History /
Are irregulars necessary in former communist states? [14]
the Founding
Fathers for the most part opposed a centralized army and a powerful centralized government, with the rationale being that powerful government will become a tyranny
to the people, and that a centralized army was an extension of this tyranny
A brilliant idea. That was in this way in majority of states.
But don't forget:
A centralyzed armed structure may also establish its own tyranny detroning Supreme power or al least govern over it blackmailing and threatening.
That was also the reason why Founding Fathers gave up constructing a powerfil regular army. That was openly stated in works of Jeferson and Madison.
Pay attention: United police doesn't exist in the USA till now.
By the same fear. The posterior events demonstrated the fear wasn't a silly thing. When the first federal law-enforcement structure FBI (with very reduced tasks by the way) was created, its second chief Hoover managed to lead it during nearly 50 years because no President had power to dismiss him. He blackmailed them all and all their groups by information he took in service. Although Hoover had more deficiencies and maybe even crimes to be accused. He was gay, he had suspicious contacts with mafia and he defended some mafia leaders. He may be also suspected of being Soviet Spy because the communist hunt began by the initiative not FBI but House unamerican activities committee and FBI also followed HUAC when it seemed impossible not to react.
That is another evidence of pretorian syndrome in centralyzed regular armed or secret structures. The only reason why Hoover gave up thinking about becoming a USA President in 1938 was a possible opposition of decentralyzed police servants of different states. No ideas about honest competition with other candidates. He could blackmail anybody and a man in the street could vote in favour being convinced Hoover was the best man. You see Founding Fathers were right desentralising police and army. I'm afraid now Internal security body becomes a stronger Hoover.
state militias became the National Guard, well regulated militias controlled by the Governors of individual states...as the Federal Government grew more powerful/tyranical
When US government grew more tyranical? In 1800? In 1830? In 1850? I think you don't notice real tyrannies such as communist one in the former Soviet Union. Everything started in our land after a pretorian detronement of King and the rejection of his son. As to communists they came some mounths later. Before such praetorian rebel they were unable to do anything by being weak and not numerous. Generals and public servants were those who made revolution in 1917. The unexistence of irregulars was one of the reasons King and middle classers could defend Russia.
these NG/militias became merged into a Central Army...but these original 'militias' were
designed to protect individual states against enemies both external/internal...today, you
have total degeneration of this concept, w/National Guard units fighting an illegal war in
Iraq for the Central Gov't/Corporate Interests, yet the US is being invaded by millions of
illegal Mexicans, but no National Guard resourses used to protect our borders...
I'm sure that confirmes the idea middle class requires its own irregular army. And domestic one. Not a reserve of regular army in Iraq.
But the subordination of National Guard to a marasmatic Pentagon isn't the idea of Founding Fathers I mentioned as example for post communist countries. That marasmatic idea was invented by some regular military perverts I suppose at the beginning of 20 century and testen (unsuccessfully) doring the punishment of Pancho Villa detachment. The first 120 years militias were used in right way.
Lastly, irregular forces can be very effective, but for who & what ends?...they are mostly used by warlords/drug cartels/intelligence agencies globally for goals that are not
in the interest of middle-class or working people, but as a weapon of terror.
We are discussing not private criminal or ideologic militias.
State militia only. The militia compulsory for every settled citizen (in 19 century USA the middle and high classes) or nesessary for reputation of all people beginning from some level (the level of rich middle class) and not necessary but opened for all active people.
That is the Founding Fathers thought about. If every middle classer participates, what kind of crime (shall they rob their own property?) is possible? What kind of extremism (No countries with state irregular troops where extremism came to power - I didn't manage to find even one).
I wish you answered and other people participated