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Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]
You have just surpassed yourself HB.
Maybe not Germany the Nazi past is a big hurdle for many to act as they inwardly want.
We are double soft, double goodie-two-shoes, double multi-kulti preachers because of the least it was that way for's waning now with this generation...
Why can't it be similiar with the Brits and their Empire past? I've read alot about discussion in England about "Britishness". Who would have thought that the islands get ever into such an angsty soul searching...
Some facts: zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen, dass Deutschland ein Problem mit überproportionaler
Kriminalität seiner ausländischen Mitbürger, vor allem der Jugendlichen, hat. Die
Gewaltkriminalität in der Gruppe der 18-21jährigen nahm von 1994 bis 2006 um 84%
( is proven without doubt that Germany has a problem with overproportional criminality of their foreign citizens, especially their youth. The violent criminality in the group of the 18-21 year old increased between 1994 and 2006 by
84 %)
In Bremen hätten fünf von sechs jugendlichen Intensivtätern unter 14 Jahren einen
(In Bremen 5 out of 6 youth serious offenders under 14 have a migration background.)
...and so on!
From the same source:
...In Köln bricht ein 14jähriger Türke alle Kriminalrekorde. Über 100 Delikte, darunter Körperverletzungen und Einbrüche, hat er in seiner jungen Kriminellenlaufbahn zu verzeichnen
(In Cologne a 14 year old Turk breaks all criminal records.
More than 100 crimes (between them bodily assault and robbery) are already dokumented.)
Do you think he will grow up to a german law abiding, respectful citizen?
Do you want him and his clan in your neighbourhood! Do you know that most of his clan are unemployed? Living for years on german tax money? Who do you think pays for the trials as he gets one slap on his wrist after the other without much consequences?
Would you like being laughed at and exploited by him and his breed?