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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

aye aye can also mean "phwor" or "hubba hubba" :)
or just aye aye look at her ,what does she think she looks like
Eeeh lad,is another aye...or ey oop, meaning hi.....
26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

lol,I would have put the disclaimer,some of my best mates are black/asian. but it sounds cheesy and anyway,why should i....he he, you should have heard us at collage, me,a guy from Ivory coast and a guy from pakistan, the stuff we'd call each other just to wind up the pc mob :)

Its context and intention, Im not sure I like the fact lady that your implying im rascist just because I know what bairnchudd means or that ghandu was not a cousin of Ghandi

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

If Chris Tucker calls me Honky its "hilareous" ,if I called him " ma *****" id be lynched, double standards are what pee people off not other people per say

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

So,lady,have you never heard an asian call you anything that you didnt like/understand, rascism cuts from all sides. You are obviously not from the norh of the UK where there are areas white kids cant go for fear of having the crap kicked out of them by asian gangs.

Yes those tossers are a minority among asians,just as they are amongst all ethnic groups here but try getting any come back against anyone in this country if you are unfortunate enough to be White,male ,no hope.....

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

The amount of foul rascism on certain US comedy shows is unreal, if they wernt black "comics" talking about white people and it was the other way round they would never get air time.

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

its the 1984 scenario, thought police r out to get you so you self censor to the point of being perversly rascist in being unable to attribute anything bad at all to people of slightly darker skin. get over it,we are all different, no better no worse just different.

a proud honky
26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

hey,I started it...now i read it again sounds like a 70s band...
Well,whats rascist about pointing out the fact that I am a white brit,i am,Im not afro caribbian or asian british.
and if you read my post where he quoted from you will see not a jot of rascism on my part,unless mentioning someones race is now wrong,are we all really that touchy,come on....

white brit being those who either have ancestors from britain going back to the year dot or people descended from more recent waves of immigration such as the french hugenots or the central and easternm europeans who came here in the mid to late 19th century. Britains previous large immigration "waves" have not been white,they have been asians or of african descent, no rascism,just fact,thats who they are and they wouldnt want to change. My point was about the recent immigrants,the second or third generation who in my eyes are as british as me feel insecurity as a new " wave" of immigration comes here. The Asians living here before idi amin kicked people out of uganda had some shocking things to say about the asian refugees when they came here. like I say,there is always a feeling amongst some of " last in close the door" ie "ive had to fight for an oppertunity,recognition,now these people re coming in blah blah"

like I say, I dont mind who comes,I dont own this country,I think thats an old german bird who lives in london,so if its ok for her its fine by me...

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

isthatu - you have been a worthy apponent. It's been good debating with you. I have to go away for a while.

Look forward to our next meeting,trust me, Itry to stand shoulder to shoulder so to speak with Poland.
Yes ,I visited Warsaw,specifically to study the Uprising, I stayed with the family of a Mokatow insurgent who I met and absolutly adore,a lovely lady .

No,Im no expert on the subject but as you may have guesed Im am definatly fascinated by it and to be honest am learning Polish specifically so I can get my hands on more information :) (that and so when I take up the invitaion I have to take part in one of the "rekonstrucja Powstanie Warszawskie" I will not let the guys down)

I shall pm you a link to another site mate where maybe you can see how deep my interest and respect lies.

"many people fighting for hitler with Polish names. Confusing isnt it. "
er,you can say that again,and come to think of it,what about Gen' Rommal....no the Polish one :)
"You made it sound like they enlisted by free will in your post."
crikey,I hope not,no, no free will involved and all at the first opertunity "ran away" to join up with the Free Polish forces.

"Have you studied History of Poland? Do you know how it ticks?"
lol,yes Im studying it but,knowing how it ticks,thats going to take a life time ;)

all the best ogorek
26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

last in shut the door..........its been going on for decades.Every new wave of immigrants wants to be the last but never are, Frankly I think the average white Brit couldnt care less whether the Poles come here or not, Most welcome them ,some dont,but muppets r muppets..The most vile sort of rascism comes from within so called minorities, Its Asians around here moaning about "east" europeans(when will they look on a map,looks pretty central to me..) who are now coming and taking over their status as sacred cow,not to be picked on and to be given all the help.....perception,not reallity,but.......what is reallity anyway....oh dear no more descartes....

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

I think its already been established that those figures are for people of Polish decent rather than recent emigre's. 9 million too the usa in the last couple of years, I somehow doubt it.

What it points out though is Historicaly the Poles,as the Irish and Scots etc have travelled and settled around the world looking for a new life .

