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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1,767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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30 Sep 2007
Life / Polish Hooligans [41]

Stupid thing, it's not football anymore...

Some parents are afraid to take their children to a game because of these a.s.s.holes...
28 Sep 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish Food in Edinburgh [29]

Maybe Pierogi (there are different kinds of pierogi), you can also buy desserts, there are very good desserts in Poland too ;)
28 Sep 2007
Life / Condoms and the Catholic church in Poland [83]

Wow ! I hope it's just a big and stupid can we want to "finish" some kind of people after what happened 60 years ago...
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

They may do things not that bad sometimes (even if i don't know if it's very useful to know who did something 20 years ago), but they do many things that are not very "good", and somebody else could do what they do, or better than they ;)
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

Yes, it's certainly the case with people that suffer from a great pain. But what about paralyzed people, people in comma, etc... A lot of them have suicidal thoughts because they don't feel needed. Imagine how easy it would be just to give them a document to sign about their death during their depression.... One signature and the problem is solved. No more worries... for us of course.

That's why i said it's a difficult subject, cause we can't just give a paper to sign to this kind of person. We could let the family discuss with the concerned person, the doctors too, and maybe a psychologist...
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I have never heared Jaro supported death penalty. When did it take place and in what circumstances?

He said that if he wins the election (of Oct. 21st), he would reconsider the death penalty in Poland, and if he does, Poland could not be in EU anymore...

They aren't like hotels un EU but they require a lot of budget money

Ok then so let's kill them all, let's get rid of these unworthy humans...

Who laughs at Poland? Poland is lovely.

LoL not me at least ;)
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

You kill innocent and build hotels for murderers

We kill innocent ? Tell me who, i'll stop killing them... :p

Do you think prisons are hotels ??? Have you ever seen what a prison is like ?... O_O

PS : i'm going to eat ;)
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

And you and most of EUnuchs are against death penalty and for abortion and euthanasia - now that's idiotic.

No it's not ! We think for the human being, you think for God. The death penalty is not a solution to make a man realize what he has done, his crime. It's a matter of education. Kill him is too easy, he would probably never regret his crime because he is going to die.

Euthanasia and abortion are special and difficult subjects. It should be a choice for both : if a person suffers from a disease, and can't bear it anymore, wants to die, how you, the normal and healthy person can decide he or she has not the right to stop suffering ??! The same for abortion, a woman who suffers from a non desired pregnancy, she, and only she should have the right to take the best decision for her.

By the way, i was wondering : how could a man (president, minister, deputy or whatever) take a decision that not concerns him directly ? It's a women matter.

So, as i said, abortion as euthanasia should be a choice taken by the concerned persons and not by silly deputies...When we don't know what harm is, we can't take good decision on the matter.
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

Are you sure of that ?...didn't they want to make abortion totally illegal ? And about the death penalty ? They say they want to protect life from it's beginning but at the same time, they want to make the death penalty dudes ;) i'll get back later ;)
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

Aren't Christians normal people. Who created Poland? Who saved it during centuries?

And so what ? Sure Christians are normal people, as everybody is ! But there are things to consider : your beliefs, and your life
Answer me, what would you tell to the pregnant girl (who has been raped) ? Would you tell her that the president is right not to allow her abortion ? She is the person who suffers from the stupidy of some of these "ancien" decision ! We're not in Middle Ages anymore, move on people !
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

To be Christian in Church and different in politics?

No, i mean i don't care if Lech and Jaro are Christian !! I really don't care, but when they take decisions, it would be great to put their beliefs aside, and think like normal people ! An exemple : a woman who has been raped, got pregnant...tell her that Mister Kaczki thinks it's better not to allow abortion in her case....
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

Are they brothers like the Kaczynskis ? ;p LoL

I hope they will go to the pools ... ehhhh

If they are not okay with their government, they MUST do something ! It's easy, just put a piece of paper in the ballot box ! It's as simple as going to the toilet, except that you don't pay ! hehe...LoL ;)
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

The problem is that young people are massively against Kaczynski, but they don't vote ??...If they don't vote, it's gonna be the same as 2 years ago when the president was elected ! Move your a.s.s young people ! Go and vote !! ;p
27 Sep 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

I only told that nothing shows twins are antisemits

I'm not saying they are antisemitics (it's a chance), but we can see who supports the Kaczynski bros ;)
I saw lastly that for the next election of October 21st, the persons who will vote for them are older people, people living far from the cities, in their little village far from the rest of the world (LoL), on the other hand, the peope who says they'll vote for the opposition party are young people, educated people (we know why :p), etc.