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Follow the leaders invest in Poland [8]
I will continue my mission. :o)
Why is it worthwhile for this sector's investors to invest in Poland? On one hand the steadily growing market and increase in national demand is a sufficient reason. However, on the other hand, the global corporations, e.g.: Microsoft, HP, Google, Oracle, IBM and SAP have all confirmed by their presence, that Poland is not only of increasing significance as a market to sell their products and services in. The reason for Poland's success in the rapidly increasing sector for IT services, is above all the availability of personnel. Our unique and most precious resource is people, that are still available and Polish specialists are increasingly providing services to foreign clients.
An equally important factor leading to Poland's international recognition in IT, is the quality of the services provided and the level of creativity, which often exceeds the expectations of employers. Young Polish IT specialists year after year win top places in international programming competitions, such as ACM, the Imagine Cup and Top Coder.