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Posts by JuliePotocka  

Joined: 19 Nov 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 123
From: USA, Orange
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Opera, Art Galleries, walking on beaches, playing with my cousins

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20 Feb 2008
Food / Polish Ham - How to? [45]

Black Forest Ham is the closest I come to Polska ham here.
20 Feb 2008
Food / First time eating Polish food [30]

Make sure you have a cast iron stomach, as some of us will go crazy with hot peppers (such as Scottish Bonnets) in our cooking around special times of the year.
20 Feb 2008
History / German Deaf/Mute able to give voices to Hitler's personal videos...scary [29]

I watched it on the history channel. The gentleman is brilliant, and able to use his Artificial Intelligence lip reading computer program up to 160 degrees!

They used the same type of camera, and filmed a cambridge professor, from different angles first, to make sure the system worked; it read everything he said impeccably.

When applied to Hitler, you got a very scary look inside Hitler's mind. This monster seemed so normal, told Ava that they'd watch, "Gone with the Wind" that night. He studied himself giving speeches, to better prepare himself to sway people. You could actually see him step into the larger than life Hitler, just before he gave a speech.

What was so scary? That evil can reside in such an apparent mild mannered, normal acting human - that is what! I expected him to be crazy behind the scenes, and he was NOT. You even got to hear him through an excellent voice actor, cutting down his second in commands with jokes.

The face of Evil is your every day human, until he's up on a pedestal. THAT was bone chilling.
20 Feb 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

No duh! I was addressing what someone had said - topics meander, like regular conversations - in case you didn't notice. We're on page 52, so it's rather stretched out by now.
20 Feb 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

America and Russia need to stop tussling in the sandbox, and play nice. Both have lost power, and no one really cares much for the antics of the previous super powers - unless they both BEHAVE.

High School is still High School - not being trained in an Army.
19 Feb 2008
Law / Building a still in poland [19]

To distill the crud out of the drinking water? What, is it well water?
19 Feb 2008
Life / Would this be viewed as okay for most Polish families? [38]

I thought this was a discussion on normalcy, not one young dude's peacock prancing?

My grandma kicked everyone out of the house, pretty much. Ah, but she could cook, and I loved visiting her. We had all family gatherings at her place.

I miss her very much, but she wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior. Now say if one of her children became permanently disabled, she would care for him. She did, without question.
18 Feb 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Actually, America has continued its policy - not begun. And, it isn't of public consent in the states, to start a war over nothing but ghosts and shadows. Just the bureaucrats, who thought they could manipulate the situation.

But then, I feel America and the othes abandoned Poland to Russia, so I suppose what I say doesn't matter.
18 Feb 2008
Law / Opening Kebab shop or Malaysian restaurant in Poland? [71]

I love just about all food, darn it! Heck, I've eaten Beeffalo steaks, but won't eat any type of cat.

Horses are wonderful animals. Horses reportedly have a good meat ratio, lean meat, high in protein, low fat. And like milk cows, you don't do anything to them, until their usefulness has gone its course, then you end their lives humanely. Then, butcher them. Where else do you think jello comes from? Gelatin is still predominantly animal in the world.

I'd rather eat horse meat than starve, and people I've spoken too, feel it's just an American freaky thing to try and ban horse meat.
18 Feb 2008
Law / Building a still in poland [19]

:( Not fun at all! I wonder if my cousin kept it, when my aunt died...I'd sure like it, still.
17 Feb 2008
News / Is the E.U. good for Poland?? [180]

Deise, I concur; stay out of the EMU, and retain real sovereignty. I would be royally ticked, if the economy wound up being run for the benefit of other countries, after all Poland's been through!
15 Feb 2008
News / Undertakers in Lodz :( [24]

Been happening everywhere - surprised they caught it, and the others! They slipped up.

How to stop it? Everyone become an organ donor!

I would rather give life to many others. By more people being donors, it cuts into their illegal profits.
14 Feb 2008
News / Is the E.U. good for Poland?? [180]

I live in S. California, and the tent city is near my aunt's home.

