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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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15 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / Several shot at Northern Illinois University, USA [38]

arm all teachers with an Uzi ? Not give huge headlines to these tragedies
( publicity seeking nut jobs seem to be the main culprits/or bullied kids who snapped in the case of columbine),
15 Feb 2008
Love / Getting married?? Keeping parents happy etc... Big Polish family. [9]

Im with Shelley on this one,maybe your missis has decided she cant be bothered with all the mumbo jumbo,there are plenty of Poles coming here to get away from some of the old fashioned dogma still doing the rounds out east.

Dont do anything to please parents,fek em,the will be dead for 20-30 years and you will still be with her,where does that leave you then?
15 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / Several shot at Northern Illinois University, USA [38]

Sorry,but have I ever suggested totally outlawing Guns? not in this thread,or the 2nd amendment thread,but there has to be an answer somewhere,like say,your free to keep a pistol in your house for protection,or free to take a rifle/shotgun into the woods to shoot fluffy bunnies and Bambi etc,but,you step out onto the street with a gun and your not a law enforcement officer,you get shot or arrested by said law enforcement agencies.And whats with all the frikkin assault rifles and sporting SMGs?.....
15 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

I do feel if you have guns you should have them locked up and gun safes are a great investment.

Well said,trust me,if we decide we want our colony back Im sure you will all have time to unlock a cabinet ;)
I just wonder how many of the firearms used in all these terrible shootings you seem to have on a weekly basis were stolen from negligent legal owners though?

I dont advocate a total ban on Firearms(though if every single one of 'em on the planet disapeared Id be a happy bunny) but there has to be an inbetween answer,I mean,come on,I was reading somewhere about someone "going postal" with a pistol ,when police searched his house he had a bloomin M16! Come on,a freakin assualt rifle! whats all that about?Aint no viet cong in L A (a few ex ARVN generals maybe but...)
15 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / Several shot at Northern Illinois University, USA [38]

well your as sick as Charlton heston then plk....I didnt expect that from you bud'. :( Your "freedoms" are more important than the lives of these children,tsk.
15 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / Several shot at Northern Illinois University, USA [38]

Say it aint so,a Pole did this?

this as all other violence is not the caused by guns

yeah,tell that to the mothers of the kids with bullet shattered bodies!
15 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]

Just for the record, I grew up in a house full of hunting guns, bows & arrows, and Dad even had some funky thing where you had to pour the gunpowder down the barrel..tamp it down...

Wow,are you Daisy Duke?

maybe in some states but in general, no. that really makes no sense.. who check that one's guns are in that cabinet and seperate from ammunition?

Nobody checks it ,but if something happens to the guns and they where not properly stored ,then it will be hell to pay.

We have the same law in the UK,and BTW,the local Police Firearms officers can check whenever they feel like it and revoke your licience if you are breaking the rule.

Still,law or not,the vast majority of legal firearms owners are never,ever involved in gun crime,its the nut jobs and wanna be gangsta's with dodgy weopons smuggled in from eastern europe and now apparently,in returning servicemens kitbags.....
15 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Advertising for Electricians in Poland to work in the UK [14]

Powerplus should be offering her jobs to the electricians who already live in Britain first.

Or taking on apprentices that might actually still be in this country in 5 years time,cheap tight barsterds.
15 Feb 2008
History / Polish-German history book for Schools [28]

Because those people would not waste their time and money for a politically correct version of history with carefully and selectively chosen topics. They prefer to read two books, one from German and second from Polish perspective.

Thus this book will be destined for schools, both Ministries of Propaganda (sorry, Education!) will proclaim it to be obligatory. This is how the bureaucrats doing business. Everything everywhere must be the same and obligatory.

