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Posts by joo who  

Joined: 10 Dec 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 Feb 2009
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Posts: Total: 100 / In This Archive: 83
From: poland, szprotawa
Speaks Polish?: not much at all...yet!
Interests: walking, dogs, horses,

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joo who   
21 Feb 2008
Language / Double entendres in the Polish language? [37]

We just need to lure the right people in

The cavalry has arrived!
And I'm going to seek out the Paracetamol to soothe my over-taxed brain cell!
joo who   
21 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / British/Polish baby [29]

Harry got spanked

chortle chortle!! Or LOL if I put my cyber chick hat on...or is that LMTO or LMAO, or.......
tee hee! ;-))
joo who   
21 Feb 2008
Language / Double entendres in the Polish language? [37]

Think an ass is a horse x donkey cross

No, that's definitely a mule!
An ass is something which belongs to your neighbour which you shouldn't covet. edited on me
joo who   
21 Feb 2008
Language / Double entendres in the Polish language? [37]

Mule in English is sired by a donkey, out of a horse mare
A Hinny is sired by a horse and out of a donkey

So, technically, it's either definitely a mule or definitely a hinny!
joo who   
23 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / British/Polish baby [29]

What a surprise to see you siding with the poster who is

Still chuckling here now! It just conjured up this wicked image....Anal Ar*sehole gets soundly spanked!!

Not siding with anyone...just being entertained! Thanking you all kindly!

Anything useful?....I wouldn't ever again place any opinion about legalities on this forum, as some idiot bully beef like yourself might take the opportunity to try and ruin my day! X ;-)
joo who   
23 Feb 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

im a former smoker and yes I do care, I would smoke out

Me too! It's selfish to do anything else.

If you’re so concerned about your health you should not drink either

"Red red wine, you make me feel so fine!" And what's's good for you! Good for the blood and good for the heart. Even the Bible says "A little wine is good for the stomach"!

Drinking (in moderation) is NOT bad for you, and makes you feel good. Smoking, in contrast, is NEVER good for you , even if you are able to keep it in moderation, and it does nothing to enhance your mood other than kill that addicts craving for nicotine, which the cigarettes themselves have created.

Oh and the sexy guy in that picture would be just as sexy if you removed the fag dangling from his mouth....and he would remain sexy for years longer than if he continues to smoke (and gets wrinkly and ashen faced and barrel chested and hacks his lungs up 3 times a sentence, and, God forbid...becomes impotent from smoking!)
joo who   
23 Feb 2008
Life / Why is Poland so slow; it takes a lot of time to arrange anything here [53]

Every transaction here for me goes something like this The total is 43.87 do you have 87 grosz? No...54? No...17? No...3? No I only have this 50 and I would like to leave before my ice cream melts please.

My ice cream will be well and truly just cream then! By the time I have translated all the numbers with my handy phrase book.... :-( Then sorted through the selection of coins in my possession (three different currencies as I'm too lazy to sort them!), then dropped them all on the floor.... Ha ha!
joo who   
24 Feb 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

OK So I lost my temper

Hmmm? Perhaps you should add a little weed to your 40 fags??
If I confess to being a hypocrite, does that mean I still AM a hypocrite?? Either way...I confess to one and all, that my biggest guilt trip is rooted in the fact that I smoked through 2 pregnancies and with 2 babies in my arms! As a result my daughter had bronchitis as a baby, and my son had glue ear. I quit smoking around others when I realised the damage I was doing to them. So, please don't try to tell me that smoking around anybody is cool. It's just not....Fortunately, today there is far more education, awareness and pressure for smokers to keep their toxic fumes to themselves, so they do not have to feel as guilty in the future as I do today!
joo who   
24 Feb 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

I’m sure that when you have a party at your house

The only parties I ever had in my house were birthday parties for the under 10's! None of them stepped outside for a smoke I hope! RESPECT!
joo who   
22 Jan 2009
Life / Dog's life or what to expect when living in Poland with a dog [22]

fabulous vets here, and any treatment is very cheap. I recently paid just 130 zloty for a set of 8 xrays, sedative, consultation, injections, pain killers, anti-inflammatories, etc...

Any dog running loose in the forests here can be legally shot, i'm told, so woodland walks are out!

