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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 984
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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9 Sep 2007
News / Nazism in Poland - A recipe for mass suicide? [176]

thats why I said style torny,keep yer keks on mate,ive still got scars on my hand from fights with skins and NF types when i was a kid.

As for sweeping generalisations like "scum on the street" that usualy is seen as rather a far right kind of view no matter how you dress it up. Removing criminals from the street and placing them in detention after trial is fine and dandy,

As for capitol punishment,even if some states in the US do still have the barbaric arogence to presume ultimate rights over citizens lives,so what,that hardly proves or disproves anything other than faschist states are predominent in having a thing for killing people they dont want or like., ,the USA may not be a faschist entity but it shares the disregard for human right to life of said states and will do untill the death penalty is abolished.

and before the come back of " but the murder didnt respect human right to life..." big deal,murders are psycho's, govt's an leaders are meant to be rational beings.....

if not give them the injection they need some serious jail-time and a kind of rehabilitation that they will not want to go back to :)

sorry,are they your views or theadore eicke's........
A rigerous aproach to rooting out the scurge of faschism/neo nazism is needed but not to the extent of lowering our standards of human decency to theirs imho.
9 Sep 2007
News / Nazism in Poland - A recipe for mass suicide? [176]

love it,faschist style "lethal injections" and "clear em off the streets the scum" being touted as legitimate anti fascist measures ....irony alert anyone?
9 Sep 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]

blah blah, I wasnt even talking about ww2,as only a dummy brings up that subject......

lukasz, you got a burr up your butt mate,I take into acount your english may not yet be fluent but no one here has posted anything about poland being responsible for nazi concentration camps,you were the one that brought all that tripe up mate,maybe thats some commen belief in some parts of the world but generally not among people who dont write in squiggly lines.

Ghetto is the term used for all areas where jews were forced/choosing to live throught europes history,not just ww2. My origional point I was trying to make is there is no such thing as a universal jew or jewish mindset. While those jewish people who came to Britain over the last 350 odd years decided to integrate more with the "local" population those in eastern europe generally choose to or were forced to live seperatly.
8 Sep 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]

So thats why I think Poland wasnt so bad for them, just because they choosen to live in Poland not in Germany, France or England.

er,thousands of Jews have lived in England for centuries,while jews were confined to gettos and shtetls in Poland in Britain they were totaly free citizens,we even had a jewish(descended) Prime Minister in the 19th century,Benjimin Disreali, so Poland hardly has some gilded spot as the uber tolerent haven for jews some would belive. Many choose to change their surnames to English sounding ones for much the same reason many Poles of the 45 generation changed theirs,because the "locals" couldnt pronounce them,hardly the basis for some master plan of world domination is it?

The origional thread of this whole section just seemed a bit odd to me,As though J Korczak had any reason to "hide" his jewishness ,isnt he best known for going with his charges to treblinka?

Mind you,this sort of anti semitism has an almost quaint(though repugnent) air to it,its all so mid last century,Oswold mosely and silly 'tashes conjouring up global conspirecies to make up for their own shortcomings as men.

Im sure many people will find much amusement in the theory put forward by some on here that " The jews are cunningly ruling the US(world etc) for their own profit/gain" is this the same US(WORLD ETC) that the same posters imply is going to hell in a hand basket and economically failing? Kinda turns your arguments of "jews being financial experts" upside down. Surely if a secret group of people were running things theyd do it a little more efficiantly? or am I just a zionist puppet/lacky running dog/lover of untermensch?
8 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

I know people who buy the Daily Mail every day, just for the crosswords.

seven across,cause of nations troubles ; A*Y*** S*E*ER*.....five down; reasons why Brits emigrate to spain ; IL**G** IM**R**T*; who do we all have wet dreams about being our PM again W**ST*N C**R*H**l.............

he he,bought the rag today,only for the free nature dvd,hid it in a copy of Readers Wives to save my embaresment at the cash desk :)
7 Sep 2007
News / Poland torpedoes EU Day Against Death Penalty [71]

Quoting: isthatu
works in Norway apparently

did in South Africa too.

lol,the one in norway isnt quite robinn island, more a sort of castaway ,ray mears wet dream.....but a start... How about the isle of man? nope,we done that as well before with the refugees from the austrian cpl...
7 Sep 2007
News / Poland torpedoes EU Day Against Death Penalty [71]

Theres a Scottish guy,who everyone knows was stiched up been on Death row in the states for 20 odd years now,he is only still inside on a technicality of the legal process but could have been murdered despite that,only heavy campaining has secured him a re trail . He was offered the chance of release but demanded a trail to prove his innocence.