OMG, I agree with you on this.....must have bumped my head or something.....
Why not,and here's a crazy idea,have a book written by a History expert and leave it at that,why "nationalise " history,just seems silly. I vote getting a Canadian in for the job,they seem level headed folks.
15 Feb 2008
History / Alternative History of August 1939 and Thereafter [11]

that Hitler, a man of astonishing abilities and capacity, along with his diabolical malevolence ...

lmao....hitler was the reason the Hun lost the war,he was a syphalitic lunatic that couldnt have organised a p iss up in a vodka factory....
14 Feb 2008
Life / Can you have guns in Poland? [25]

What do you do when there is more deer than the land can support

have you colonials never heard of Game Keepers,ya know,people who have a legitimate reason for blasting creatures to bits rather than just drunken yahoos on a weekend jolly?
14 Feb 2008
Life / Poles in Poland: How did you learn your English? [60]

Also sometimes I see a higher ranking Polish official on TV who cant speak English.

That would be because they are Polish officials,serving Poland....Tell me,how many languages is Mr Bush fluent in? I was going to say apart from english,but.......
14 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / Several shot at Northern Illinois University, USA [38]

suppose charlton scumbag will be all over the palce screaming "outa my cold dead hands.." yet again....shame it never is his cold dead hands but the cold dead hands of more young kids....when will you guys lose the obsession with guns?Theyre not big and they aint clever:(
13 Feb 2008
Life / A Polish Priest lying about freemasons [57]

lol ,lesser just likes the sound of his own voice....what the heck...his logic says "Brits hate Catholics,coz of Ireland.." what a mumpty,has he any idea just how many "brits" are Catholics? He obviously has no idea at all about life in Britain ,displayed by his reverence for the evil bi tch who will hopefully be dead by the end of this year....ding dong the witch is nearly dead :) and lol at crow's alter ego cromagnon man or whatever has turned up again :)
12 Feb 2008
Travel / Spring Break '08 in Poland [23]

So of course we are visiting Auschwitz

yeah,tip,dont use your next expresion while on the trip...

I'm super stoked.

(ps,at the risk of being rude,you wont be visiting buchanwald as thats not in Poland...birkinau maybe ;) )

But if they don't have Dr.Pepper I will have to try really hard not to freak out

omg,my poison too!rare as hens teeth last time I was in Poland :(
10 Feb 2008
Life / A Polish Priest lying about freemasons [57]

Respect for Maggie!

Yep,thats what I'll say as I pee on her freshly dug grave.....though,with the que that will form I may be bouncing like tigger by the time I get my go.

Ive really always been interested in just what makes someone so coldly right wing? Were you not shown enough love as a small child? Why do you think that only poor people are socialists?Why is everyone left of Hitler a danger for you? What is it you fear ? Why are rightwingers always so scared ?Is it a secret inferiority complex?Why the Im all right jack mentality,is it greed ,surly one of the seven deadly sins and a bit frowned on in certain circles.....
10 Feb 2008
Life / A Polish Priest lying about freemasons [57]

You people are like those poor peasants who prefer your rich neighbor to lose all its cows instead work to improve your own herd. Envy does killing your mind, you lose all objectivity, you are out of touch with reality. How typical mindset it is for a socialist, I know that you think more about other people money. A little advice, please keep your hands and mind as well out of my cash and other people who willingly donate for a church or anything else. Can you?

Sheep like far right thoughts in there purest form lol
ugh,disgusting tory boys from other countries,yuk,thought they all died with maggie thatchers last 6 brain cells.You just know this guy will have been an informent in the old days,just like the ex stasi in germany they are the ones distancing themselves the furthest from their old lives.....
10 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Some EXAMPLES of salaries of Poles working and living in the UK. [49]

Not only the British, the Dutch as well.

Thats what I love about Holland. Meet someone in a bar or cafe in the UK its all " whats your name?where do you come from?and what do you do for a living? (not how much do you earn,more whats your social status...) where as in Holland the last question nearly never comes up,atleast,not as an initial gauge of a person.

Do they fuk. We all want to know how much our friends and/or family are earning

maybe its a class/culture thing.

