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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1,183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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3 Nov 2006
Love / Do Poles consider getting married more than other nations? [21]

Yeah...its great being a you can commit adultery AND father endless bastard heirs this not the case?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong?

English versions of religion are based on one thing and one thing only......getting an heir to a throne.....and we thought other religions were based on bunkum?
4 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

It makes a terrible headline...........but don't believe everything you read in GB press....mostly hysterical, headline grabbing, self righteous crap, sure it happens.....apparently GB is coming down with working girls, but vast majority are many are "traded"...NO-ONE actually knows....!

Don't blame east europeans en masse....................if there wasn't a market......then no one would be traded!! the blame lies squarely at the feet of males who use the same.

Same argument applies to illegal drugs.........if you buy them...then you are a part of THE most awful crimes .......committed in the name of drug trading/manufacturing.....does that stop 2 million people in GB taking drugs every!!!

Welcome to the Criminal Nation that is the United Kingdom!!!!!!!!!

PS A few more Polish/Latvian/Lithuainian etc criminals.........just adds to the blend!
5 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm......again..must challenge....its ok to be racist...hold those views...even if for some of the laughable abusive comments, it diminishes the person who makes them, fellow board members who feel they have to respond and shows up society for its shallowness, and never ending ability to let one down!

My point is, that once you feel you can treat one group of prople, for any reason less fairly than another group....then everyone looses out.

Whether you call it racism, bigotry, ageism, sexism all boils down to one group/person feeling superior to another and can therefore treat someone less well/fairly.

Its an inate, instinctive response to societys need to protect its territory, women and food ( aka jobs). people don't like new/different things esp if they impact on them.

Hence this thread being full of instinctive but damaging responses....things such as what have east europeans done for GB....Michael Howard/Nigel Lawson ( UK Foreign Secretary/Chancellor) and many succesful business men all originated in E Europe...not quite sure which part of Germany Q Elizabeth came from!!

Yes, if you feel the need to discriminate against anyone for any reason...then you perpetuate all of these beliefs and give permission to anyone else to discriminate against you, your family and ethnic group/ what you sow you so must unsurprised by the low level nature of most posts on this thread........

Lock and delete...I say....:)

PS I coulda swore it was your great neighbours Germany/Russia who came up with a cruel savage agreement to carve up your country, then invaded/slaughtered and destroyed your country.....NOT the UK,....history.....depends what you read......!
5 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Nope....Russians.....had occupied Poland...not the UK/USA yes....?......I think you'll find possession is 9/10s of the law...........

The Russians were quite happy to "waste" the lives of their own people to defend their gains....but not waste any on the indigenous population.....I was the worse of two evils...another war...against a hugely powerful nation...for no gain....or put up and shut the original blame still lies at the door of Germany/Russia, of their day....the Evil Empire............Britains power was on the wane...( I am not a historian..perhaps others are and are better read no doubt than both of us) .

WWII effectively bankrupted the no postion to continually waste the rest of its wealth against an occupier who didn't care.....what was another 2 million dead to them...if they could dominate the whole of East Europe....?

The outcome wasn't ideal......but then the outcomes of wars rarely are...........feel free to go rant on a German/Russian board about the greatness of their nations......

The British/French at least attempted to honour their alliance at the start of the war....but weren't up to it...nor was ANY other nation in Europe ( even the great bear that is Russia)........most unfortunate....point your finger elsewhere........the fact that you are not still speaking Russian full time and might never be free is down to the few million Brits who rode their luck in 1940.......and then the USA came to the old worlds rescue 2 years later.......we all wished it never happen...Polands pain and that of the Jews was the most terrible of was a very sad time...for the entire world.........

I think its fab we are now free, to a degree, to chat about it now............cherish that freedom...make the most of it....

Long live free Polska!
5 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Guys, if you checked my ID, I am not British, my country has also been victim of its occupation etc, but quoting selected history books to me is not sufficient....I admit I am not an expert, but you got to look at your nearest and dearest neighbours...they agreed on the carve up...they did the slaughtering...they did the you think 2 million British soldiers were going to defeat 10 million if they really...really wanted too....all that would have happened an even longer war...more dead...and still no freedom......