Any one with the argument of ,"you have to crack a few eggs to make an ommlette" would be wise to consider how they would feel if one of those eggs was their brother/father/son.
7 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

not to defend the attitudes at all but the morans who judge a nation/race whatever,over here in the uk probably wouldnt be able to distinguish a Pole from a dutchman....the problem is an attitude to "eastern europeans" rather than just Poles. Now of course that sucks but im just trying to illustrate the mental abilities of the types of people with a "problem".... I dont think they,the morans, would know the first thing about Poles or Poland to have a problem with,they would tend to be the type of insular nimby's(not in my back yard) that would have a problem with people from a different county or district of the UK moving to "their"area...
7 Sep 2007
News / Poland torpedoes EU Day Against Death Penalty [71]

We need a new island for these people.

actually,i was going to suggest that, Self sustaining prison islands,minimul cost to tax payer and eco friendly....works in Norway apparently.

Self sustaining prison islands

oops,we done that already...Australia :)
7 Sep 2007
News / Poland torpedoes EU Day Against Death Penalty [71]

lol, no eu govts have the death penelty....no they just install puppet govts and get them to do it for them **cough saddam hussaincough****

The Death penelty in my opinion is moraly bankrupt. If someone has commited such a hideous crime as to deserve death they shouldnt be rewarded with a quick way out,they should rot in jail and come out feet first after a lifetime of hard labour.

Not to stir up anything,honest,but,why would such a "Catholic " country such as Poland be in favour of The Death Penelty,isnt that a mortal sin or something?Why is hanging someone,ordered by politicians( shiny clean cut people that they are,not) OK but abortion of unwanted foetus' such a no no?

Not a dig,just a honest question....

er,ranj,are u reading my mind lol?
7 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

lol ranj, Im half scottish half irish,living in england with an english acent,I hear paddy and jock jokes all the time. Maybe my sources are a little old,books from the 90s and just generel banter from US sit coms etc ,mind you Polish plumbers have become a punch line to many a joke here in the UK but normally at the expense of brits in that self depricating british style of humour.

I can tell you that most of the ethnic/racial jokes I have ever heard are interchangeable

I dont know if the comedy show "Goodness Gracious Me" ever got to the states,maybe pbs?, but the "Going for an English" sketch is cracking, a bunch of Indian mates going out to an "English" resturant in India and ordering the blandest food and mangling english names like james :):)
7 Sep 2007
News / There is no Muslim in Poland [116]

The pre 1939 war official muslim oath of loyalty to the Polish army,so there....

Przysięgam Panu Bogu Jedynemu być wiernym Ojczyźnie mej, Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, chorągwi wojskowych nigdy nie odstąpić, stać na straży Konstytucji i honoru żołnierza polskiego, prawu i Prezydentowi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej być uległym, rozkazy dowódców i przełożonych wiernie wykonywać, tajemnic wojskowych strzec, za sprawę Ojczyzny mej walczyć do ostatniego tchu w piersiach i w ogóle tak postępować, abym mógł żyć i umierać jak prawy żołnierz polski. Bereetjum Mine Allachivy Veresulini illeclezine a hetdeteum minel masiurkine BilWałłagi, Tałłagi, Amin.

or,for the rest of us...

