UK, Ireland /
Why do Poles come to England? [514]
ogorek,your a lost cause mate,you claim Im biased to one side yet your blind to anything on "your" side that doesnt fit what you like to hear.
For a start, yes,in the UK most people have not even heard of the 44 warsaw uprising and most think it has something to do with the ghetto, fact, if thats not super news for you,sorry,cant be helped.
The "warsaw pact" bit,as you jolly well nknow is in reference to the USSR and its armed Communist allies,the Warsaw Pact, who had Nuke's pointed at me ,why would I have any red bias to buggers who would have vapourised us in an instent.( yes,I know the Polish forces probably would have turned and fought the Soviets once the shooting started but..)
You call me imature for debating history yet you want to cover things up,why,what is there to be ashamed of,like you say,cant be judged if you wernt there.As neither of us was I have as much right to look into this part of history as you. non of my concern,wtf do you know about "my concern?
Lol,you seriously think no Poles were ever in the german army,your off your head mate,hundreds were captured near the Normandy beaches for a start, maybe in old commie propaganda it never happened,but,it did and is far more commen than you'd think.
So you think "the truth" in history can be disturbing and should be covered up? wow,thats mature,cover up like holocaust denial etc? History is only valid as a search for truth and "uncomfortable" bits should never be covered up full stop.
" Also there were no known Polish collaborators in WWII"
is the biggest pile of steaming do do Ive heard from you yet.....See POLITYKA 25 sierpnia Nr34 and then tell me no Poles collaberated. Yes there was no such thing as a Polish ss division blah blah but certainly plenty did collaberate ,if they didnt,why did K diw have Hit squads dedicated to shooting traitors and collaberators. Might be uncomfortable stuff but Im afraid,for anyone to take you seriously you need to get upto date with the FACTS as they are,not as you wish they were.
Can I just ask though,beyond having two grandfathers,what makes you the historical expert,My grandfather was a Spitfire ace,doesnt mean I know how to fly a plane!
"You probably missed this while leafing through your documents. The UK did this in good faith to make up for their betrayal. The UK government was man enough to admit what they did. Unlike you. "
There you go again bleating on about betrayl,get over yourself........look at ALL the facts,I somehow doubt you will though prefering as you do cutting and pasting from wikipedia.....The only betrayl the British government is guilty of is not alowing the Free Polish forces in the Victory parade in 1946. I say again,what did you expect Britain to do in 1945,Invade f ing Soviet Russia? get real buddy,your country was sold down the river by the leaders of the Lublin government,somthing else you conveiniantly left out......if everything was such sweetness and light between all Poles,what was going on between 45 and 47?
I dont suppose you will take any of this in though, If you want a watered down diluted version of history where everything was black and white,fine by me,I stick by my first point though,to do so is to disrespect the memory of all involved in the mammoth struggle against faschists( you know,the people who like hushing up inconveniant bits of history)