I am not fully condoning the "sell out"....many awful decisions were made and disgraceful decisions made...of course I understand how you feel....but if you were given the choice..."By the way I am going to kill one member of your family.....either your mother or your sister.....and youHAVE to decide....OR both die...which would it be?....

Called a dilemna............not nice....but you gotta choose.....:(

I have nothing against the Polish nation or people....IF it was so bad in GB and Ireland...then Polish immigrants would be home after 1 month...but not the case..they make sacrifices/allowances etc..and stay to make money/new home...thats the litmus paper test...not the few cretins who post rubbish reports on here...and you react to them....IGNORE the Sh!te posts ola/marek...ok?...ok....say you will......??!!...:)

All you got ta do is rise above...concentrate on the postive.....etc.........
5 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Curiously, in todays Sunday Times..they report on who actually was responsible for winning the war.....guess what ...after the British and Americans convincing themselves/us it was almost wholly down to was of course...........

THE RUSSIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fatalities against the German armies .....80% killed by the Russians...the 20% USA/ 4:1...ratio.....

On the Eastern front 150 German division held by the Russians...on western front... a mere 56!!

In percentage terms in W Europe...UK contribution was a piffling 5-6% of the grand total!

Not for one moment would I understate the contribution at Europes darkest moment made by the UK ....but the real winners/victors were the Russians....!

Mr Churchill wasn't in any position to dictate to the almighty Russians, who should be fully liberated or not.....he had ro real say at all........

PS Before the war their agreement allowed them both to annex/take over those countries deemed to be in their respective spheres of influence...Germany invaded 8 countries and the "liberators"..Russia...invaded and occupied 5..all before 1939!
5 Nov 2006
Travel / Best exchange Poland or before you go? [11]

Guys, am off to Poland shortly, had read on board somewhere you get a better rate form using ordinary ATMs - was this using your credit card or do they take our UK based Switch cards? effect debit your UK bank account directly?...and also that the rate was better!?

Thanks, Frank
5 Nov 2006
Travel / Best exchange Poland or before you go? [11]

Cheers for that do you know do you get charged the usual bank exchange charge per transaction ie £3?...or are their charges scaled differently?
6 Nov 2006
Life / Polish Parents are controlling [58]


"Frank, this is excactly what I was referring to when I spoke of off topics. "

Yes, I owe the guys and you an apology........I was a bit impetuous, quick to judge and blinkered in my own needs and what I was looking for/expecting form the board.

I hope you all accept my apology.

I hadn't quite expected the board to be as "social", involving as its become...but I suppose it now has a life of its own!

Good luck and enjoy!

PS I am an Irish man for Ch***s sake!
6 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / anyone on orange pay monthly?? [5]

Suspect you'll be charged the international rate ...20 or 25p, but go on their tariffs will be spelt out.....
10 Nov 2006
Life / Poles need to learn to save! [73]

Yes....Patrycja.......but so much nicer........:)

If you take it in ...and burn it probs.......fatty foods were highly prized when we all scraped about for our food.......but now......we don't.......

Hence the probs.....:(

PS The only thing you can believe on TV is the on/
10 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / I understand poles coming to uk [196]

Lost..........................or was that just the programme..........series 3.......
10 Nov 2006
Life / Poles need to learn to save! [73]

D_G...sorry did I step on your all are most peoples lives....wishing their whole lives the slimmer...younger........etc.......sad........but then you have this board........back to earth with a bump!!!....:)
10 Nov 2006
Life / Poles need to learn to save! [73] you dont order online Patty...and let them deliver...??? can do it all that time!!

Course there are different fats etc.............c'est la vie!

McDs...sorta 4 letter word in parts of europe.......can't remember last time I was at one!
10 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

tut...tut........glad to see we still have a few primitives on the board................well...not really...but you all know what I mean......
10 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / polish community invited in edgware london nw4 [7]

Aniah......sorry...but don't take this personally...but...can you change your avatar....plz!!

