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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

about your countrymen that attack Polish immigrants and their children

Yes I agree...this is unacceptable..and I hate to see it happen........its usually when Catholic Polish people have moved into Protestant areas when NO catholics are tolerated full stop...so your countrymen need to do some research before they arrive.....

This history goes back to the Normans...in 1170...then more recently......16th century when tens of thousands of people from Scotland, England effectively took over all the land of use, in Ireland....

You being Irish how dare you saying us about racism?

Nope...have not done this... I asked about anti-semitism...only....look closer at my post...Ola...out of context...mis-representing me...again....!!!!

You didnt come here to discuss, you come here to accuse and stick little pins in every post you write.

And...no...afraid you got this wrong too........am asking for info, experiences...read my first post again....please Ola......
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

It is nothing wrong with Jews to be poor- they usually work hard for it.

I found this unworthy of you iwona and surprised that you made it......or did I mis-construe it?...perhaps I got angry?...?

Thank you for your follow up contribution,

What is the difference between Rabi being attacked and some old foreign lady being attacked

Again, must assume this man was recognisable as a Rabbi...ergo attacking a leader/symbol of that faith.....ergo seen as an attack on all things/aspects of that faith.......totally anti-semitic in origin.....?

The problem with some jews is that they like to make themselves to be always seen as victims

I don't know how true this is........they have asaying in Israel...."never again"........referring to the holocaust and how they were virtually wiped off the face of European map...understandable!

Thank you Iwona...:)
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

You are very boring person....sad to say this.....

no sense of humour, boring with lots.......which mean nothing.....and rude.

Lol.....well needless to say you're way off target...wonder who were you aiming at........perhaps it was a boomerang shot..and its rebounded back to you?

Are you going to make any contribution to my questions or just sulk....come on Iwona you can do better........am always willing to give people a chance to redeem themselves......
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

But as it happened that it was jewish rabin- it got blown out of proportion.

Why...though.....?...who did the blowing out of proportion? He's a religious man, holy - who should be held in esteem, but was attacked...I would expect the same reporting on anyone who holds such a position....catholic, protestant etc.


I was only refering to anti-semitic sentiments....

from your over tolerant boring pose to very rude and unpleasant one

You're having a laugh..........

But your are just little boring moron playing some tolerant poses

And any of your arguments are infantile...typical of someone who isn't able to debate, argue, answer queries in a reasonable fashion....

Frank, I think you have been on the booze. Ease off, will you, and stop attacking us. Why do you come on here again? I mean what is your Polish connection?

Free speech....if you feel attacked....it wasn't me.......got a guilt complex...?
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

However, it is a fact that Jews are normally clever, talented and industrious people

Another racist comment............really you're quite removed from reality...aren't you....

My best friend is Jewish

He/she doesnt need any enemies then....

It is nothing wrong with Jews to be poor- they usually work hard for it.

....aww....you wasted all your time posting this......
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

This post isn't even worth comment on...laughable.......

Attack on Rabi:

So you'd be equally dismissive of a Catholic priest being attacked....?....breathtaking....!
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Grzegorz_...a big thanks for that fulsome and hopefully useful post , to both me and other board users.

I am only trying to cut through, the hype, propaganda, one off experiences and denial that encircles our lives, and indeed history in general.

when they were persecuted in the most of Western Europe

This I am aware of........as indeed where other faiths in Eurpoe over many centuries.

they even got special rights

Didn't know this.....why, what were they...how did the local population react?

Jews not only weren't patriotic, usually they didn't even bother to learn the language and assimilate

So, the populace and government, church though it ok to be anti-semitic? Or....more complex....

If you ask If there was anti-semitism in Poland, the answer can't be other than yes

This is what I am trying to ascertain...ie are the history books correct, or selective.....was/is this taught in schools?

Unfortunately many Jews (especially American) today is spreading anti-Polish propaganda, which especially in case of WW2 and a country, which lost the most and a nation, which suffered less than only Jews and Gypsies is shocking and simply disgusting.

Why is this......what has your governement, media done to correct or bolster their own view?..........

so of course he "forgot"

I only quoted a small part of a review...so don't condemn him on this. His personal experience is as valuable and useful as anyone elses...frequently...more useful, as he isn't a full blown historian/government figure.

when mr. owner came back and wanted to have a large house only for himself ?

I can see your point...but another wrong...won't make it any better or right.....!!

Please fill us in on other points or queries I raised...I want to understand...and welcome other views....:)
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Yes because you were cowardly looking and did f**k all.

No....you can't come to that conclusion......the only reason other countries fought was because they were attacked..........you logic is completely missing?