First of all, I believe America has been in a full blown recession for a few years. The dropping of federal interest rates, real estate agents encouraging applicants to lie about what they make, so they can afford an over-inflated home, twice what it was just 5 years ago! THAT in itself, said something was going bad, very badly. I am having a hard time for people who fell for it, and spent beyond what they had, and the ARMS. I didn't purchase a home then, as I felt it was a bad time - despite my half-brother saying I was a fool in front of mom, who laughs with me, now that I didn't snatch up homes to flip with him! Told the fool, he was wrong...and the bottom may keep falling for 3 more years, until it stabilizes. But then, perhaps the Baby Boomers are finally retiring, and ditching the homes they caused to become over-inflated back in the 1970s, yadda-yadda-yadda. They aren't going to sell for what they thought they would. Those who sold in 2005 are the only winners I really know, at the peak of the breaking bubble.

And yes; I call it a Depression! There have been 'For Sale' signs in many neighborhoods around me, with the same homes up for over a year now. The fat cat banks thought they were going to make a killing out here, and are now in major trouble, since many owners STRIPPED the homes of even the kitchen sink, as they were being foreclosed upon!

Next, in California, we do use many Windmills in the deserts, especially near Palm Springs. We have good terrain for it, provided construction comes to a halt - wait, oh, it has.

We purchase Hybrid cars in California, which use both gas and electricity. You wouldn't recognize most of them, but Toyota and Honda and now GMC make full sized cars with that setup.

But then, the Federal Govt. doesn't like S. CA, and now the state is sooo desperate for people, I saw the first commercial run by our Guvernator, to come to California, and work here!

Right...where all you can find, even with a Master's Degree, a minimum wage job, $8 an hour. Taking into account for inflation, that is disproportionately higher than should be, this is much LESS than I made as a teenager working with a subcontractor building homes during the summer in the Midwest! I could purchase much more with $5, than you can with $8 today.

It's a mixed bag of tricks. Too far left, too far right, isn't good for Poland. Joining the EU gave Poland benefits, but she is also able to depart if she so wishes. I think it was a good idea, for the moment.
12 Feb 2008
Law / Making proper sausages (ex-pat expers in Poland)? [32]

True words, Bill, true words! Oftentimes, a kielbasa meat mix can depend on what you have on hand. I personally detest the little gristle bits, but my dad and his customers loved them! I was the poor sap in charge of making the mix, stuffing the casings, and then taking them to the backyard smoker, where dad would smoke it.

THAT is when all the magic happened, in the woodchips, and how long you sweat the kielbasa in the smoker. I sure hated leaving that monstrousity, back in the Midwest. 6' tall, 5' wide, 3' deep. No one wanted it, and it wasn't up to snuff for the health inspectors.

BUT it worked right, because the 1/2" steel walls were all thick & greasy with smoke. We'd fire it up, and after 5 minutes at 212 F, it was deemed sterile - and the health inspector concurred. But, you were supposed to scrape it down, in between, for a large scale operation.

You don't do that for real kielbasa, as that would take the flavor out. We also did this a few times a month, so it was never gross. I did scrape juice stuff out. But our stuff at the 'Tunisia' Deli was top notch! We also did whole turkey breasts, amongst other things.

I did keep the plans to the smoker, at least. dual bottom bays for woodchips and coal.
10 Feb 2008
Law / Making proper sausages (ex-pat expers in Poland)? [32]

I used to make Kielbasa fresh, for my dad's Deli in the US. Email me, if wanting SMOKED variant. I take you mean the nice, smoked ones with small chunks of gristle and flavor, correct? If you don't smoke it, it won't ever taste the way you remember!

The orange ones are Hungarian, and usually dried too long in the smoker. They use too much Paprika, which is why the taste is similar, yet not right.
10 Feb 2008
Law / Building a still in poland [19]

My grandma made corn whiskey during Prohibition out here. My aunt refused to let me take that still, drat it! Thought it would be pretty as a fish tank. ;>
8 Feb 2008
History / Potoccy Magnate Family in Politics and History [23]

We agree to disagree on one point, kioko - that isn't bad.

I will be delighted with what you can tell me. And yes, in private is fine.

I think that perhaps that's where I picked the wrong thing to post at the top of this thread.
I love history, and have studied ancient history. But I found what I desire most now, is history of my family.

- Julie
7 Feb 2008
Genealogy / strange Polish mixes [116]

Bottomline: everyone wants some Polish blood in them, because we are sooo cuuuute! ;)
7 Feb 2008
History / Potoccy Magnate Family in Politics and History [23]

Uh, yeah...guess people aren't reading my original post, where I seek more information at the bottom of it.

