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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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25 Jan 2007
Language / Pronunciation difference between Ź and Ż / RZ [83]

SZ and ś are similar, but the shape of the mouth is different...hard to explain. You can see the differences/similarities here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_phonology
25 Jan 2007
Life / Moving to Krakow, question about life costs [27]

They have gyros in Poland?????

They're called kabob's. Not the same shish kabobs that we have here (on a stick). They're all over Poland....everywhere. Ali Baba-Sioux-Sphinx
23 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

ok so, i am a polish person and i'm not racist one bit!!! i use to work in and poland and i didn't mind ppl wearing differnt culture shirts!!!! i mean bafore u go critisizing a whole culture, for one person, try different things!!! i felt so offended when i saw this when i was helping my daughter with her socails project!!!! think about who's racist before u post somthing like this cuz who ever started this must be a HUGE racist!!!

The world will always be plagued by ignorance. Don't let these people offend you...they aren't worth the dirt they walk on.
23 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

seems a tad jelous that I can kick some ass.

Lol who really says stuff like this? Decorator, I wouldn't waste any more time with this half wit.
23 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Murder rates at a all time high

You're a little mr know it all huh? I love Toronto...never had a problem there. I live in NY and I have no fears while walking around..and yes we're very diverse. You must be a redneck....yeah you are :)

Ha ha you're in Maine??

and what can my picture have to do with anything? You must be a yung boy..run along now whipper snapper :)

Posting facts make me racist?

1 more thing....the topic was for Polish people. Maybe you can go into a good ole boy forum to play. Done.
23 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

worst states for murder 2003

Do you realize that it's now 2007? Care to find somehing that's not out of the archives? And what fine city are you living in to be such a racist? Most people like myself despise twits like you....yeah probably just about everyone I know :) Your words are senseless and you live in a world of fear. Pff...just a punk ass kid.
23 Jan 2007
News / Countries in Europe where abortion is allowed/not allowed? [110]

Stop calling people a cow. You sound very immature. You have to understand that that not many people are going to be sympathetic to your story. Once is ok, but twice?

And I haven't been pregnant either :)
23 Jan 2007
Life / The strangest things in Poland [468]

Besides all of the food and everything else....Pyramids are pretty strange in Poland. Not all poles know they're even there :)
23 Jan 2007
Life / Indian moved to Poland [532]

Nobody said it was...

If you read the topic title, it's Indian moved to PL and PL schools were in discussion. I'm not sure where you were trying to go with the middle east comment since it has nothing to do with...well, anything :) Sounds like you're trolling to me
22 Jan 2007
News / Countries in Europe where abortion is allowed/not allowed? [110]

20 weeks is late but it is legal until 24 weeks

Legal vs. Moral :)

Abortion in my opinion is ok up to 8 weeks. I think that once you have to dismember the body using a scalpel or cord then vaccuum out..it becomes immoral. Just my opinion.

I hope that someone does learn from this story.
22 Jan 2007
News / Countries in Europe where abortion is allowed/not allowed? [110]

What I did was stupid because I should have just had the baby

Yes, and in my opinion 20 weeks is way to far into the pregnancy for an abortion. This shouldn't be allowed just because of the horrible process to remove it.

I'm sorry you had to do that.
22 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

it is the black-negroe who is ill-mannerd , uncouth and overbearing. in addition the black-negroe behaves as if the world owes him and people something.

You're from BKLYN? Right...who the hell say's black-negroe? You make no sence with a childish comment like that. You obvously need an education.
22 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

in VT a lot of people talk crap about polish people

I'm in VT all the time and I don't ever hear people talking smack about the PL. Where in VT are you?
20 Jan 2007
Love / What do Polish women look for in a relationship? [70]

I guess you would rather have him pull up in a Bently and show off all his bling bling.
That is how they do it in America.

Maybe if you're a rapper. The average guy doesn't need bling, just a good sense of humor and a job :)

You don't want the women that are attracted by these things anyway. It should be you that's loved most, not your ride.