Love /
Do you think that Poles are faithful [74]
Men Cheat for sexual reasons and women emotional.
Men cheat for their lust... and women for attraction.
Risk of dieseas, and emotional stress.
I just re-write it differently. Both the man and woman who cheat are evils. One need to choose the right kind of partner for marriage, and then have children. Children are innocent, they have their life ahead, and it is injustice to them if they will end up suffering due to their parents mistakes!
It is foolishness to think that the child will understand, and take everything positively! It is not a possitive influence, and will leave a definite mark in the childs life. A child looks upto his/her parents. We need to understand and accept this.
This is not only a Polish problem. It is an international problem (more prominent in the western countries, due to total materialism in every way): I boldly say,
We should be MODERATE in religion! We should discourage alcohol/drugs/tobbaco in every form they come.
We should have better families, and better education about family and responsibility from parents and schools.
Condom should be in use. But we should discourage sex outside marriage, and make people understand that condom is not the solution, but honesty and hygene is!
We should learn to respect ourselves.
...i got more to say but i need to go somewhere :)... bye