I think farm dogs don't need to be licensed/taxed whatever... if i've been given the wrong advice this could cost me a bit more than the vets fees at 500 zloty per dog!!??

There are lots of stray and abandoned dogs in this region, and I have seen 3 dead dogs left to rot by the roadside, so i would hesitate to call Poland a nation of dog lovers!

It's also difficult to buy quality dog food just here. No Iams or Pedigree chum gracing the shelves of the local skleps...but this may be different in the cities?
joo who   
22 Jan 2009

Sometimes this Polish hospitality masks a sinister motive... I have had a Polsih woman who bakes me cakes, buys me drinks, smiles and laughs with me..... and robs me blind! This is maybe the epitomy of multi-tasking!?

It will be a long time before I accept Polish hospitality at face value again! In the meantime I am too busy running around trying to undo a tangled web of deceit to find time for a bottle of vodka!
joo who   
8 Feb 2009

I got a new friend!! Re-phrase...I've got A in Poland!!! Whoop whoop...roll on the honey wine, honey vodka, home cooking, best china (Boleslawiec pottery, sorry), trips to the movies, siteseeing, restaurants...and the BEST hospitality I have EVER been in receipt of? Is he Polish? Yes! Is he after something? Yes! Is it my body? Errrr, no! My money? What money (I spent it...I also got a new horse! Welcome to Poland Suzi the Floozy!)...He's after my ability to speak English proper! (ly...I know!)... and in exchange for the friendship and hospitality, I am more than happy to spend time in English conversation....although half way down the 2nd bottle of abilishtay to shpeak proper (ly!) .... Hic!
joo who   
8 Feb 2009
Life / Dog's life or what to expect when living in Poland with a dog [22]

I miss Poland a lot and remember all the dogs there. They are well loved.

Tell that to the half dead English Springer that crawled down my drive last summer, thrown from a passing car! Maybe it was a racial thing?? Perhaps the Polish mafia are trying to tell me something!!

Yes, some dogs are well loved in Poland (mine are!), but far more are chained up outside as cheap burglar alarms...and nobody gives a toss when they are tossed out of cars, or left as a mangled heap of roadkill roulade! Add to the death toll here, one german shepherd, mowed down by a speeding driver, and left slowly dying by the roadside while the police and driver and the occupant of the nearest house hotly debated....who was going to pay for the damage to the car!!!!

I,ve started home cooking for my dogs now, as decent dog food is so hard to locate/expensive.... my husband can't believe it...divorce pending!
joo who   
8 Feb 2009
Work / How are nurses graded in Poland and what is their typical salary? [14]

I was recently speaking to a qualified nurse here in Poland, who works in a local leather factory. She says the pay is better, at 1300 PLN a month, than the wage of a newly qualified nurse!

I was also told that the Polish nurses are fighting for better pay... let's hope they get it, if this is true.
joo who   
15 Feb 2009
Life / The Polish Moustache [35]

Men AND women all got 5 o clock shadow round here!
But I'm told the men shave their armpits! Actually, it's not just a rumour....I have SEEN a shaven male arm pit! Ewwww!
joo who   
16 Feb 2009
Life / Where to get a cup of coffee in Warsaw? [40]

As a "sometimes" smoker, I never smoke near anyone I care about. I have too much respect for their lungs and their health! In an ideal world, where we all cared more about each other than about ourselves, smoking bans would not be needed as the smokers would CHOOSE to smoke outside out of respect and concern for the non-smokers.

Stick that in your pipe.... and don't smoke it!
joo who   
18 Feb 2009
UK, Ireland / exchange rates - zloty to pound [16]

Just checked forex site and the zloty is trading at a mid rate of 5.53 to the pound! Good news for me as all my income is still in pounds!

Maybe the recession is just starting to hit Poland? I,m hoping we get back to 7 PLN to the £! Anyone know the forecasts?
joo who   
18 Feb 2009
UK, Ireland / exchange rates - zloty to pound [16]

Still rising!! Whoop whoop!
It's 4.30 in the morning ffs!! WTF we doin up checkin forex to 0.03 of a decimal place?? How many sleeping tabs can I buy for my zloty tonight?!
