Life /
My neighbours in Poland are stealing all my things [180]
Take no notice of some of the negative posts above, they're just as jealouse of you as the polish robbers...You had the
Ballsto follow a dream and it's gone a little pear shaped and don't some just love to stick the boot in when you're down...Rant over.
I have an idea - why don't you start growing food for yourself? If you thinking
of running bed and breakfast then you should have your own chickens , eggs and
bacon. Grow your own potatos , they keep well for winter.
in one word be a self sufficient farmer !
Try to make friends and learn from the locals how they run a farm .
Wish you the very best of luck !
Right on... people like to help those who are triying to help themselves, it's in thiere nature.
I don't think he can get his stuff back ... I never heard of such a thing where once
stolen goods will magically appear at the door step .
Right again..Kiss your stuff goodbye and
get on with it!!!...I've been the target of robberies at my place of work several times and it's soul-destroying.
Find ways to protect what you have left, but don't get paranoid.
It seems to me that finance is the root or your dispare, and are relying on the sale of the your house. In the mean time see if you can arrange a bank loan to tide things over,.That's what assets are for.
You have a good idea in the farm convertion, I like to stay in those type of places when i'm traveling in Poland....Good luck and don't let the @astards grind you down..