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Posts by Paul Prose  

Joined: 22 Aug 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Wisconsin
Speaks Polish?: Not a word :)

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Paul Prose   
22 Aug 2007
Love / Polish mail order brides? [89]

there is a catalogue of Alaskan men looking for wives isnt there? I think Ive spotted a gap in market here as there seem to be so many women looking for Polish men

It's because they have few other options. Very few women really want to 'rough it' in Alaska so there's a shortage of women there. Alaska has sizable cities now but it's still an outback culture. That plus Alaska is the migration point of choice for men that are "trying to figure themselves out" and are 'different'. I heard men like that are super horny though if that's what you're looking for ;)
Paul Prose   
22 Aug 2007
Love / The meaning of ring on Polish girl's middle finger? [25]

Riiight. Maybe in the country of Wisconsin. I've never heard of this.

I grew up in Chicago and it's true. It doesn't actually require her too, but this is the way a woman flirts outwardly about such a thing to men.

I was in Texas recently. I went into a fueling station and the cashier sticks an ice cream cone in her mouth while she rings up the sale, giggling around the ice cream cause she's obviously making a blunt hint to me. That isn't to say she was actually interested in me but she was just flirting in the most obtuse manner possible. It was a silly kind of a thing to do but it did turn me on. She knew it of course lol. The games people play.

sorry but you are a jerk

I'm not a jerk.
Paul Prose   
22 Aug 2007
Love / Sending this poem to a girl - cheezy or not? [53]

I was going to send a small poem to a girl i like , but would this be just cheezy or sweet?

The thing about poetry is unless you're REALLY good at it, it's always cheesy except to the object of your affection. So I'd say, do you want to be posting that stuff on a public forum?
Paul Prose   
22 Aug 2007
Love / The meaning of ring on Polish girl's middle finger? [25]

hmm, actually I think silly kunt is more appropriate


She was a coutry chick in Gainsville, one of the poorest parts of Texas and while she certainly wasn't educated or sophisticated I took it for what it was.....fun.
Paul Prose   
22 Aug 2007
Love / The meaning of ring on Polish girl's middle finger? [25]

These crazy chicks, I mean how could a sane man understand such brain activity? And why would a guy want to anyway? What with her hair that feels so nice in your face, her voice that lets you forget the rat race, skin so smooth, feet and hands so small you want to hold her, protect her, love her forever. Understand her? Huh?

In the movie "Planet of the Apes" I kinda developed a crush on Nova, the mute human girl Heston fell for. She never talked, had an adorably overexpressive empathetic face, and a tatered mini skirt. The perfect woman? Isn't Nova a Polish name?

Ok you see what you did...you got me in a sarcastic mood...it's your fault.