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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jul 2012
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13 Aug 2007
Love / The sounds of Polish porn [74]

did she have surgery afterwards to put her back together or something?

Actually to regain virginity.
13 Aug 2007
Love / The sounds of Polish porn [74]

There is a polish actress who had sex with over 700 men in a row.She is the proud owner of the world record.
Few people know about the polish achievements.
13 Aug 2007
Love / The sounds of Polish porn [74]

once watched German porn

German porn is totally inferior to polish.German is quantity oriented,no respect to quality.
I saw a video of some German men operating in Poland.Even they understood the need for a Drang nach Osten.
13 Aug 2007
Love / The sounds of Polish porn [74]

Polish porn is exciting.Polish actresses really act and are not plastic,artificial ug's.
13 Aug 2007
Love / A Polish Girl Without Heart!! [54]

So how do you get a girl to stay,what is it.....Locked??

If you are attracive to her she will stay with you.Let's say many eastern european girls see a better life abroad,so they gradually raise their expectations.Especially when they compare themselves with the appearance of the local women.That is why I seldom invite them and if I do,I let them to stay maximum 10 days.

It is pointless to buy presents for polish girls.They do not have the culture of offer like russian girls,let's say if you do this for me,I will offer this to you.Or I offer it to you waiting for an exchange.Catholic culture is not like that.Moreover it is shameful for a polish girl to accept presents of any kind,so you humiliate her by buying them and she develops negative feelings for you,thinking even that you may want to imprison her and get her free will away by giving presents.So she may develop the reflex to get away and be free.

But if you do not buy any presents,she is always free and follows you by her conscious will.The opposite is true for russian girls because russians are fond of freedom in a different way that includes the obedience of the others to serve their needs.
13 Aug 2007
Love / A Polish Girl Without Heart!! [54]

You cannot occupy the heart of a girl because you bought her some presents.She is no way obliged by that to stay locked.
11 Aug 2007
USA, Canada / Gay Poles in Chicago, New York [30]


I read some of their stuff.They are not dangerous.Like right wing,not real nazis.
11 Aug 2007
USA, Canada / Gay Poles in Chicago, New York [30]

Adolf is fake.No nazi would write ''I hate catholics''.
They made distinctions.According to nazis:
Blacks did not belong to human race.
Slavs were subhumans,the lowest category.
Meditteraneans were second category humans.
Germans,Nordics,english belonged to the top race.

So german catholics were very well perceived.The same with Austrians who are catholics and were considered part of the Aryan race.
Gay germans were considered to be degraded and were forced to camps as well.They came to camps before the Jew in the same time with mentally retarded and people with genetic diseases who were also considered to be degraded.

A little after came the gypsies who tried to revolt and totally vanished from Germany.

So now everyone who is against gays,gypsies,mentally retarded etc can call himself Adolf.
11 Aug 2007
News / LPR - League of the Polish Repressed (and retarded) [49]

The worst are the inhalants like glue,gasoline,nail polish etc.Teenagers who sniff them consistently become gradually mentally retarded.Even after two years of use.They are cheap and very popular in some areas and cannot be detected in the urine.Maybe 15% of teenagers sniff them,maybe girls more.

The other dangerous category are the amphetamines like speed,ecstasy,MDMA,ice etc.
They can cause hypertension,infarct and death from brain hemorrhage.Asmost all users become depressed after some years.Cocaine is better than amphetamines regarding adverse effects but it is also very addictive and causes infarcts and brain hemorrhages as well.The difference is that cocaine influence lasts half to one hour while amphetamines are active for days.

Are you saying there would be less road traffic accidents if everyone smoked marijuana?

I am saying that marijauna smokers are not in greater risk than average to be involved in traffic accidents because their reflexes are reduced but they drive slower because they know that their reflexes are reduced.So the risk is the same.If a person under marijuana influence drove in usual speed he would have high probability to cause accidents much higher than average people who drive in the usual speed.In lower speed he causes the same amount of accidents with people who drive in the usual speed,that is all.

On the other hand the person under alcohol influence drives in the same speed or even faster than the sober person although his reflexes are reduced.That is why he causes a lot more accidents than the sober person.

That is why the police conducts alcohol breath test but not cannavinol test.(The other reason is that cannavinol may be excreted in urine long even two months from last use).

The police however conducts PCP test in some cases although it also remains for some days in urine because driving under PCP,LSD is extremely dangerous.
11 Aug 2007
News / LPR - League of the Polish Repressed (and retarded) [49]

Of course not.Marijuana causes amotivation syndrom,people who smoke gradually lose their ambitions and become passive.It also causes mild gynecomastia,that is your breast gets bigger and also reduced reflexes.The latter could be fatal but marijuana smokers know that and when driving a car they drive slower than usually,maybe half the speed.In contrast alcohol users have no conscience how much their reflexes are harmed under alcohol influence and tend to drive very dangerously under alcohol intoxication.
11 Aug 2007
News / LPR - League of the Polish Repressed (and retarded) [49]

Cannabis can cause mild addiction if smoked in huge quantities everyday,really huge.Very few users manage this.So for the 95% of users it is not addictive.Nicotine is highly addictive and causes serious withdrawal symptoms even arrhythmias leading to death in heavy cigarette smokers.Alcohol is even more dangerous.If sb who drinks over one bottle of whiskey or vodka every day stops abruptly to drink,he risks serious harm like delirium tremens.

If sb who smokes marijuana stops smoking he does not suffer any withdrawal symptoms at all.(except the 5% of massive quantity users).
8 Aug 2007
News / Poland biggest problem [125]

how all priests are filthy thieves

For me Jean Paul was not a thief.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

The problem I find is

The problem I find is not enough girls in pul zadek.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Ridiculous claim.Polish girls like jeans cause they show their perfect outline.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

There is a place full of polish girls 5 hours from where I stand now.When I go there...simply I forget PF,or why so many girls there are married,anyway,it is not so bad.

It is a good place,you get so many invitations to visit the beautiful polish land.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

You know what I am talking about.Czech girls wear just flat shoes also with jeans(pity),polish like the sounding shoes.If three-four girls wak together they make such a melody and legs alternating,the eye wants to get out and follow them.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Not only Polish girls wear the shoes you are talking about.

But the majority of polish girls do.This is good,you do not rely only on appearance to find them,you have to listen a bit.

lets not go there....

True,dziewczyny are the real thing.No heavy make-up,no high heels,no silicone...perfect.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

I know why most women don't pick shoes with high heels

I know why ukrainian girls always prefer high heels.
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

I'm not sure I want to answer that question...! lol

Then you may answer the following.Why do polish girls prefer these open shoes with low heels that make a distinct sound when walking,like kla-kla-kla,and not flat shoes or shoes with heels?When I listen to that sound I know it is a polish girl coming.

comfort, maybe?

No eye candy respect?What will the poor tourist admire in Krakow?
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

The q is why girls in Lvov dress so nice in multi fashion styles while girls in Krakow who look exactly the same avoid the micro mini,high heel image?
7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Me too! I've an addiction to buying them aswell... :-)

Do you buy jeans with holes or you make them afterwards?