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

" that the Poles themselves rid Poland of most of the Jews"
Now that is just offensive c r ap mate.......wtf maybe some did,turned on jews( how many jews in eastern Poland came rushing out to butt kiss the RKKA though when it marched in in 39?) maybe not,but considering it meant death to you,your family and all your neighbours if you were caught by the nazis hiding or helping a Jew the Poles couldsnt be to bad to have THE HIGHEST NUMBER AS RIGHTEOUS AMONG THE NATIONS.....oh dear.....

I stand by what I said about there being some trators and collaberators in Poland but I distance myself from Michals statments ....and lets get it over with VLASOVISTIES,now they were collaberators.....how many dozen "russian" divisions were there in the Heer again?


Note* Sorry everyone else who is on topic. I don't like to say these things because it's not necessary. I only say them when the honour and integrity of war time Poland is questioned:)

No the truth as you see it is being questioned you arrogent individual,nothing to do with anyones honer,that can stand up and speak for itself without you chirping in wanting to cover things up.....
26 Aug 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

many moons ago as a summer job I worked in a neto warhouse.Dropped a bottle of "house" sherry,it smashed and spilt its contents on the yellow safty stripes painted on the floor,the swiftly began to bubble up and erode said painted stripes! just an observation lol

btw. lidl rocks, Princess bikkies mwa mwa mwa...
26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

ogorek,your a lost cause mate,you claim Im biased to one side yet your blind to anything on "your" side that doesnt fit what you like to hear.

For a start, yes,in the UK most people have not even heard of the 44 warsaw uprising and most think it has something to do with the ghetto, fact, if thats not super news for you,sorry,cant be helped.

The "warsaw pact" bit,as you jolly well nknow is in reference to the USSR and its armed Communist allies,the Warsaw Pact, who had Nuke's pointed at me ,why would I have any red bias to buggers who would have vapourised us in an instent.( yes,I know the Polish forces probably would have turned and fought the Soviets once the shooting started but..)

You call me imature for debating history yet you want to cover things up,why,what is there to be ashamed of,like you say,cant be judged if you wernt there.As neither of us was I have as much right to look into this part of history as you. non of my concern,wtf do you know about "my concern?

Lol,you seriously think no Poles were ever in the german army,your off your head mate,hundreds were captured near the Normandy beaches for a start, maybe in old commie propaganda it never happened,but,it did and is far more commen than you'd think.

So you think "the truth" in history can be disturbing and should be covered up? wow,thats mature,cover up like holocaust denial etc? History is only valid as a search for truth and "uncomfortable" bits should never be covered up full stop.

" Also there were no known Polish collaborators in WWII"
is the biggest pile of steaming do do Ive heard from you yet.....See POLITYKA 25 sierpnia Nr34 and then tell me no Poles collaberated. Yes there was no such thing as a Polish ss division blah blah but certainly plenty did collaberate ,if they didnt,why did K diw have Hit squads dedicated to shooting traitors and collaberators. Might be uncomfortable stuff but Im afraid,for anyone to take you seriously you need to get upto date with the FACTS as they are,not as you wish they were.

Can I just ask though,beyond having two grandfathers,what makes you the historical expert,My grandfather was a Spitfire ace,doesnt mean I know how to fly a plane!

"You probably missed this while leafing through your documents. The UK did this in good faith to make up for their betrayal. The UK government was man enough to admit what they did. Unlike you. "

There you go again bleating on about betrayl,get over yourself........look at ALL the facts,I somehow doubt you will though prefering as you do cutting and pasting from wikipedia.....The only betrayl the British government is guilty of is not alowing the Free Polish forces in the Victory parade in 1946. I say again,what did you expect Britain to do in 1945,Invade f ing Soviet Russia? get real buddy,your country was sold down the river by the leaders of the Lublin government,somthing else you conveiniantly left out......if everything was such sweetness and light between all Poles,what was going on between 45 and 47?

I dont suppose you will take any of this in though, If you want a watered down diluted version of history where everything was black and white,fine by me,I stick by my first point though,to do so is to disrespect the memory of all involved in the mammoth struggle against faschists( you know,the people who like hushing up inconveniant bits of history)

26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Anglo -Celtic heritage, my a r se.....wouldnt that be Aborigional Heritage? Or are you conveniantly forgeting 200 years of ethnic cleansing?
With a tag like " Crusader" I think we know where your coming from you BNP hitler worshiping bit of white trash. You call yourself a patriot then spend all your energy saying how terrible this country and its people are.