PS Promise I wont get you drunk or ask about your money...:)
12 Nov 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Please see this link for numerous real estate offices across the country......
12 Nov 2006
UK, Ireland / Documentary Project on Polish community in UK [11]

As per the Irish reporter...who also was looking for responses from Polish about trying, your local hotel, pub, filling station, ...indeed any sevice type industry or more manual type jobs that a lot of immigrants are doing....?

Or hospitals, care homes etc........there are bound to be hundreds of Polish people you can make contact the most direct fashion!

And why does it have to be an incredible story to tell............................????

As per your second've chosen the wrong medium to contact Polish people in England!
12 Nov 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Lifted this off the "in your pocket" guide of a book written about the exploits of Polish pilots during WWII........

For Your Freedom and Ours

By Lynne Olsen and Stanley Cloud

It finishes by saying..."Set against a background of political intrigue the story concludes with Poland’s betrayal, and of the country being signed away to Stalin by a weak-willed Britain" I take it that Britain had occupied the country of Poland...laid down its weapons, told its soldiers to meekily return home...?

Again...quoting from the reviewer........" this book is a damning indictment on the Western Allies, and a welcome tonic from the one-sided stories we are so used to hearing of."........sure Britain was a very skilled political operator...sure it had to cut some deals........but if I was standing there....with an army a fifth of the size of the end of my supply line....which by the way was virtually all bankrolled by the USA ( to which GB was up to its armpits in debt to already)...I would have to thikn very stronlgy as to what to do....

Let me put it this way.......your facing the opposition armed with a bowie knife , whilst he has a kalashnikov automatic rifle.........seems a little one sided.......?

Who do you think would come off better in any negotiations....?

The British were pussycats when measured against the Russians......don't you all agree?

Applying the retroscope is fab......:)...!
19 Nov 2006
News / but where do they all come from...? [17]

Nobody...knows.......isn't that great that your government ( unlike the previous puppet regime) which so long treated the population as miscreants and those to be abused....don't really know, where you are, what you are doing, who you are talking too...etc......

F-R-E-E-D-O-M..........spell it out and shout it out........

If they ask....tell them to whistle in the belong to to no-one.....nor anybody, or system, or anything...fullstop!
21 Nov 2006
Real Estate / Poland Property...should I be scared [127]

Ela...please read over this check links etc.......
21 Nov 2006
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Wert, please contact me re your Wroclaw request.

Secondly, please see the listing of costs associated with buying an apartment valued at 330000....given to me by and estate agent;

1. general tax - 6 600,00 zl
2. notary fee - 2 360,00 z³
3. notary fee VAT - 519,20 zl
4. court fee - 200 zl
5. other fees - 200 zl
6. agency's commision - 8 250,00 zl
7. agency's comission VAT - 1 815.00 zl

Approximate additional costs counted all together - 19 944.20 zl

Again...if anyone else cares to clarify or comment on these costs feel free to post.....thanks!
21 Nov 2006
Real Estate / Poland Property...should I be scared [127]

No problem Ela, can you keep us up to speed re your friends progress/ success?

There are a number of people on the board who have an interest in buying something, I hope they can all post their experiences on the thread listed above!
21 Nov 2006
Travel / Why is Poland so Un-Sexy? [84] you know nothing about isnt a competition, and certainly not for you to judge.........!

Its ok to admit you are embarrassed by your fellow countrymen......honestly, I won't mind....:)

And your such a wheeze...telling you mates not to go to!
21 Nov 2006
Travel / Best place to get polish currency and Bielsko-Biala? [13]

According to the board its best to use your debit card in an ATM, the best one is Nationwides as they don't charge an overseas use the rate is better in Poland...usually!

But do check with your bank.
22 Nov 2006
Travel / Why is Poland so Un-Sexy? [84] touchy thing.............its a public board.............A...or hadnt you noticed......