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Posts by joo who  

Joined: 10 Dec 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 Feb 2009
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Posts: Total: 100 / In This Archive: 83
From: poland, szprotawa
Speaks Polish?: not much at all...yet!
Interests: walking, dogs, horses,

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joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Problems of renting in the Polish market [46]

What you said is Polish tenants are in a better legal position than UK tenants? Or did you say that UK law favours the landlord?? NOT the same thing....It's like (now let's keep this simple...) saying "compared to Victoria Beckham, most UK women are fat" is not the same as saying "Most UK women are fat".

No shovel needed? Nope, can see you're doing just fine with the one you got!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

Yeah, tell that to my uncles friend who has 68 years now, smoking since he was 16, and now has 11 children. Impotency? ********...

No need...tell him to look it up himself!
Men who smoke are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than nonsmokers, reports an international group of impotency experts in the November issue ... - 45k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
[ Bookmark - Men who smoke are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than nonsmokers, reports an international group of impotency experts in the November issue ]

Health 24 - Sex - ImpotenceMen who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day had a 60 percent higher risk of impotence than those who never smoked, according to new research. ...,21363.asp - 63k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Smoking Impotentence Erectile DysfunctionIf you are a diabetic and smoke you are putting yourself at even more risk, not only of impotence but of more serious disorders like stroke and heart ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

SMOKING CAUSES IMPOTENCE: JUST SMOKE AWAY, AND IN BED PLAY!"Doctors believe smoking causes impotence by reducing the flow of blood needed for an erection," reports the Canadian Globe & Mail on November 6th, 1998. ...
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

If you get my point.

If you keep smoking 60% chance no one will be getting your point! If you get my point??
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

Maybe. But "maybe" is just "maybe"

OK....nobody who smokes really believes that smoking kills...well, not them anyway...and no way will smoking cause impotence in you, will it?? So, you got nothing to worry about, have you?? Enjoy your fags! I'm off for a run with my dogs!

joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

70% chance of getting hit by a car would you stay in home for the rest of your life just because you read some numbers? Honestly, i don't think so.

NO....but you might be sensible enough to stay off the roads??? Doh! Off for my run....if I don't respond again, maybe I got trampled by a wildboar? Or squashed by a stray meteorite...
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Problems of renting in the Polish market [46]

i know what i need to know. my job is to design the things you rent, no less.

So stick to what you know then, stop talking crap about things you obviously know nothing about! (see below...Bullsh*t bullsh*t....)

over here in the uk it is not widely recognised yet that as a tenant you should have some rights too

the rental market in the uk is still in its infancy.
naturally therefor you have a pro-landlord system.

Falkster....Edited post at the same time...not AFTER you posted...but I will apologise for that anyway, as you're right it did make you look like a dik!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

I live in a house of smokers, know it does me no good

Eveyone around me seems to smoke but i dont

The smokey atmosphere in bars and clubs really effect

For a minute I was beginning to think everyone else on this forum thought smoking was ok.....

If i assume you believe in god, and god has a 99.99999999 to infinity chance of not existing

Yes, I do believe in God...your stats are way out though, but even if the odds were stacked against his existence, I would have NOTHING to lose by believing in Him, and EVERYTHING to gain if I was right...

With smoking the reverse is true...the odds are stacked in favour of smoking seriously damaging your you have EVERYTHING to Lose by smoking, and NOTHING to gain!!

If you smoke maybe you have more chance of getting a lung cancer etc... But does it mean you will get it? By all means, no, it doesn't.

And if I play "chicken" on the M25 does it mean I will get hit by a car and, not necessarily...but why would I want to when I have NOTHING to gain from it?? And I would be seriously risking losing EVERYTHING??? WHY?

Just to put your mind at rest....I didnt get trampled by a wildboar, nor struck by a stray meteorite...but I have strained my ankle!!!! (It's ok, you can laugh!!) (Cause my lungs are fine!)
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Problems of renting in the Polish market [46]


Renovation work...good architect required!
Renovation work...good builder required!
renovation work...good project manager required!

So, with the Falkster being a fab architect, and my other half being a fab builder, and me being super woman, juggling 2 jobs, running a holiday business and project managing self builds, while ensuring family life runs smooth...we should be a great team!!??

Poland ...brace youself for an architectural revolution! The capital gain is a foregone conclusion.....seems that the prospect of renting while sitting out the price rise could be slightly hazardous and a game I think I would prefer not to get involved in....had enough problems with tricky tenants last year to keep me going for at least a decade...

I have made enquiries regarding obtaining planning permission...seems not too another way to play might be to go for new builds??? Holiday lets...then sales after 2016??

Spiritus...did you consider being a school teacher?? I think you'ld be good! As long as wrist smacking is permitted in your chosen educational establishment!! Don't answer that! I'm feeling REALLY petulant and will insist on having the last word....! And if you have ever before messed with a woman with nicotine withdrawal on a bad hormone day, and after 6 restless know you would be better to willingly throw yourself to the lions!!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Problems of renting in the Polish market [46]

And what useful advice would you like to give me Harry??? Constructive and polite please?? I can inform you i have already consulted the local architectural dept and they have advised me I would have no problem in this area....which happens to be "not Krakow".... so can you add anything to the official discussion (with translator) that has already taken place...?? Please do enlighten me.... And if you failed to notice, my comment was followed by no less than DOUBLE ?? which was politely requesting the advice of my "betters"....not sure you qualify!!

