History /
Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]
asking for revenge
move on and forgive
So let's go back:
From 1943, the bodies discovered in 8 mass graves in the Katyn Forest( covered up with conifers) by the Germans C.I.C. Sikorski appealed to the Internation Red Cross for help with an investigation- to no avail. Soviets would not agree and severed all diplomatic ties with Poland.
The Germans set up their own investigation:Russian witnesses living in the area were interviewed and recorded. A commission consisting of professors of medicine and representatives from the Institutes of Forensic Medicine and Criminology of European Uni's from Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark,Finland, Croatia, Italy, Holand, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Yugoslavia and Hungary arrived. They came to the same conclusion- they died March, April, may 1940 by a single bullet in the nape of the neck, many had sawdust stuffed in their mouths, broken jaws, coats covering their heads, many with the stab wounds used by the fluted Russian bayonets and hands tied behind their backs- by experienced executioners.The clothing consisted of any typical Polish uniform, with medals,badges and personal documents.The report was concluded 1943.Interesting to note the Commission members received no academic distinctions-, or payment.They received train tickets and their hotel bills were settled.
The British response? "The Issue should be avoided" Winston Churchill.
The American response? Roosevelt to US Minister George H Earle re report on Katyn " I spefically forbid you to publish any information or opinion....you might have acquired while in office or in the service of the US Navy "
A report from British Sir Owen O'Malley to then British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden, 11/2/1944: " Let us.... speak of them never. To speak of them never is the advice I have been giving to the Polish Govt., but it has been unnecessary.They have received the Russian report in silence."........ Surely then as Katyn was listed as a war crime it would be addressed at the Nuremberg Trials?
7/1/1946: Dr Hans Laternser( Counsel for General Staff and High Command of the German Armed Forces);
" May I have the question put to the Prosecution, who is to be made responsible for the Katyn case? "
Sir Geoffrey Lawrence( British Justice and president of the Court);
" I do not propse to answer questions of that sort." The matter was dropped.
1945-1989: No chance of any redress under the Communist Regime.
To date , despite repeated Polish calls to address this, the Russians refuse any responsibility- Gorbachov and Yeltsin's brief acknowledgment means nothing.
So, given this info I'm interested how you see forgiving and moving on (not to mention to the families) to happen?
Revenge? I do not want revenge. I do not want compensation- there are not enough rubles in the world. An apology from the current Govt. would be a start, with the whereabouts of the remaining Poles, so that we can bury our own- still they and us have waited 66 years, we can wait 60 more.
They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
I Thank-You.