Language /
Cases: What is Nominative or Accusative and when do I use those? [14]
Cases are a very difficult matter for native English speakers to grasp(Sometimes even native Polish speakers). Basically adjectives, pronouns, nouns etc inflect(meaning the endings of words change) based on the context they are in inside of a sentence.
There are 7 cases in Polish: Nominative = Subject of sentence(
To jest mój dom = This is my house), Accusative = Direct object of a sentence(Widzę
dziewczynę = I see a girl), Genitive = Case of posession(To jest matka
jego przyjaciela = This is his friend's mother) , Locative = Case of location(Byłem
w domu = I was in the house/at home), Instrumental = The tool with which an action is done(Jem
widelcem = I'm eating with a fork), Dative = Indirect object of a sentence/Recipient(Dam
Ci pieniądze jutro = I will give you money tomorrow), and Vocative = Case of calling out a name or addressing somebody/something.(Hej
Dziewczyno! = Hey girl!)