Thanks for sensible constructive comments and sound advice from inkrakow and bubbawoo, and for positive leadership form Spiritus....

Oh, and Harry ....Bless YOU!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / So whats your opinion on the Polish health care system? [17]

My daughter is a UK nurse, and is horrified by the lack of hygiene on hospital wards. No wonder we have problems with MRSA. I had heard that Poland's hospitals are cleaner? I am fortunate enough not to have had to experience the interior of a hospital here.....but I have to say that from the outside the building looked like it needed medical care itself!!

I also heard that Polish nurses have to study for 5 years? While Uk nurses it's only it follows that the standard of nursing should be higher??

I have taken a trip to the dentist, and was very impressed....with his efficiency, competency and cleanliness. A big change from the "United Nations" NHS butchers I last attended in UK! The dentist here in Poland also spoke more English than the ones in my Uk practise....who spoke Swedish, pakistani, Urdu, Hindu, Swahili, and Double Dutch!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / So whats your opinion on the Polish health care system? [17]

So are you saying MRSA is rife in Polish hospitals too?? I was led to believe that cleanliness was crucial here...and strictly observed?? Not that I'm planning any major surgery!

Thanks for clearing up the nursey training issue...I was told by a polish person that all nurses train here for 5 years...gave me that distinct inferior I can regain a tiny crumb of my national pride! Oh, except on the dentist issue!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
News / The most useless things in Poland [140]

and you only asked where the nearest Chemist is

Well, actually, it was the nearest tobacconist!!
joo who   
28 Jan 2008
Life / So whats your opinion on the Polish health care system? [17]

something that does impress me here is that you can request medical checks, and pay yourself for xrays and blood tests. My husband has RSI in his elbows after years of building houses, along with a bad back. He can't even play his guitar now! His GP in Wales turned him down for xrays, as he said it was general wear and tear, to be expected with age.....And if you're sitting there thinking he's 80...he's half that (ok, a bit more than half...but only a teensy bit!).

Nurses on the frontline?? My daughter has been working in casualty in Plymouth the last few weeks....harrowing stuff! I couldn't do it...I cry when I see a dead pigeon!

C-Diff??? Is that the tummy bug killing all the old folks in UK wards?
joo who   
29 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Private investors in Poland to sell a property [6]

I understand you wanting to cut out estate agents...they can be a wind up, and expensive, but when we were looking to invest in Poland we went straight for the estate agencies here....and would not have considered any other we had enough problems to tackle as foreigners here, not understanding either the legalities or the language! And the estate agent was, true to form, a wind up and expensive...but, we couldn't have managed without their bilingual service!

When we have invested in UK, we have searched magazines as well (Self-build stuff), so perhaps you could try advertisisng in one of the many magazines on the market specifically aimed at Brits looking to move abroad....or whatever other EU country's natives are leaving their home land in droves!

Good luck anyway!
joo who   
29 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Problems of renting in the Polish market [46]

the renting market (legislationwise) will always be more pro-tenant. where ever you are

Point cleared!

act like a wounded animal

No....I been running round my yard screaming abuse at the chickens, aiming pitchforks at my dog and trying to strangle the goat! More acting like woundING animal!!

one or the other landlord on here has directly experience with that?

I have 6 years experience of holiday letting in South West England... from the advertising, to cleaning and catering....and while it's much harder work than long letting, it doesn't present any of the bitter prolonged legal battles. I think this route will be my way forward here in Poland.....lots of ideas .... involving horses and log cabins and pipe dreams .....but if I say any more, someone will jump on me for daring to dream, berate me for talking crap and pour cold water by the bucket full....

shall we make peace then?

Why not?

You on the other hand have visited for a couple of weeks and had an "official discussion" and so have realised that there is no way in hell you would be encouraged to invest your cash and then when it is cheaper for you to pay off officials than to walk away from your investment be encouraged to make some donations to local officials.

Man! That's one looooong sentence! Is English your first language? Cause I can't make head nor tail of your (gratefully received!) ever so useful constructive advice!

I'm enjoying my 2 week vacation here though!! LOL!! Want me to send you a postcard??
joo who   
29 Jan 2008
History / Poland Betrayed in WW2 [243]

Now stop with the lies.

Why do you keep repeating this lie?

What a surprise?? To find Harry making arrogant snidey personal remarks, and to find him dwelling on the subjects of betrayal and Rape?? Attacking the fairer sex is one of your favourite passtimes isn't it??

joo who   
29 Jan 2008
History / Poland Betrayed in WW2 [243]

I don't know what harry did

but in this case he is right

Of course he is!! Check out his posts....personal and unprovoked attacks...males who behave like that are ALWAYS right! And I know that the best way to deal with this would be to email the guy and let him know that he's upsetting I did! And guess what?? The personal unprovoked attacks continue, and the guy hasn't even got the courtesy or the heart to respond to my email...which is why I looked for him under the headings of "war" "betrayal" and "rape"...and BINGO! there he was! Personally attacking others.......
joo who   
29 Jan 2008
History / Poland Betrayed in WW2 [243]

you might want to take a look in the mirror

..thankyou, just beautiful as ever! can a girl be so blessed! Is that the polite advice you were referring to? It's the only advice you've offered...but it was well worth following!