I swear to the Only God my faithful allegiance to my Fatherland, Republic of Poland. I swear always to stand by the military banners, to uphold the constitution and guard the honour of the Polish soldier, to be obedient to the law and to the President of Poland, to faithfully carry orders of my commanders and superiors, to keep the military secrets, to fight for my Fatherland to the last breath in my breast, to always behave so as to live and die as a true Polish soldier. Bereetjum Mine Allachivy Veresulini illeclezine a hetdeteum minel masiurkine BilWałłagi, Tałłagi, Amin.
7 Sep 2007
News / Humorous Crime about a Polish burglar [15]

what the hecks a night watchmen doing armed with an AXE, this isnt bloomin Braveheart,why not a billy club or CS spray? as it reads the guy sounds a bit of a psychopath and deserves some punishment, 8 years compared to the robbers 10 does seem a tad stiff though.

Im all for home defence and would follow the advice of a policeman mate of mine to do whatever it took to stay safe and worry about the consequences later. Another tip was that if I went for "him" (hypothetical burgler) with a baseball bat I would probably get locked up,cricket bat,probably not. For the simple reason being a brit it is hard to prove I had any sporting use of said baseball bat but a criket bat might "just have been lying around handy"
7 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

OK a tester here, Im from the UK and know absolutly no "Polak jokes" ,how many from the USA can say the same?

(and surely 80% of the caribean outside the resortwalls is 3rd world,no disrespect just economic fact innit?)
7 Sep 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

hey,calm down you guys. Russia paid a big tribute to Poland recently...using POLONIUM to MURDER a BRITISH CITIZEN on the streets of London,mind you,wasnt the guy who set up the fore runner to the nkvd/kgb a Pole?

******grenade thrown,heads down******
6 Sep 2007
News / Air-show accident in Poland [81]

Poles put up a dreadfully week performance

Whatever performance they put up( which I'll leave unargued as complete nonsence doesnt deserve debate) it was without the aide of heavy machine guns and nkvd detachments to make sure the brown herd went in the right direction........
6 Sep 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

Freemasons & Jews

Thats a shoe shop on the high street isnt it?

they use
Muslims & Asian immigrants to fan the flames of hatred

Fan the flames of some cracking tandoori ovens more like.
The only hatred here is from numpties who spout hitleresque tosh....

Poles coming there for work, they are treated as enemies

Eh?competitors maybe,enemies????

leaders/bankers who view you as 'human resourses'

Thats how the world spins,and always has done,crappy maybe but just life...
4 Sep 2007
Language / Which books is it essential to have read to be a good Polish student? [23]

the angle of concentration camps and jewish minority.

Try Shindlers Ark(now "list" by Thomas keanelly),the book the movie was loosly based on,its not anti Polish in the way the film seems to be.

Quo Vadis has been made into many film versions,though the book(apparently,I confess to not having read it yet) is meant to be far more obvious in its parrals with Polish history hidden as Roman..

As a foriegner,and someone not usually into "costume Drama" (in Britain TV and book shops are clogged with 19th C Jane Austin/Brontte/Dickins etc ) I thourally enjoyed the 1990s A.Wajda film version of Pan Tadeausz ,and saw many echos to the "Polish Spirit" and situations down the centuries. The scene near the begging defending the castle against the russians seemed to me to capture the spirit of the Warsaw uprising with Padre's and wifes' at the barricades...

The book/film Solaris is also by a Polish writer I believe though the (boo hiss lol) russian version beats the newish Hollywood version hands down.

My favourite essential book from high school was... 1984 by George Orwell.

Just been released today in the UK,the secret Mi5 dossier on Eric blair/George Orwell. He was apparently followed by the secret service from 1929 -1942,on suspicion of being a communist(which is hilarious to anyone who has read any of his work,especially his defence of the uprising and attack on Stalin at a time when most in britain thought the sun shone out of uncle joe's rear end),he was later cleared but then in 1950 handed over a list of 38 names of people he suspected of being communists,ironic,his hate of survalence sociaties and love of freedom of thought prompted him to report people to militry inteligence for thier political views :)

BTW,your lucky to have read him,my mate tells of trying to smuggle a copy of animal farm through the Berlin wall in an attempt to bring it home to Poland.
4 Sep 2007
News / Air-show accident in Poland [81]

i stand corrected,you do have a "sense of humor" shame its the carry on type,but,thats a start.........
4 Sep 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

no,she asked me if I was,and as Ive said openly ,no,Im not,but not sure what that has to do with the price of fish.......she cant be though michal surely,most Poles I know have a sense of humor........