In the words of the Valley Girls, "Whatever."
7 Feb 2008
History / Potoccy Magnate Family in Politics and History [23]

I WISH TO KNOW ALL ABOUT MY FAMILY, not just one historical figure, of which you look down upon, kioko. THAT was the purpose of this thread. Stop harping on that one dude, and go on, okay? You are being closed-minded in your obsession.

Now, perhaps the finer nuances of english > Polish may have been lost. Also, you can't answer my question, ergo I seriously question you taking me to Court in the first place (pun intended, okay? I'll spell out all my jokes, if necessary).

There are 13th - 20th Century Potockis, who are my heroes. THAT is why I am alive, why I am here!! And yes - I have spoken to at least one other Potocki.

NOW - onto something different:
I reiterate, I didn't start this thread to be stuck on that particular Potocki figure, sheesh. Why start this thread, if that's all I desired?

I've been told of the good our Potocki family did as I grew up, including locking Elizabeth Bathory away, so she couldn't murder any more girls, with a mirror so she could see herself grow old.

If you notice, I desire to KNOW more of my family. I see you have the knowledge, Kioko - but REFUSE to give it to me. Ah, what a conundrum, lol.

So - anyone who has REAL information, and not refer me to books in Polish, since I only read English, I'd appreciate it.

- Julie Potocki
6 Feb 2008
History / Potoccy Magnate Family in Politics and History [23]

Dice - thanks for the link! Fortunately, I am an artist... ;>
Heheheh - cuuute, plk123. Fortunately, I have that page in English. ;)
Dice, you are correct - there's a huge difference between it all, lol. Oh, I haven't had a good laugh in so long, I'm having a great time with this.
6 Feb 2008
History / Potoccy Magnate Family in Politics and History [23]

Graf Potocki - kaliszer, I have read the story a few times.

Unfortunately, the issue I keep running into on my family over and over again is: most is not in English, and I don't read Polish. I tried to pick it up as a child, but it was forbidden, go figure.

I can't explain the eccentricities of my own parents and grandparents - I shan't even try. They did what they did, and no one condemning what they said will change what they said.

kioko: So - why are you stuck on belittling one of MY ancestors, 'Count Stanislaw Szczęsny-Potocki'?

It really seems that my posts got under your skin, because you had to register, and become a member and all.

He was a Count. I know WHERE the title came from, even for the family...and who gave it to whom.

Riddle me this: who got the title, and from whom? ONE Potocki was given the Count title - the rest of the family used it to advance themselves.

Did you also forget that He constructed the Zofia Gardens in the Ukraine, for his 3rd wife? IT stands to this day, a majestic work of Beauty to this day. I find that to be tragically missing from your litany.

WHAT crimes, do you speak of? I see HISTORY. I don't feel I need to atone for ONE THING he did; I'm not him, I didn't do any of it. History belongs in the past - oh, wait - that's why it's called history!! The winners write history - oh, now I repeated myself once.

That is where the perception comes from. He and his father were also the wealthiest Poles of their time; so being of the Tulczyn line, I should expect insults on my ancestors. I don't appreciate it, so keep it in context with the politics of what was going on back then, not what you FEEL - but what REALLY happened.

That is where I feel you got too personal, and the bit about 'count'. You don't know how we obtained the title, do you? ;)

I personally would love to continue to help the Polish people, and have done things here in America. If there's any guilt I feel, it's a political one...I felt America abandoned Poland to the Russians. Nothing to do with me, nor my family.

And, I have read about other people in my family, but not all. I'll check up 'Promienna', thank you for that tidbit.

So - I am looking for information NOT found in the general history books, but deeper in the dirt. So far, I'm looking at roots and branches going every which way. Guess this dude is the one that ticks everyone off - I wonder why my father was proud of him, eh? Perhaps a private thing.
6 Feb 2008
History / Pre war Polish land owned by my grandfather - where can I find the maps? [20]

I am sorry for all the lives paid for in blood. I am seeing what I can do to find out anything about our family land and castles, and what anyone in the family wishes to do (Castles are expensive to take care of, but I've dreamed of owning one since I was 5, so there you go).