9 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Some EXAMPLES of salaries of Poles working and living in the UK. [49]

Check this website (one of many in UK):

I think some are missing the point,obviously its an idea to see how much money you can earn in whatever line of work takes your fancy,that goes without saying,but,that is an entirely different thing to discussing what you earn with others.Like I say,without sounding snobby,maybe its a class/culture thing.
8 Feb 2008
Life / A Polish Priest lying about freemasons [57]

Aside note: I see almost all Brits don't waste even a single opportunity to spit on this pain on their asses, I mean Catholic Church. No wonder that Irish always had some many problems with you.

whats the Polish for toss pot?Id stick to stuff you know about like all the extreme far right crap you spout and leave the history to those who know it and lived it.

that leftist masonry

lmfao...one question,is everyone slightly left of Hitler some sort of commie to you? If so your life must be pretty grim in that bunker your building.....leftist,lol,Free Masons,rich buisnessmen and Tory Politicians leftist,omg laugh?i nearly cried.....
8 Feb 2008
History / Anyone have information on "SMERSH"? [9]

not sure about "thousands" of western allied disapearing,a few maybe but on the main western allies who found themselves behind the advancing russian lines were given little or no help to get somehow back to their own lines,there are accounts of US and GB soldiers/airmen etc actualy joining up with Russian units and fighting westwards ,some of these men spent some time (a few days to a couple of weeks) as "guests" of the NKVD before being handed over to western allies. As for the rest the Soviets were not bothered at that time of allied troops discovering their nasty "secrets" (after all,Stalin had openly told Churchil and Roosevelt that he would excecute X number of german officers) ,some soldiers tell about escorting Cossaks and such to the Red army lines,handing the Cossaks over ,seeing them being led behind trees and hearing shooting straight away,NKVD border guards grinning and pulling fingers across throats.
8 Feb 2008
History / Anyone have information on "SMERSH"? [9]

Nope ,Smersh ( for Smiert Spionin/Death to Spys)was very real,and actually had direct(though granted,slightly less agresive,but not by much) counter parts in the Allied armies of GB and US,the units on the western allied sides were ad hoc groups of inteligence officers,proffesional criminals(safe crackers and such) and special forces types that took part in various "escapades" in front of or just behind the shifting allied lines,tracking down loot,assasinating nazis and trying to capture top scientists to kidnapp for the western allies use before the Red Army got hold of them. Ian fleming of the above mentioned James Bond fame was involved in this type of work for Royal Navy inteligence during the war,presumibly giving him the idea for the ,by the time of the books and films,fictitious Smersh of Bond fame.

The rea Smersh was also deeply involved in tracking down serving then former AK officers.
8 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Some EXAMPLES of salaries of Poles working and living in the UK. [49]

isthatu wrote:
British people consider it vulgar to discuss earnings

LOL, that's a funny statement, poor, vulgar football players from Premiership, everyone knows how much they earn, how rude of them.

er,sorry,but I think you made my point for me there bud' :) Since when have premiership footballers been know for taste or decorum?
8 Feb 2008
Life / A Polish Priest lying about freemasons [57]

Ditto,its the nature of te beast,if you believe in fairy tales your a ready audiance for black propaganda and manipulation.
7 Feb 2008
Love / Polish men with Scottish Girlfriends [66]

he's such a bastard to me when he's drunk but so lovely when he's not...

dump the useless swine,B4 you end up on trisha...a drunks a drunks a drunk
7 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish War records [10]

The Sikorski institute in London may(and i stress MAY.) be able to help you there. Your Grandfather served in the RAF? was this post war then? Because Im presuming you mean he served in the Polish forces formed in the USSR later to become 2corps,not that he served with the LWP (Polish forces that fought exclusivly on the Eastern front under USSR command).

a quick google will get you the Sikorski address.
7 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland, are they second class citizens? [90]

klootzak :)

Het zal me mien ret rosten.....

I HATE getting given a pint glass for my beer in Amsterdam and get a look like"my gosh,you are civilised" when I ask for a normal sized glass :) One reason I stick mostly to Jordaan or farther afield such as Arnhem :)(you only have to worry about drunken english once a year there,and they are mostly 85 year old ex Para's ;) )
7 Feb 2008
Love / Polish attitudes to pregnacy outside marriage [7]

Wonder what the attitude will be like when all the little "brown babies" ("just like all the other girls on the estate" Waynetta Slob,1996) end up being taken back to Poland because the Kurdish fathers have been deported.....

(suppose someone will be up in arms,but,I know Polish and I can recognise Kurdish,and thats getting to be a popular mix in this neck of the woods...)