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Posts by Phil33101  

Joined: 5 Oct 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Nov 2008
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 26 / In This Archive: 16
From: Great Britian
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Photography, History

Displayed posts: 18
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28 Oct 2008
UK, Ireland / My friends upset at Brits.... [51]

My understanding is that it is common practice across Eastern Europe to eat anything you catch, even fish that fishermens just throw back in the UK.

If the culprits where from a Very Rural part of a country then it is believable, as again that could possibly be the norm.

My local paper recently had a story about young English lads torturing swans for fun, and I know which is worse.
26 Oct 2008
UK, Ireland / Great Britain vs England, Ireland, Scottland, Wales [37]

People wanting to be 'English, Welsh Scottish or Irish, is something that has grown in popularity since the 1980's and in my opinion is a fad more than a well throught out debate. for Example.

English people will Support the English National Team, but will support Great Britian in the Olympics. Her Majesty the Queen is the Queen of England, the Monarch of Great Britian and the ruler of the Commowealth, but Flies the Union Flag and not the St Geaorges Flag. The English National Anthem is the same as that of Britian but the welsh & Scots have there own. Soldiers serve in the British Army under the Union Flag although they may be Scottish or Welsh.

I personally proud to be British as well as English, and believe that we are throwing away our past by wanting to be 4 seperate nations.

26 Oct 2008
History / Poland war propaganda poster - can anyone explain this picture? [292]

Here another, note Wara does not mean war but something like "go away".

Sean, your 2nd and 3rd Images, are Polish propaganda from the time of the Warsaw uprising. Both are displayed in the Uprising Museum in Warsaw.

20 Oct 2008
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

Live with one for a few years and see how perfect they are...

and again.... maybe not perfect for you, but perfect for him...
beside, perfect does not exist...
and everybody defines 'perfect' differently...

And Im sure I said 'near' Perfect lol
20 Oct 2008
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

Because they are near perfect in every sense.

Rubbish. They are no better or worse overall than any other woman

Personal choice gtd
20 Oct 2008
Travel / Krakow to Auschwitz Transport [11]

Thanks Barbara, the receptionist at the Holiday Inn sorted it all out. Ending upgetting the 09:10 bus and then back at 15:05, so had the chance to have a very good look around. Have previopusly been to Dachu and went round the Warsaw Uprising Museum 2 days previous so I know now a lot more than i did a week ago.

Only downside was by the time we got back to Krakow, it was getting to dark to spend any amount of time at the CWGC Cemetery, so maybe next time

20 Oct 2008
Love / What is the sexiest part in a polish woman body? [78]

It has to be the smile, having spent the last 8 days travelling through latvia - Belarus - Poland, natives of each country have different plus points, but only the Polish girls appear to smile, and actually look as if they are enjoying life. Add this to a wonderful accent, a distinct lack of obesness and you have your answer.

I would uite happily date a polisg Lady anytime.

12 Oct 2008
News / British war memorial in/near Trojmiasto? [19]

Tony, sadly I cant join you in November, as I have a visit planned to Berlin, however, I am in Krakow next weekend so will visit and pay respect. I was in Oosterbeek in September. Paying respects is the importantant bit not just the time.

6 Oct 2008
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

You should just Laugh and hold your head up High. The Polish nation has a lot to be proud off. I was with a 92 year old Veteran Paratrooper who fought for the Allies at Arnhem in Sept 1944 at the 64th Battle Commerations. He could hardly walk yet got up and laid his wreath.

The people who are insulting do not know there History
6 Oct 2008
Travel / Krakow to Auschwitz Transport [11]

Thanks Polishgirl, I have emailed the Hotel but they havent come back to me yet, and leave UK at the weekend.
6 Oct 2008
Travel / Krakow to Auschwitz Transport [11]

Can anyone suggest the best way to get to Austwitz from the Holiday Inn at Krakow.
6 Oct 2008
Travel / Warsaw's Nightlife.. Any Ideas? [11]

Thread attached on merging:
Warsaw Nightlife

Can anyone please suggest the best places to visit in Warsaw? Prefer non tourist type places
