Life /
The strangest things in Poland [468]
I love Poland which I consider my homeland so here are some things I found a little different from my country of origin:
- taking shoes off before entering the house; it's so nice, but some ppl actually already told me it was ok to keep them on, even though, I took them off too! :)
- whenever I visited someone in Poland they ALWAYS offered me something to drink, water, vodka, coffee, etc. . .
- having to buy your tickets in those Polish kioskis and when you enter the bus you need to put it in some sort of little box and then this little box gives you back
- i often saw many drivers hitting the side-walks while parking their car, LOL :P
- many poles manage to drink warm beer, how's that possible?! =/ other thing is, if someone in Poland offers you something e.g: Beer, just drink it. . otherwise they will insist until you drink at least once sip of it, [are all poles like that?], I talked to some and they to me is quite normal to insist that you should drink lol :D great, uh? But what if you don't drink at all? =/ in my case there was no problem, i love drinking hahaha yes, and Polish beer has a higher percentage of alcohol, that mean I get drunk much faster :D
- they seem to drink tea or coffee all the time
- for the 2 years and a half that I was in Poland I saw ONCE one black person there, I was freaked out, not because I'm a racist but because I was so used to see ONLY white people, that when I saw once guy once I was REALLY surprised, and started to point, (oh no) now I understand why Poles consider blacks exotic o.O
- having to wait the streets lights go green for pedestrians, even if there's no car coming your way, I've heard, you might get a fine if you attempt to do so when those are red for pedestrians
- having the name day as most important rather than the birthday, though my name is German :(
- taking shower once a week LOL :)
- listening to the word kurwa all the time ahaha mostly said by men. . . 5 out of ten words lol
- putting on fat on the entire face before going out in the snowy cold winter of
-20C degrees :D uhullll \m/
- drinking shots of vodka in the winter to get warm :D yuuupie!
- in the summer everyone wants to get a tan
- just about everyone has a great sense of fashion
- the toilette is separate from the bathroom
- on Easter they eat cooked egg and pray
- they do appreciate when you (non-polish) try to speak their language
- they always talked in Polish to me thinking I was a Pole lol
- the doors open inwards lol, nice!
well I can't remember anything else being so soooo different from where I'm from, but I love that experience as I as consider myself Polish too.
let's post more stuff, people!
omg, i forgot to mention, the wedding ring i use is on the right hand :)
very nice!