain from discussing any other matters with me please.
26 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

I'm sorry if you don't appreciate it or cannot at least see another person's point of view.

I may not agree with you, but you should at least allow me the courtesy of having an opinion.

I agree with you Mr H, this is a public forum and yes I should see another person view, and yes I should let you have the courtesy of an opionion. However I never got the impression that the child should" not be taught polish" this was purely your assumption.

A child naturally picks up a language, and has very little to do with osmosis.
26 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

There are complex historical reasons for this (short story: the traditional models of grammar are awful and make no sense but for various political reasons can't be replaced). The effect is what it is.

Mafketis what is this rubbish you are feeding the members of this forum. Pray tell me what are the "traditional models of grammar which are so awful and make no sense "but for various political reasons!

Are you talking about the way expenses claims are interpreted, which make no sense but cannot be replaced because it is so advantageous to politicians for various political reasons
26 Jun 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

Mister H

Just tried to send you a PM to apologise for being a moody git earlier, but your setting don't seem to allow for them, so I'm doing it this way instead.

Sorry !

Don't worry about it have a nice sleep. No problem.
Mafketis above, is giving everyone the Oxford Concise of life !!
28 Jun 2009
News / Plane crash in Krakow. [15]

Maybe just of the bonia in Krakow, there is a big park there.
28 Jun 2009
News / Plane crash in Krakow. [15]

From where they live you can see Hute...if that helps???

How far from Nova Huta and in which direction?
1 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

Young children are unable to differentiate between first and second languages, as they do not catagorise this the way adults do. They simply see language as a means of communication. If a friend is speaking english they will speak english, if another is speaking polish they will speak polish.

It is only adults who have these barriers not children.
1 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

A child as young as 2 can pick up a foreign language fluently if they are in a host country with no stress at all. Don't listen to some of the "plebs on this site". The child will speak two languages fluently with very little assistance.

Even older children only need 6m to a year to become fluent, provided they are living and going to school in a host country.

I see no problem.
3 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Friend told "just allow your son to forget Polish" by school. [96]

Those variations often allow speakers to attain the level of expression that is out of reach to people speaking only one language.

If a young child is put in the situation where they have no alternative but to learn the language, it forces them to use parts of the brain, that would otherwise lay dormant. It allows them to dig deep into the resources and build up coping mechanisms which equips them very well in later life.

Also bilingual children are able to speak 3rd and 4th languages so much easier, without the complications and barriers that non-bilingual children have.
13 Jul 2009

English, at the moment is one of the most important languages on the planet

Also don't forget it is the international business language for companies around the world.
13 Jul 2009

Polish is evolving, thank goodness.

That is because of social interaction between two nations. They are now able to travel without the restrictions they had previously, yes you will get the "no-marks", we have them here in england too, but you also get the well-educated ones, who are a great pleasure to be with.

We also have to remember that the American education system is completely different to the British system. There is none of this rote learning, and spelling outrageous words before the age of 4. The Americans teach children to believe in themselves, education is something to be cherished and enjoyed, and most of all fun. They teach them self-esteem,they can be anything they want to be through creative methods and encouragement.

I sometimes think that it is time for the "old draconian british education system" to wake up, and accept the world in which we live today.
13 Jul 2009

Well in fairness I think the answer to the question is somewhere in between.

Of course I am all in favour of this. A well balanced child makes a well balanced adult. I obviously was not at your "brain-washing" ceremony, but I have taught in international schools, and the Americans for creativity come out top!

Still love Poland too though, love the people!
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

Well, technically it is, but it happens, a company is not allowed to discriminate based on nationality, sex, age or religion,

Why does an application form ask for all of these questions to be completed then?
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

It's completely understandable why Poles find it worthwhile to move here these days - but, unlike my parents generation, they are more likely to have moved here for purely economic reasons, not to escape the commie oppression. Who can blame them, but many do take the p*ss a bit as well.

Exactly,authorities made the decision they should deal with it. By nature and culture of polish people they will go back to their homeland as and when is necessary, they are not some parasites. UNLIKE SOME OTHER NATIONS , who want everything for nothing. They are clever people, not solely in england to take everything.
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

Obviously Poles cannot be blamed for this idiotic UK system

If there is a system to be abused, it will be abused. I think that the polish will do it less than other nationalities. The uk put this system in force, they have to deal with it. If contolled immigration, after poland joined the EU had been better thought out, we would not have so much anamosity as we have today.

The authorities are to blame ,not the unproportunal levels as we see today.
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

They didnt have a crystal ball, how could they know how many people would arrive, the French and Germans and Italians and Spanish didnt come in the numbers

Oh sorry my mistake, I thought that's what diplomats were for.

If you cannot estimate how many immigrants are likely to occupy your country, and you have no controlled immigration (ie a limited of 20,000 this year and maybe increasing by 10% next year). This is what I am saying blame the government, it is out of touch with real life, or it does not want to recognise real life.

I could have told you 5 years ago what the influx would have been. Nobody even thought about it, Tony was too busy showing people of Britain how beautiful he looked for 50!
15 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

If the West really wants to give people a chance in life they should invest in countries like Poland

I think they have been doing this for the last l0 years. Where have you been "under the spell of sleeping beauty". It was not to give a chance of life to the people it was to make HUGH profits, from cheaper labour. Big international companies have been doing this for years. They just move onto their next country when it becomes even cheaper Hey that is life!

Big companies are in this for the money not the social wellbeing of the society in which they invest.
15 Jul 2009
Love / What are the perceptions of polish towards homosexuality? [106]

I've been through Radom by bus a couple of times. It's not a beauty spot but it's not awful either

Really is there a place called random? I thought that this was just a made up name on this forum. Please tell me where is random, between where?
18 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / How many paddies in Poland? [38]

How many Irish in Poland, Seany boy? 100? 1,000? 10,000?

The question should be how many Irish are in England surely.
18 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / How many paddies in Poland? [38]

You have your country and don't be so silly. Nobody ever took it away from you. You are still living in the 60's, get real!