Travel /
Is the general consensus in Poland that black people shouldn't visit? [35]
hmmmm.... ok. just stating that I noticed an underlying tone.....
Also I think immigration and its inherent results are a major issue for most countries. But this isn't a conversation for me though, I'm not a polish subject matter expert. If we were to speak about US immigration I could comment, but only from the voice of a concerned citizen. But I'm not a polish citizen just a visitor with a tint of polish blood in my veins.
Poznan would also be a good city for you to visit.
why Poznan I'm not quite privy?
Comeback here and tell all the people how it was and end this pointless argues.
yes I will post when I return, otherwise I think this argument will continue forever.
More people will stare at you there.
actually that is basically what happened the last time I was in Poland. a little kid even came up and said he wanted to touch my skin..... I thought it was odd.
That and people are obviously like what the heck are these black people doing in Poland..... nonetheless with the different forms of transportation the world is getting much smaller alot faster.... I'm rambling.
great, when are you planning to go then?
I'll arrive in Poland on the 30th of this month, hopefully if I finish off a job I'm doing here in the middle east early enough. But worst case scenario I'll have a meeting in w/ another client in Europe, and arrive on the 31st or 1st. I'll be in and out of Poland till the 24th of Feb.... couple of meetings. But hopefully I can reschedule..... nonetheless 30th Jan till 24th Feb...... also my current plans are to come back in late April/ Early May I've been told that this is a much nicer time.