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Time for a review of Germanic Polish relations ? [30]
I've read about German rulers, politicians and philosophers too
There was a guy - Nietzsche we call him. He even felt close to be Polish than German. He had no Polish blood whatsoever but ( we dont know why ) he felt about himself as a Pole. Strange.
from wiki
Citizenship, nationality, ethnicity
Nietzsche is commonly classified as a “German” philosopher by professionals and non-specialists alike.[34] The modern unified nation-state called Germany did not yet exist at the time of his birth, but the German Confederation of states did, and Nietzsche was a citizen of one of these, Prussia – for a time. When he accepted his post at Basel, Nietzsche applied for the annulment of his Prussian citizenship.[35] The official response confirming the revocation of his citizenship came in a document dated April 17, 1869[36], and for the rest of his life he remained officially stateless.
Nietzsche's feelings about his national identity were clearly complex. In Ecce Homo, he writes:
Even by virtue of my descent, I am granted an eye beyond all merely local, merely nationally conditioned perspectives; it is not difficult for me to be a "good European." On the other hand, I am perhaps more German than present-day Germans, mere citizens of the German Reich, could possibly be—I, the last anti-political German. And yet my ancestors were Polish noblemen: I have many racial instincts in my body from that source—who knows? [...] When I consider how often I am addressed as a Pole when I travel, even by Poles themselves, and how rarely I am taken for a German, it might seem that I have been merely externally sprinkled with what is German.[37]
A later revision of the same passage was discovered in 1969 among the papers of Peter Gast.[38] In it Nietzsche is even more adamant about his Polish Identity. “I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood.”[39] On yet another occasion Nietzsche stated: “Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins... I am proud of my Polish descent.”[40]