Law /
Poland - a more and more Investable Country [41]
...the amount people earn is relative to the comparative cost of living in their country... people might earn more in hard currency in the uk but life also costs them a hell of a lot more of their earnings...
I most be living amonst the fairies, but in england people can survive on there income, in poland most struggle from week to week.
I've notice that some food items in poland are more expensive than they are in oz. just a few things that come to mind is petrol/sugar and beer.
i may well be lucky... but what i can buy with a little bit of money in poland wont even buy me a garage in the uk... a beach hut would be out of the question... hell... i probably couldnt even afford a cupboard in parts of london...
I agree, if you like the polish way of life, your in the box seat to get a good deal.
...and lets not forget that the english are a nation living on credit... our *western* way of living costs... if if the average brit wants to have a little taste of this life then they have to borrow.
Well stand by this will soon hit poland in the same way it has hit all western countries, people will be working for the banks and GE just to have somewhere to live in.
instead of critising us
I'm just stating my point of view, I don't doubt that some people have made a lot of money and lots will continue to make a lot of money, I doubt if the average pole will see much benefit, apart from a invitation to join the mortgage club, and be at the mercy of the ruthless banks.
poland and its people have a hell of a future in front of them... if they learn how to play the game
True, they should go at there own pace and ensure all polish reap the benefit not just the entrepreneurs who have no interest in poland apart from making a quick dollar and then move on.
I'm sure the polish people whould welcome any person who has a genuine reason for living in poland