Pick up a few history books,get rid of the doc martins and bomber jacket and your more than welcome in this country,if not ,why dont you f off to austria or someother arayn paradise.
26 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

I like the bit where hes writing in English to replys in English and then says "you lot " cant speak English.....what a numpty :)
25 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Quoting: isthatu
£65.00 per week x 750.000

uuuhhh maybe not, there are plenty of houses that are packed full of polish who do not pay for their tax, rent etc :) so those figures are rubbished now aren't they :)

wow mate,sense of humor bypass or what! Who on earth could seriously think he has a house where he can charge 750.000 people rent? Are you nuts? .....sorry If Im losing something in translation though,is english maybe a second language to you?
25 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

750,000 Poles arrive on your door step carrying there suite cases!!

thats some rent you could make there..lets see,£65.00 per week x 750.000...........,your blessed with such an opartunity :)
25 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Kazakhstan 47,000

so thats why Borat speaks Polish not kazak :)
(ducks for cover, "no im not saying Polish people are like borat"..:) )
25 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Quoting: ogorek
Hitler never even intended to invade UK - the plans were a smoke screen for the invassion of Russia.

What history books do you read Ogorek?....Or do you just make everything up as you go along?

No , he's right with that(and most of the other stuff,just missed my point about things not being as black and white as some would wish),documents now do exist(and always have done,just lost) to prove this as fact. Hitler,by the time of the defeat in france had no real intention of invading mainland britain,all his efforts(apart from the airforces bombarding of england) were put into operation barbarrosa. Of course no one on the allied side knew that at the time,or indead for decades after the war but ,naturally britain had to work under the very plausable assumption( bearing in mind the Molotov/ribbentrop pact) that the UK rather than USSR would be the nazis next target.(ok,between times they invaded Greece and Jugoslavia..).

25 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Quoting: joepilsudski
Many stereotypes have a strong basis in reality

But invariably its a negative stereotype......isn't it?

Never ever do you see one that emphasizes the pleasing, better, positive aspects of any group........

unless its "all Poles are hard workers,who dont mind working 12 hour sifts" lol
Im sure lots are but its still a stereotype.

well my fellow Brit, i just think you need your head examining :)

oops,to late,all gone,nothing to see,move along,move along....wibble...
25 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

red bias,dont give me that BS,who was it with Nukes pointing at us for 40 odd years.a bit of a cheek really that isnt it,lets see,The Warsaw Pact ! ;)

You are so wide of the mark of where Im coming from its untrue. Let me just say this,its refreshing to have a discusion about the situation surrounding the Warsaw uprising without having to explain first that "no,its not the ghetto Im talking about"

Theres no need to take the patronizing tone with me either,I may not have been alive in 44 (which you imply with comments like "you belived in 44") but Id say 1974 as a birth year is a bit old to be called a "little boy" :)

Sorry,whats so particularly interesting about "having both grandfathers in the war" (of course their stories will be interesting,but I think your implying something unique),half the Polish veterns I know over here were at one point in the german army...its an old(yet interesting) story.

And like you pointed out,it was france with the largest standing army in the world that was ment to invade Germany from the west as Poland fell back strategicaly,instead they advanced 10 miles,stopped,then went home for coffe and croixsoints.

No all britain did was take in your armed forces,re equip them,provide them with spitfires,sherman tanks,sten guns, have a look at any photos of non LWP Polish forces and you may spot this,oh and a home. And provided the means to resupply the AK and the training grounds to train the silent and dark,and the finances etc ad nauseum.

And are you now trying to say the usa was in the war in 1939,with your comment that britain opened up a seconed front to allow the US to bail out europe? I think your forgeting things like the battle of Norway,the battle of France,Battle of Britain,North Africa,Syria blah blah and so on

BTW,if you get your imformation from wikipedia Im not surprised its a little patchy,I dont think I'll bother looking at the site recomended,I'll stick to my extensive library and genuinly factuall sites on such heroic battles as Bzura, Modlin and Kock....As for the defence put up by the Warsaw pursuit squadren that is second to none for valor.

in short ogorek,save your righteous indignation for someone else,someone who maybe does belive the red propaganda ,as I say ,considering Im nick named Norman Davis by some mates I dont think you need to worry about me taking anything away from the Polish underground movement, if youve misenterpreted some of what Ive posted,well,what can I say,these things happen,just glad ,like I say that Young Poland can still be as passionate about those times as ever. Keep it up


Quoting: FISZ
Ok...enough about battles. The topic is "Why do Poles come to England?"

Isthatu started it :)

no I didnt, The germans did,they invaded Poland;)k
fawlty towers,never ages ....:)
25 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

Quoting: isthatu
(the "Red Army " is civil war/post war name) was exhausted with huge supply lines and coping with the problems of resupplying over land the germans had destroyed in their retreat

Is that what they told you in 1944? Your naivety is spectacular. [/quote]
ok,thats clever,take one line and twist it.....in origional post that was one of many reasons,the main as i so obviously pointed out was Stalins wish to see Poland on its knees...

