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Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]
ok transformation hurts a lot of people ...
Look on veterans from vietnam, after their fight, forgoten, on the marigin of society ...
My family was always in oposition espesialy in 1945-52 and '80s. And whole family have won on transformation . But there were a lot of people who fighted against comunism and just were not so good in capitalism. Privatisation in some cases were unfair. But now throught young people there is no segregation of children of comunists and opposition. Yes some of the people are realy disappoited, Just imagine two friends form factory and one of them has his own bussines now and antoher one is working part time in factory. Even he live in better conditions he is disappoited because he was on the middle of ladder and now he is on the bottom.
And some of them are disapointed that they were fighting agains coumunism and they lost, and some of those who were in party becomed realy good in free market and they are on the top all the time.
Some of comunists just before transformation frauded some goods and had better start in new system.
We had post-comunists governemnt in our country but they used democracy and were west oriented.
But now we are going in right direction, and we have democracy and free market, our economy is stronger and stronger, and we have freedom of speach, free media ...
According Russia, you have much worst situation 0,1% of your society lives like medieval dukes, and rest just can look on it. All in all you havent fight for your freedom so you dont have the base to be disappointed.
You should made presure for more freedom, you make demostration in the defend of independent local newspaper, when you recive it you ask for more. If you dont recive it you notice your governemnt isnt as good as it pretends to be ... And you get more supporters... There will be monent when your society will see the real face of regime and your regime will notice that it is not possible to be on the top in this system and will think about transformation and their future after ...