Life /
Bloody Priests in Poland... [58]
People of little or no faith only look for occasions to prove they are right. Priests are not saints. If a kid misbehaves (in church, school, or anywhere else he should behave), it should be normal to show him who is in charge (if spoken reprimand don't work, there's no other way than to use physical strength). If he allowed them to misbehave there would be other people who would say: "Oh, so he allows the little bastards to mock him and sing silly songs in the House of God? What kind of a priest he is - the one who doesn't respect his religion and the Holy Church". So give people a point of view and they can always prove their point if they want to.
When I was in Poland as a kid, I was a couple of times "shaken" by a priest too because I was behaving disrespectful. But it teached me the lesson to become a better person. Nowadays people allow their kids too much freedom and then they disrespect their parents or older people in general.