Quoting: isthatu
as demonstrated when elements of the Polish 1diw tried to reach Czerniakow and were slaughtered mid river

No matter how prepared - you get casualties (hear about D-day?) Poles had the right spirit. They were just as "exhausted" but they were too few. At least they tried. They did'nt get the back up to succeed. They didnt need the whole red army to break through.

Yes,they tried,and fair game to them but it was never going to be more than a suicide mission and they never win wars.

Quoting: isthatu
risk provoking an international incident with "friendly fire"

Again this happens in war - soldiers were surrounded by chaos at this time. It's NO EXCUSE for denying these heroic missions landing space.

again,I dont think I did say it was a "valid" excuse,just that it was one semi accepted by all nations.(btw,put your self underfire mate and then tell me whats an excuse or not)[quote=ogorek] Quoting: isthatu
Not all fought by a long shot,yes the heros af the Armia krajowa and other underground movements

You child. What does it matter how many fought? The fact that the majority did is enough. They did it for principal. I thought you knew your history? They had no choice becuase they knew their neighbours intentions (from history). They stood and fought for their own freedom. Why? Because they would have rather died than be ruled by Russia again. You have no idea.

erm,all I said there was that not all the residents of warsaw fought or even wanted the uprising,fact ,pure and simple and very highly documented even in the uprising museum in warsw. Funny I dont see any reference in my post to implly that the AK (or indead al etc) didnt fight and die valiantly,maybe you will read it again instead of jumping to paranoid/persecuted default mode when this subject is raised.

Quoting: isthatu
Dont let anyone take away the heroics of the AK from this

You just did.

Ok , challenge you to back up that satement with facts

Quoting: isthatu
Britain had been fighting 2 days less than Poland

Britain was dropping leaflets. France whistled into the wind.

Poland took on the German army alone. 2 days my *ss.

Check your history books mate,Germany invaded Poland on the 1st Britain declared war on the 3rd...= 2 days more
( but if you want me to bring up the fact that beyond the defenders of warsaw effective Polish resistence broke down in around 17 days I will do) Yes your forces were all around the world slowly re forming and performing a valuable service in the fight against germany but if left to fight "alone" do you think you would be a free country now? seriously,if Britain had stood by and not opened up a second front Poland would have ceased to exist decades ago either swalloed by a nazi or communist rule unopposed by any in the outside world.

Its all the in the history books and as public record in both our nations and I stand by what Ive said knowing full well that anyone with a serious interest in Polish history beyond vague national pride would and do back me up on.

24 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Dude, when will you finally stop wasting space in this thread ?

oops,hit too close did I,sorry delt with kids like you for years....like shocking people but turn out to be ***** cats...

oh come on blanking out p u s s y cats.......
24 Aug 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

just saying,how much of your life which youll never get back have you wasted replying to silly little one line throwaway comments made by someone who obviously craves the attention and appears to love nothing better than stirring up a hornets nest. Whether he truelly means what he says is irrelevent,I dont think any gay people will die of shock to discover there may be a Pole who has views shared by chavs worldwide all you are doing by replying to him is feeding his ego ,makeing him feel he has made an impact on someone, come on,the guys got nearly 4 thousand posts on here in less than a year,he obviously doesn get out much.....
24 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Wyborowa Vodka - is it popular in the UK or Ireland? [6]

Randompal, you will be happy to know that most of the major brands of Polish beer and wodka are available here. Im a Brit and Ive been so happy to see familiar bottles and cans over here in the last couple of years. I dont know how many other non Poles drink Polish beer but I know that Polish wodka is far more popular than russian ***cough splutterbatteryacidcach*** wodka for anyone in the know . :)

Only problem is I cant find miodowe anywhere here........
all the best

also available in Wetherspoon pubs :D

well something needed done to bring a decent buzz to these cemetries lol
(beyond flying glasses/patrons/tables etc at weekends,,,)
24 Aug 2007
UK, Ireland / Why do Poles come to England? [514]

fortunately for the rest of Europe they bled each other to near death....

unfortunatly it is never the regime's who do the bleeding just the everyday people dragged into both Dictatorships grubby wars of conquest.

The Russian bear is alive and well and only to happy to savage any country that treats it disrespectfully......in its own opinion actually.

I loved the photo in our press here in the UK of some ancient soviet era "bear" bomber
looking like a relic from WW2 beside our brand new typhoon fighters :) dont worry too much just yet about the russian bear,all putin has is a house of cards.impressive from the outside but weak on the inside,,,,

ps,I wonder how long before this thread just disapears as though dragged off to siberia never to be spoken of again outloud?