P.S I don't want can a mere man be my equal???
joo who   
29 Jan 2008
History / Poland Betrayed in WW2 [243]

Thankyou, Isthatu! You are a gentleman of the highest order, and I graciously accept your glowing compliment! :0)

(Anyone know what LMAO means??? Please?? Help! Dumb damsel in distress!)
joo who   
31 Jan 2008
Real Estate / Problems of renting in the Polish market [46]

Thanks, have encouraged me immensely! it took us 12 months in Uk too! With 3 million objections! Here in poland,we are in no rush to start anything yet...after years of slogging it, and stressing it..we will just be relaxing on the farm with the dogs and horses for a few months....but we are not quite old enough to retire......however I'm too scared to say any more for fear of inviting negative comments ...and while I'm usually in feisty fighting spirit...tonight I'm feeling a tad fragile!
joo who   
3 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits in Britain (not only for Polish married couples) [29]

There has been an additional tax credit allowance for multiple dependant partners since its introduction!! UK government has already been giving away thousands to polygamous families.....since 2003/04? But don't worry, as the government is feeling so rich and generous, taxes are increasing this year for those on incomes below £18500, so we can easily foot the bill for these dss benefits as well!
joo who   
3 Feb 2008
UK, Ireland / Paying tax in the UK??? Then you're breaking the law!! [41]

Oooh bugggg...errr! I was a collector of aforementioned taxes, and 2 of our sons have done 2 tours of duty each in Iraq, now heading for Afghanistan....Will I be shot at dawn for my contribution??

Seriously...taxation, as stated above, was made mandatory in the Uk to support a war against Napoleon....I think that's been over for a couple of years why are we still paying tax?? And why so much??? (Aside from supporting the benefits claims of all those polygamous, work-shy moslem asylum-seeker trouble makers, fleeing their home lands of Iraq, Iran Afghanistan that is??!)
joo who   
3 Feb 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

You keep with the,"I dont smoke so Im fit.."

I ALWAYS been "fit"! Smoking or non smoking! ;0)
And I have no problem with anyone who wants to continue smoking...I just can't afford to any longer...whether i want to or not (which if you want total honesty, i would sell my soul for a fag sometimes, that's if I hadn't already sold it in the 80's!)....but I've only got one set of lungs!!
joo who   
19 Feb 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

How about the satisfying/relaxing/soothing feeling of gettin another nicotine fix? Nothing can replace that.

That's exactly the same as heroin addicts feel about getting their next fix, isn't it?!
Ok...I'm smoke free and no longer miserable...Really! the only thing I am having trouble with here is that so many smokers are arguing their corner! I just don't get it! Even while I smoked I KNEW it was killing me, looked trashy, cost me a fortune and made me smell even worse that the horse sh*t stuck to my wellies. And I NEVER tried to defend cigarettes. Smoking is a mug's game!
joo who   
19 Feb 2008
Life / Best Sat Nav devices for use in Poland [41]

We have the latest tom tom, with poland allegedly mapped.....
We realised when we drove past the same building in Zagan for the 78th time that the tom tom wasn't quite what it said on the label! We have heard that you can get an upgrade for it in Poland...but I have been too busy focussing on a shed full of beaurocracy to investigate any further at the moment. In the meantime, we are back in the dark ages....MAPS!
joo who   
20 Feb 2008
Life / Cigarette Smoking in Poland [146]

$12/pack in Canada where i'm from

unhealthy pockets too then?? Not sure what $12 canadian translates to, but cigarettes are over £5 per pack Uk, which is about $10 USA? and about 25 PLN!

If I didn't care about my health when I smoked, I was very worried about my wealth. When you start to worry about BOTH ... time to quit!
joo who   
20 Feb 2008
Life / Toy horse in pocket for good luck according to the Polish tradition? [7]

it has to be more lucky than a real horse in the paddock! Certainly less time and money involved, far less commitment and if you get peed off with it you can stick in the back of a cupboard. It won't kick or bite you, and there's no shite to evict from your pocket (or cupboard) at the end of the day. I think, this SHOULD be a tradition, if it isn't already!
joo who   
21 Feb 2008
Language / Double entendres in the Polish language? [37]

Double what?? Is "entendre" English language, Polish language or fluent Double Dutch? Or is only a double entendre double dutch??
joo who   
21 Feb 2008
Language / Double entendres in the Polish language? [37]

Thanks! Another disappointment for my double English teacher parentage!!
Was discussing a double entendre just today as it happens:
"The past is history, the future a mystery but today is a gift...which is why it's called the present"...where present is the double entendre, right? Nope...thick as ever! Nothing risque there!

Thinking in 2 weeks!