Its funny though,her seeming "ingrained" hate of "communism" doesnt sit well with the fact that as someone who appears to want to stiffle debate and go along with the "majority" veiw,she would have made a cracking little Young Pioneer........
4 Sep 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

Quoting: isthatu
So silly little comments like "communism stinks"

Well, I don't think my comment was 'silly' nor do I go about making comments about some of your posts which I may disagree with. You aren't polish are you ?

Communist stinks and it stank too much in Poland for far too long !!.......


i stand by all i said,you are just a bandwagon jumper who wouldnt know where to start in presenting a rounded debate on any subject deeper than how much lady in red butt kisses any percieved majority opinion.....,end of...........
3 Sep 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

Now that I can agree with 100% , My post was recaling why communism "seemed" attractive in the 1930s,not a defence of a political dogma(they are a waste of time as the real world doesnt fit into neat political ideals). Giving a reasoned argument as you did followed by communism stinks makes sense. Just piping up with "communisim stinks" on its own in a seeming atempt to fit in with some majority opinion is,and i stand by what i said,a hark back to America in the 1950s where everyone one who didnt toe the percieved line was branded a "commie"............
3 Sep 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

joined the ranks,what on earth are you talking about?
Really,not sure what your little comment was meant to mean. A joking line brings a sour faced reply from you. I suppose you think that pointing out the difference between "communism" and "stalinism" is somehow anti Polish..........jeez,you sure do jump to some bizzare conclusions about people you know nothing about..............

actually,sorry,I think I get you now,joined the ranks in asking michal not to post snipey little anti polish comments at any conceivable chance......doh. shame irony and sardonic humor do not come across very well on forums,especially without the "right emoticon to express just how i feel...".
2 Sep 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

your as bad as each other,its like being in a class with two 11 yr olds that fancy each other ,are you sure you two arnt married?
2 Sep 2007
History / Memories of the Polish communist era [115]

hey,Coventrys having a hard enough time of it these days as it is............that close to brumm aswell..................
But,he has a valid point,no european country has experianced "communism" what europe has had forced on it has been ,Bolshivism followed by Stalinism all far from the origional ideas of communism,that of fairness and solidarity for the working man and woman.

Faced with a situation in the 1930s when faschism was on the rise "communism" saw an upsurge in popularity as main stream politics didnt want to face upto the nazis and fashists. A lot of nieve but generally well intentioned people were drawn to what was seen as the only party in town to take on the dehuminising and rascist far right.

So silly little comments like "communism stinks" should really belong with the inbred macarthyists and belongs in the witch hunting 1950s USA.
Change the question to Stalinism and you will have no arguments from me, as far as im concerned there was only ever one point to stalinism and that was to keep uncle joe in clover at the expense of countless millions of lives lost or ruined.

4 Sep 2007
News / Air-show accident in Poland [81]

Quoting: isthatu
wow love,get a sense of humor or remove the broom handle,one or the other...........

So you don't like your own jokes, when it refers to you ? Yet you expect me to laugh at your posts.

You know what you can do with your 'sense of humour' if not I have a few suggestions.

no,i dont mind them at all,as i say,its you with the broomstick up your wotsit not me,lighten up........

Quoting: Lady in red
You know what you can do with your 'sense of humour' if not I have a few suggestions.

Guys, take it easy on him. After all, it's not his falt he's a failed abortion. :[

well if you want to get on in red ladys little crew crack on mate......though i think you may be refering to michal..........
3 Sep 2007
News / Air-show accident in Poland [81]

Or the fact that the RAF can't afford to fly at weekends and most of the crews get the weekend off. If the Soviets ever find out we could be in trouble.

New rules of international engagement - offensive action shall be between 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays only (excluding UK bank holidays). After hours you may leave abusive e-mails at our Service Desk. Have a nice war

Or the engines on certain ,ahem,soon to be phased out aircraft having a tendency to er,fall off.