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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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15 Jan 2007
Love / Women around the globe [37]

I don't know any mixed English/Polish couples

Well I know one.....plus here in my home town, there are two more...Irish/polish....that I know of....
15 Jan 2007
Love / Women around the globe [37]

I dont believe yar a faggot

I was sorta hoping Mr W would come in at this point and support me......lol

Yes, re English rose...there are lots of them.......don't doubt that for a minute...but "put downers" will always focus on the chavesque types...the less than rose like....but every society has them...not exclusive to England....

Paris is full of the most fabulous examples of femininity.......but take run out into the countryside.....gee.......not quiet the same...believe me!!.......
15 Jan 2007
Love / Women around the globe [37]

hacked off.....?.....yes I am too at times......maybe i don't always contribute as I'd like, am not certain of some facts etc.......I don't mind being corrected as long as its done in a certain fashion.....not ....F**k off you Irish faggot moron...or other terms of endearment...:(
15 Jan 2007
Love / Women around the globe [37]

Pastures greener......stereotypes, jealousy, posting....just to upset folk.....
15 Jan 2007
Life / I want to leave Poland [82]

mostly Mexicans here. These people are awful.

Thats a really profound, selfish and racist remark......

Remember ALL USA folks ancestors...were much the same...whats it like disowning your forefathers?

Feel free not to post again...:)
15 Jan 2007
USA, Canada / American attitude towards Poland [89]

The USA is a nation of immigrants............................BUT, from what I can see , each and every wave of new immigrants has suffered discrimination to a greater or lesser degree; however its less likely to happen now plus there are lots more regulations...........

Bear in mind the world is full of bigots and discriminators.......no one group, nation or race is immune!

But I am sure you'll be fine!
14 Jan 2007
Travel / Anyone know any English pubs in Wroclaw [47]

Steady on Wroclaw.........this is a Polish board after all......!

How many turned up......?...all now living there?.....any repeatable stories re property...etc?

Regards to Madame W too....:)
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

None of that was readable...care to repost.....?..but I will try and make sense of it.....

I didn't preach tolerance to any one who deliberately infects anyone with any disease...ok..is that clear.....if this guy knew he was infected....its attempted murder...so let the courts deal with him....I have said this before...please read back B

But you want to have no contact/dealings with any black person....full stop.

BUT my real difficulty is...you've also condemned the the girls concerned........thats unforgiveable....

Now you claim we should not like russians because of the past

Nope...you said this not me.......after all, the crimes Russians have committed against your nation far out way the crime of this one black man.............does that seem reasonable.....or do 1000s of Polish people killed and 45 yrs of occupation not count as a crime?

I'm not telling anyone on here to like/dislike anyone...just calling into question your flawed logic........whiteman ok regardless of what hes done...black man not.....regardless...of his acts.

I dont see colour/race/nationality...only people.........you see all those differences and let your racist attitude rule your head......:(
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Quoting: Bojownik, Post #69
Yeah but he wants poles to hate russians.

Your words......?...of course they are.....not mind....ergo you used the word.

have sexing with some one is different then sitting beside some one.

Of course it is...but its still a lottery......don't you get it...." aw well you shouldn't have sat next to them tough, you deserve all you get"????...thats sick.

Racist......yeah the name fits you well.....

acts of millions of poles dieing in the hands of russians

Yes that wasn't correct...will you settle for thousands then?

Still doesnt alter the conclusion the board has arrived at..........or do you want to guess?....:)
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Same old...same old..B......spewing your venom everywhere.........don't worry if your countrymen won't say anything to counter your rantings because I will....nationality is of little of no importance ...its called doing the right hing...something you're not remotely familiar with.

You use the word hateALL the time B...I suspect because thats all you've been exposed to all your life...shame really.

So you sit beside some one with TB and you develop TB...you deserve it..?....no..its called bad luck, perhaps poor judgement...thats all....not saying they deserved it.....yet again being completely lacking in humanity, ...and at the same time blaming all non-white cultures....plainly racist....

You've shown what you are......why be afraid to admit it?
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Bojownik...you've let you're fellow countrymen down.....your true racist colours have been have been hoisted high on the forums flag pole for all posters to see.

You adopt a nationalistic stance to other pople of other races which is not acceptable....you delighted in the "got what was coming to them" parts of your thread....you are sadly lacking in humanity.

You jump to conclusions, make assumptions, make derogatory comments when some one disagrees...........

All I am doing is attempting to balance your unbalanced logic, hatred and ultra- nationalistic view of the world....

There are very few Polish people on the board....thats why its in English..........

14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

yeah A...its almost a term of endearment........how do you get those kissing smilie things that M used on her post...need a few of them...lol
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

You use the word hate B..think about it...what are you raging about inside...do tell us......

You were quite happy to give a nation support, whose only real interest in Poland was to subjugate and murder you...whilst condemning this black man and all other black refugees.......pardon?

Yeah but he wants poles to hate russians.

I think B...this is want you really want to do ...but you're scared to admit it........since you hate black people .........without much reason and are happy to discriminate against them....when Russians have killed millions of Polish people over the years....no logic....

PS Yes...I loved the bastard post too........A!!!...lol
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Sergie.....apols...but my parents were indeed married.......plus I can't honestly understand what your post means, care to re post?
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

B...as you've proved by all your own posts is that you fit the stereotype, originally proposed at the start of this thread.....how could you have walked into such an obvious trap......

Am disappointed at you....lashing out an those condemned to a horrible death......believing that your rants about black people with AIDS was a responsible thing to do........sad.

Then.....actually saying you support a people who've rubbished murdered and raped your country for centuries.........defies logic.......never mentioned hating anyone....but you do seem to hate black people........

Racism is alive and well in Poland...well done.
14 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Russia is a great country. They take no **** from anyone. They have also act as a guard for centries from arab invasions of europe in other worlds act as a sheild. Russians are tough people.

I like them

Your words I believe

.....sorry if you're memory is poor, can't remember what you wrote .....backing the people who enslaved your own nation..........gee I feel so sorry for you!

You've been trouble since your first post....go post some where else
14 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Racist......white supremacist..........denier....thats all you are about......aw...so feeling the need to threaten me....such a big boy.........
14 Jan 2007
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

Miranda....wheres the moderation?....plus people need to sign up...and there should be a code of behaviour......sure we can disagree...debate....but racist, personal abuse or abuse against any group etc are a no-no......end of...!
14 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

If nationalist means nazi then just what does liberal mean? The word genocide comes to mind.

WOW, multiculturalism is worse than Generalplan Ost. You are radical Bojo.

The Nazi party was indeed the nationalist party of German, well spotted ..its ok to admit to being one ...but just don't post your ill-concieved discriminatory rubbish on here.

PS You do realise you're spitting on the graves of millions of Polish people......happy?
14 Jan 2007
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

Polish people are ******* animals, they have made Ireland a dangerous place all of them, they rob fight kidnap kids to sell organs rape our women. The crime rating has gone trough the roof since them pieces of **** came here there dangerous big and ugly, they all look deformed like they were made in a science lab. They walk around like the own the place. Eastern Europeans are sick people with no hearts.

I really do not care if blacks or arabs or whatever have their own countries, but please, please not in Poland. Not in innocent Warsaw. It's a precious city representing Poland's heritage, it should'nt be disrespected with other cultures trying to take it over.

I kinda feel for the "polishout" guy,

Well, one thing, I am glad that racists trolls are taking over...............

this board...............sickening...and they daren't even join!