Did you big bear Russian neighbour come to your aid...no.....did any other ...no...who declared war and at least stood up to germany...?...whose people were part of that army....?...well there ya go!

there is no more antisemitism in Poland than in Europe

That is great to know.....but I did ask about 100yrs ago...pre war...and during the communist period..........any feedback?

The same rabin who was attacked said in this article that Poland

Ah...I see I am edcuating you Ola...glad to be of service...........am only asking questions Ola....not attacking you, your family or Poland.......

Are you dumb?

Eeeemmmmm...it appears you've asked yourself this question...and answered in the positive!
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Oh I see f**k all.

Pardon...?........Ireland was neutral.....even so many tens of thousands volunteered to fight in the British army..Ireland had a jewish population too...because German/Russia despised Poland so much was someone elses fault...?....the answer is no.

Rabin was attacked blah blah.

Example was given........why rubbish it...don't like the truth?....

Yes we are taught to hate Jews

Again you twist my query...asking...about the history, of your own country...do Polish people know if anti-semitiscm was common, who carried it out etc......obviously this is a difficult area to examine...ask questions about.

Im more than confident that most nations in our situation would do to the Jews the same what France did at that time.


Hang your head in shame and off back too school, must study harder.

Why am I asking questions...to get answers...am not a historian...but then again neither are you........lol

For Poles only:


Thanks for your inclusiveness...a big help........coulda swore this board was supposed to be in English......

"western accusers who dare talk about polish anti-semitism."

So you're telling me not to ask..........you don't like discussion/debate.....getting answers to questions?....sound familiar.........!!

"The blabbers make it an issue because they like to instigate."

And you have proved answers to my questions...reasoned debate...reflection...no....as I would have expected...:)
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

What sick person you are?

Excuse me....by making a comment in this fashion merely shows YOU up as the sick person...thanks very much!

This stupid stories about Polish ANTI-SEMITISM is just so so unrealistic. Have you been to Poland? Did you see that common man is attacking a Jews?

Stupid ???.....being noted and reported by a number of established historians...no I don't think ...so..

No more than a few months ago...a rabbi was attacked in broad daylight in Warsaw.....and was widely reported......I think you need to brush up on your current affairs ...!

I think the anti Jewish thing is largely a beef up and people who bring it up just want to cause tension and division

Thats your interpretation....merely asking for the boards experiences....whats taught in schools etc....again if you read my post....going back 100 years.....pre war...WWII and then during the communist period.......and lastly up to the current day......

I wonder how many Jews helped poles during this time

I have no idea...but remember..Poland was a nation....Jews were an ethnic group within the nation.......quite a different scenario!!

This occurred to everyone returning to Poland after the war, not only for the Jews.

I have no doubt it did, and they were terrible times for all your countrymen.....but given that there were virtually no jews left in Poland.....I expect that they in turn weren't occupying Polish peoples home to anything like the extent as quoted!
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Examples were made in all occupied countries....not sure if everyone was shot who helped or were or deported or imprisoned or just their homes destroyed.
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

But prior to the war....not during when those terrible retributions were taken.....anti-semitiscm was common place?

Hiltlers army killled all polish families that helped Jews

I think this happened in other countries too.
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Could anyone fill the board in on the actual history of anti-Polonism among Jews ? That would be more interesting for me ?

Doesn't add up...yes it was true Poland had the biggest Jewish population in Europe, why, did relations then sour/change?

So the Jews bit the hand that fed them?
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Well according to the BBC...90% of the Jewish population were murdered......ergo that left...60000 at the end of the war.....but currently there are only 25000 who claim to be of the Jewish faith....??!!

Ola calim....can be challenged, ie Poland the most friendly of nations...but history states that anti-semitiscm was rife....thoughts?
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Wroclaw, thanks for that, the article very much focuses on the future...but was more interested in the past....over the last 100 yrs...WWII....experiences..attitudes etc...
31 Dec 2006
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

I have raised this on a number of occasions on the board about what Polish peoples attitude was to jews, both in past history and currently.

With particular reference to the attitude of the Polish government towards Jews in the early part of the last century and then in the decade before WWII

A new biography written by a guy called Roman Halter has been printed, called Romans Journey; details his life living in a village called Chodecz, along with 700 other Jews.

Post war only 4 of the 700 survived. He returns to his home after the war to find it occupied by 3 families who denied him access and berated him for wanting it back.

Can anyone fill the board in on the actual history of anti-semiticsm in Poland, the churches/states attitude, then and now...and current attitudes amongst the local population..is it acknowledged, is it taught in school, what spin is put on it etc.
30 Dec 2006
Love / Women are divided into the same table [23]

It's your inner happiness that counts, no matter what it is.

Yup, thats what its mostly about........a lot of people can't stand their own company!!!....:(
30 Dec 2006

people can work in every country inside EU and they take advantage of that.

