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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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1 Feb 2007
Life / How are people from Warsaw viewed and why? [20]

So is it just a 'big city' thing.

Can't give you an answer specifically for Warsaw, but my guess is it's probably based on "big city" predjudices. In the US, New York City people are characterized by many as being very cold and unfriendly. In Los Angeles, people are considered somewhat flaky with no morals. In the midwest, people are thought of as somewhat hickish or dimwitted. These are all stereotypes. Not to say these characterizations are not true in some cases, but as with any city anywhere in the world, you are going to find diversity. The people I personally know from these cities and region are nothing like the stereotypes (just like your girlfriend and the people you have met in Warsaw.)
31 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

no, but I will, thanks for the recommendation?

Oh definitely---the movie is a classic!

Ranj, only wine can get me through this tread

I know what you mean, Miranda. Drink up!:)

Blazing Saddles is fantastic..especially when it is poking fun at lot of what is on this board. .

Then you know what scene I'm talking about, don't you KS? Where the little old lady brings a pie to the sheriff for taking care of Mongo. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it (and I haven't even had any wine).
31 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Quoting: miranda, Post #1069
BTW - nice muscles - just don't tell anybody that I mentioned it

Haha that made me laugh

That made me laugh too, but for a different reason. Have either of you seen the movie "Blazing Saddles." It's a hilarious Mel Brooks movie from the 70's and there's a scene in it that reminds me of what Miranda just wrote about not telling anyone she complimented Bojo.

OK I'm done---sorry to have interrupted the Racists thread!
31 Jan 2007
News / Polish Campaign: "I protect my life against cervical cancer" [5]

Soon there will be an opportunity to use primal cervical cancer prevention methods, such as vaccinations against HPV infection.

I just happened to read today that some states are wanting to make it a law that all 11 or 12 year old girls get vaccinated against HPV. I'll try to find the article and post the URL for you.

This is not the article I read today, but it basically is saying the same thing.

31 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Meeting Polish girls - where do they hide in London? [60]

Whenever she figures it out....which has taken quite some time now.

Come on Miranda, you are a smart, innovative gal. If I can figure out how to do it, then anyone can!:) I definitely would be in remedial computer class, if I were taking one. I'm probably the most computer illiterate person on this forum. Don't let me put you to shame!:)
30 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Just hurl insults and further ignorant stereotypes? Ok.

Please show me where I hurled insults and furthered ignorant stereotypes.
30 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

I would also prefer that if someone wants to debate, they do so with facts, not opinions and insults.

Unfortunately it shows how pathetic you are that you lack the ability to debate.

Perhaps you would like to be consistent and follow your own advice! Of course, I wasn't wanting a debate; I just asked a simple question.:)
30 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

*shipyeard worker*

I caught that also (although I believe it was ship yeard---2 words), but I figured my degree from a state university didn't qualify me to question the spelling of an "Ivy Leaguer":) especially since I haven't check the latest editions of the Oxford or Webster's dictionaries to verify.......Makes you wonder about his credibility though, doesn't it?

Makes you wonder about his credibility though, doesn't it?

I do want to state for the record, just because someone performs manual labor, that does not mean they are stupid. Some of the hardest working people I know in what some would consider menial or hard labored jobs happen to be very intelligent. None of them claim to have degrees of higher learning, though.
30 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

I own homes on two continents, have an Ivy league degree

I'm just curious as to how you use your Ivy League Degree working in the shipyard or do you use it for the shipyard? Not trying to be a smarta$$, just truly curious.:(
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

"BZZZZZZZZ!" Watch out Pat, there's a dragon fly buzzing around your head....move out of the way and I'll try to swat it!:)
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Pat, don't wear out yourself out trying to reply to him....you are much too intelligent. Maybe if we ignore him, he will go away!:)
28 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

and orange just isnt my colour...

I didn't figure you for a Fall----my guess is you are a Winter (when it comes to coordinating your colors.):)

How's Poland, btw?
28 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / gay guys in London seek surrogacy female [134]

homosexuality is about as likely to go away as pre-marital sex

You mean people actually have sex before marriage.......gasp!:) :( :)
28 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

i should calm down on my anti-american postings... before i get a knock on my door from uncle sam's boys...

Well don't let me stop you:) but yeah, you better worry about the American gestapo coming to your door:) :)
28 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

You mean you thought I had taken it seriously? Oh BW (shakes head), I thought you knew me better than that. The reason I said it was you originally, because I knew you had the same kind of sarcastic humor as the poster. Wasn't trying to knock anybody. As I said, I thought it was a pretty clever way to express a point of view.:)
28 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

other people who have similar opinions to myself... lef, giles, nark... are just that... other people who have similar opinions...

That was was my whole point----don't know why admin marked out the names I mentioned----like you said, all of you guys have similar opinions and aren't ashamed of it. Personally, I thought it was pretty funny and a humourous way for the author to express his/her view.
28 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

hatred towards each other will kill us all oneday...

That's the most poignant statement I've read all day. Very true! Thanks, Styles.
27 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

Since you write from Australia, I'm not sure which president you are referring to.

Oh, it must be &&&&&&----at least I had the right species. I guess BW is the alter ego. :)

Well, I don't think it was the long-time Member you think (he nickame was removed). Currently there are about 100 unique people who visit this site every day from Australia alone. Admin

Well, I don't think it was the long-time Member you think (he nickame was removed). Currently there are about 100 unique people who visit this site every day from Australia alone. Admin

It's all good, Admin. but the guys I was thinking of have the same views, so they aren't that unique.:)
27 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

plus some multiple personality talents, but then again, lets not get paranoid here - we might be hurting some nice people

Naaaa, they all share the same opinions, so I don't think anyones getting hurt.:)
27 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Next Thursday but will be in Poland so was out with friends that are not coming....feeling slightly better and ready for round two this evening with more friends....

Glad you are feeling better. Happy birthday early, and have fun tonight and in Poland!:)
27 Jan 2007
Feedback / Thank you admin [52]

I guess we will never find out

You know how those CIA operatives are.....veeerrry secretive:)
27 Jan 2007
Love / having an affair with a Polish man (but he has a wife and a child) [266]

One married one not, he's the one doing wrong IMHO

Didn't say he wasn't in the wrong. But hey, she knew what she was getting into, so I say, more power to both of them. If they're both happy, then screw what everybody else says or thinks!
27 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

early b day celebrations and people just kept buying me drinks...

When's your b-day, A?