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Posts by Davey  

Joined: 29 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Apr 2009
Threads: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 388 / In This Archive: 310
From: Halifax/Toronto, Canada
Speaks Polish?: trochę, uczę się języka polskiego od 5 lat
Interests: Polska, Jezyk Polski, Polskie jedzenie

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31 Jan 2009

I felt terribly in Canada, due to the prevalent deep-rooted and totally hopeless Polonophobia there

That's ridiculous, I've never heard/seen any instances of 'Polnophobia'=/, I really don't believe that Canadians in general really know anything about Poles or Poland to be able to judge anyway.
30 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Here comes the Anti-Immigration marches.... [114]

In Toronto, the city I live in, the number of immigrants is growing at about 3 times the rate of Canadian born citizens, in the next few years the number of immigrants in Toronto is supposed to rise above 50% of Toronto's population. It is evident when I walk down the street and barely hear a word of English, but people get used to it, we don't complain about it.

I understand the UK has a ridiculous amount of immigrants moving there, 'taking your jobs' but I am certain if anyone who was from the UK actually wanted these jobs they would be given priority over those who barely speak English?
30 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Here comes the Anti-Immigration marches.... [114]

Well immigration is supposedly good for the economy....and Canada has tons of immigrants and we barely complain about it yet the UK seems to make a huge deal out of it
30 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Here comes the Anti-Immigration marches.... [114]

I don't understand why people are so much against immigration.... the British immigrated/colonized everywhere years and years ago and yet you see nobody complaining.
29 Jan 2009
Language / Rok vs. Lat [30]

does anybody know how the plural of rok became lata

I think it has to do with being a time thing...like tydzień-tygodne
29 Jan 2009
Language / Rok vs. Lat [30]

isnt the genitive of 'lato' also 'lata?
28 Jan 2009
USA, Canada / Iranian moving to Poland from Canada. What to expect? [23]


Vancouver is like the biggest druggie city in Canada, what do you expect, of course there's homeless people, but that's everywhere, Poland has homeless people too, and Romanian gypsies.
27 Jan 2009
Language / I want to learn polish from home.... [14]

Learn online....I never bought a single reading materal nor any software(I learned online from websites) and I went to Poland and communicated quite effectively, so I say don't waste your money.
27 Jan 2009
Language / adding się [21]

I wouldn't translate spotkać się as 'see eachother' as zobaczyć się would work for that....more like 'to meet up with eachother' because you're not just seeing somebody, you are physically meeting them somewhere.
26 Jan 2009
Language / adding się [21]

Spotkamy się is 'we will meet eachother'
Adding się can add the word 'eachother', it can refer to 'oneself' or it can totally change the meaning of the verb!
26 Jan 2009
Language / Cases: What is Nominative or Accusative and when do I use those? [14]

Cases are a very difficult matter for native English speakers to grasp(Sometimes even native Polish speakers). Basically adjectives, pronouns, nouns etc inflect(meaning the endings of words change) based on the context they are in inside of a sentence.

There are 7 cases in Polish: Nominative = Subject of sentence(To jest mój dom = This is my house), Accusative = Direct object of a sentence(Widzę dziewczynę = I see a girl), Genitive = Case of posession(To jest matka jego przyjaciela = This is his friend's mother) , Locative = Case of location(Byłem w domu = I was in the house/at home), Instrumental = The tool with which an action is done(Jem widelcem = I'm eating with a fork), Dative = Indirect object of a sentence/Recipient(Dam Ci pieniądze jutro = I will give you money tomorrow), and Vocative = Case of calling out a name or addressing somebody/something.(Hej Dziewczyno! = Hey girl!)
26 Jan 2009
Feedback / How come we can not delete our own posts ? And other questions... [26]

If posters were able to delete their own posts, do you think it would be user friendlier? I do not think so -- it would create CHAOS instead.

Well it's not as if it's an unthinkable idea, it works on other forums, not saying it would work here but it is implemented in other forums.
26 Jan 2009
Language / BYKI for Polish [10]

I personally have 'Cześć, jak się masz?:Spotkamy się w Polsce', 'Cześć, jak się masz: Spotkamy się w Europie', and "Z Polskim Na Ty"......The first two are more for beginner while the 2nd is for a more advanced speaker. I also have 'Teach Yourself Polish' By Joanna Michalak-Grey....all very good books!
26 Jan 2009
Language / BYKI for Polish [10]

I would say buy books that teach lessons, they are usually much cheaper and teach so much more.
25 Jan 2009

Poles in the US dont go out and dine often at polish restaurants, cause why? They can make the same thing at home,

Yep exactly.
23 Jan 2009
Language / mój vs. swój [9]

Mój = My
Swój = One's own

Swój can mean it's, mine, his, hers, theirs, ours, yours
20 Jan 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Why does Poland have to wake up to a multicultural world? I am sure Poland realizes the world is multicultural, however their world is not.
19 Jan 2009
Life / Facebook - is it popular in Poland? [22]

Facebook and MySpace are available in Polish too.

Facebook's Polish translation still has some grammatical kinks