USA, Canada /
The 2nd Amendment (USA), the right to own guns [261]
Just for the record, I grew up in a house full of hunting guns, bows & arrows, and Dad even had some funky thing where you had to pour the gunpowder down the barrel..tamp it down...
Wow,are you Daisy Duke?
maybe in some states but in general, no. that really makes no sense.. who check that one's guns are in that cabinet and seperate from ammunition?
Nobody checks it ,but if something happens to the guns and they where not properly stored ,then it will be hell to pay.
We have the same law in the UK,and BTW,the local Police Firearms officers can check whenever they feel like it and revoke your licience if you are breaking the rule.
Still,law or not,the vast majority of legal firearms owners are never,ever involved in gun crime,its the nut jobs and wanna be gangsta's with dodgy weopons smuggled in from eastern europe and now apparently,in returning servicemens kitbags.....