Not for the latest entrants...only Ireland/UK/Denmark are legally open for the latest entrants to work in.
30 Dec 2006
Love / Women are divided into the same table [23]

Well...this is societies view too A...why do all the insititutions/religions/government want/desire stable married type relationships?

I suspect to ensure some guy pays for the upbringing of his offpsring.....!!

Seeing as the CSA has worked so well!
30 Dec 2006
Life / How do Poles perceive the European Union? [7]

You are saying your predictions are right...I am not making any........so it doesn't matter to me....if I am on the mark or not...

Its you who has all the face to loose...!!!!....scary....lol
29 Dec 2006
Life / How do Poles perceive the European Union? [7]

Over two and a half years have already passed since Poland joined the European Union and the opinions on its effects on improvement of everyday Polish life are kind of divided.

Yes, it took 20 years for a real impact to be made in Ireland......it will take a little time, plus EE circumstances are different!

Germans will buy out land in Poland really cheaply and settle down there and sell it to their compatriots for millions of Euros.

There are laws in place to prevent foreigners buying land....for a period anyways...

cheese which could be a delight for many culinary connoisseurs in Europe was banned from export firstly due to unhygienic methods of production

This should have been foreseen, the high cost food producers in the west, always demand the highest standards, which usually cost a lot of money to implement in low cost countries.

The EU is ruled by Germany and their banks so they will always benefit most from this organization. Poland will be just "a member" - now and in X years...

True to a degree...but surpise, surprise...its a democracy of sorts......make your pacts with a group of countries and your case will be heard and indeed be in your favour...you have to learn to play the game guys!!

One thing for certain is that Poland will not be the biggest winner in all this

So do you also read palms, tea cups etc......?.....no one knows, but sure as hell its a better situation to be in, than just being a chattel of the old Soviet bloc....!

Carpe diem !!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

To give it a fresher look....Why are the Polish people , allegedly so racist.?

There remains some considerable doubt, that this thread.....was too absolute in its initial statement...needs to be challenged!!

Fence sitters...need not comment....:)
28 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]


I've found that when Polish people are speaking in English they are not aware of words and phrases that are 'politically correct'. This means that they might sound offensive, but they are only using the language they know.

If it is people speaking in Polish I don't know what is going on. I've never noticed that many 'agressive views'.

Not quite.........W......you've addressed their means of expressing themselves......not actually WHY....they are allegedly racist....saying or believing things are exactly wholly racist...in our part of the world....we like the physical means of showing you are racist/bigoted.......burning people out of their homes, ensuring those considered lesser than you don't get a job/a chance etc......saying something rascist is only a small part of it....granted still not accepted....

Need more depth, analysis......concrete evidence....
28 Dec 2006
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

.......eeeemmmm....has it...really...............W....not so sure......
28 Dec 2006
UK, Ireland / catholic new blood in UK [46]

Iwona...neither do I......but its worthwile putting into context what this guy is looking for....plus if in my eyes he can be so careless to use a less than pleasant word to describe the people he wants to meet, then it does raise one or two queries!!!!

There are mostly English speaking non-Polish people on this board......and the Polish people are in poland.....so not the best place to get relevant answers!!

Then again who goes to mass to pull ?????...lol.....
28 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

hey, it seems you've quoted me but I didn't write the first quote? just felt like rectifying that.

ah well, I'm a typical dutchy I guess. first you get nothing, then you get loads of hostility, then you get into rude discussions, and if you're patient enough I might become friendly.

I believe the irish are world-famous for being a stubborn lot aswell?

Stubborn...aint the word for it...arien.........lol........would give an ass a sore head......:)

that was my writing Frank :P

Apols to both of you............thanx lone....:)
28 Dec 2006
Life / Moving to PL - how much money needed for 6 months? [26]

Oh... not to have responsibilities again...........................except to my heart....as Kitten does..........................am completely jealous................................

Arien speaks with a degree of wisdom here Kitten............maybe re-adjust your timetable, way of doing things...............I know it will be a lot more difficult than cutting and running....

Knowing a few Italian parents here in Ireland, they will be utterly heartbroken by your actions.......if it was their precious daugther doing what you are going to do..........thoughts?
28 Dec 2006
Love / Polish interracial dating [333]

It is my sincere belief that Polish people have the most beautiful heart in Europe. And this heart has never been defeated...and never will be.

Guys...there are one or too loose ends...I have asked on this thread before...about Polish attitudes towards Jews in their country ( before WWII and during), never really recieved a satisfactory answer...anyone care to volunteer one?

you know, I'm really starting to appreciate your presence here frank.

I know Arien, and it only took 500 plus posts!!!....lol